177 résultats pour "years"
Gap Year
Fils ; Hello Dad Pere ; Hye Son Fils ; I have a really , really important thing to tell you , So listen to me carefully please . Pere : More important than a football match , Wait and see. Fils ; Dad !!! Be serious please !! Dad ; Ok but hurry up please while it's the half time Fils ; Ok but promise me that you won't get angry . Dad ; Don't worry and hurry up please ! Fils ; So , I want to go in … Dad ; The toillet , there is someone in Fils ; Dad you're such a pai...
Gap year
What if i were to tell you that the majority of students would love to take a gap year but our current model of society does not encourage this practice, they follow the safest route. When I ask them what do you like to do on weekends, what is your passion? They tell me things like, I like learning new languages or discovering new places, making videos. So I ask what they plan to do after high school, they often tell me, I'm going to become an engineer or a lawyer to please my parents and...
- New Year's Day.
After 40 years of dictatorship under Franco, Spain achieved democracy in1978.
After 40 years of dictatorship under Franco, Spain achieved democracy in 1978. Decentralisation was introduced rapidly under Basque and Catalan pressure, the regions where it has gone furthest. Having been in power since 1982, the Socialists, faced with numerous scandals, lost power in 1996 to the Spanish People's Party, elected thanks to the support of Basque and Catalan nationalists - both of which are seeking independence. Spain, a member of the European Union since 1986, has successfully tak...
- gap year
Cyprus is an island divided in two where two communities have opposedeach other for more than twenty years.
Cyprus is an island divided in two where two communities have opposed each other for more than twenty years. A former British colony independent since 1960, the island of Cyprus is situated to the South of Turkey in the Mediterranean Sea. In 1974, the Turkish army invaded the Northern third of the island, following an attempted cut by the Greek Cypriots. Since then, Cyprus has been divided into two parts, separated by a sealed buffer zone occupied by 2,000 UN troops. The standard of living on th...
A Communist regime since 1945 and completely cut off from the outsideworld for thirty years, Albania opened its frontiers in 1990.
A Communist regime since 1945 and completely cut off from the outside world for thirty years, Albania opened its frontiers in 1990. Tens of thousands of Albanians then tried to flee to Italy and Greece. Little by little Albania is normalising its relations with these countries. It is now the most rural and poorest state in Europe, with an unemployment rate of almost 20%. However, since 1994 Albania has begun its recovery. Its economic growth rate is high (over 8%). The first country in Eastern E...
More than 700 years old, this neutral State organized as a Confederationof sovereign cantons, is famous for its direct democracy and referendums.
More than 700 years old, this neutral State organized as a Confederation of sovereign cantons, is famous for its direct democracy and referendums. At the end of 1992 a small majority of the Swiss rejected the country's entry to the EEC. One canton has very recently confirmed its refusal to allow women the right to vote. Switzerland is facing increasing isolation within the European Economic Area, further accentuated by Austria, Sweden and Finland's membership of the European Union. The Swiss hav...
The Declaration of IndependenceIn the summer of 1776, more than a year after American colonists had begun their rebellion against Great Britain, the Second Continental Congress debated a resolution forindependence.
The Declaration of Independence In the summer of 1776, more than a year after American colonists had begun their rebellion against Great Britain, the Second Continental Congress debated a resolution forindependence. A committee of five worked on the document, but it was Thomas Jefferson who prepared the initial draft and whose eloquent phrasing made it a masterpieceof political writing. The text of the declaration contains three major sections: a statement of principle, a list of grievances agai...
Exposée anglais, film 12 years a slave
DIAPO 1/ introduction>>> lire ce qu’il y a sur le diapo, rien de plus ( quand même mettre des sujets ) DIAPO 2/ présentation>>> This movie is an adaptation of Solomon Northup’s autobiography «Twelve Years of Slavery». This movie tells the tragic story of solomon by taking up what was delivered in his autobiography. At first, Solomon Northup was a free man but later he was kidnapped to be sold as a slave in a plantation in Louisiana. The movie takes place in America,in New Orleans area: in...
The AI in 30 years
The AI in 30years The AI (Artificial Intelligence) is becoming more and more important in recent years. She causes a lot of questions for the future and also causes a general fear created by fiction in books and films that scientists and engineers try to minimise. However, this fear has been around for a long time and since the beginning of work on artificial intelligence in the 1960s. But the general trend with AI is to try to predict what it will be like in the future, starting with im...
Has the position of african americans changed over the years?
Today I have chosen to introduce you to a subject related to the theme "relation to the world" and the axiom "common heritage and diversity". For this, I will be focused on one main question: "Has the position of african americans change since slavery?" I decided to deal with this topic because, as we all know, the African American population and culture are now part and parcel of the United States. However, it has not always been the case, far from it actually, and I find it fascinating ho...
Dear Ms. Myrna, I am a divorced mother of 2 children.( A fourteen years old girl and an eight years old boy) The Dad is nowhere in the picture. The girl has started to be mouthy and not tell me where she will be when she goes out. She comes in late smelling of alcohol and I feel I am unable to keep her safe. She is setting a bad example for her brother and keeping me on edge. What should I do? She is a tall, muscular girl and, frankly, I am afraid of her. Since I am at my wits e...
- Calendar.
- Tom Watson.
- Millennium.
- Ice Ages.
- Tiger Woods.
- Child Labor.
- Mario Lemieux.
- Neandertals.
- Population.
- Earth (planet).
- Martina Navratilova.
- Barry Bonds.
- Glacier.
- Stone Age.
- Thomas Edison.
- Wayne Gretzky.
- Women's Track and Field Individual: Olympic Gold Medalists.
- Elgin Baylor.
- Julius Caesar.
- Vince Lombardi.
- Census.
- Archaeology.
- John Macdonald.
- James Monroe.
- Boxing: Olympic Gold Medalists.
- Women's Swimming: Olympic Gold Medalists.
- Smoking.
- Chess.
- Bill Clinton.
- Franklin Pierce
- Global Warming.
- Richard Wagner.
- Fossil Fuels.
- Human Disease.
- James Madison
- Ape - biology.
- James Madison.