38 résultats pour "women"
- Women's Rights.
Women's Lib
1 / 2 Women's Lib 1 Le mouvement de llb6rallon des temmea (Women's Liberation, abrégé en Women's Lib) connait un Impor tant développement aux ~tata-Unis depuis le début des années 60. Ses revendications ne sont pas seulement . économiques et sociales mais aussi morales et poltl quea. Pour ses animatrices, il s'agit d'une · lutte dee . clasaee, celle des femmes, exploitées, contre celle des hommes, exploiteurs. 2 Selon le Women's Ub, la...
- Women's Swimming: Olympic Gold Medalists.
- Women's Track and Field Individual: Olympic Gold Medalists.
- Women's Diving: Olympic Gold Medalists.
violence suffered by women
Speech against violence suffered by women Today, it’s very important for me to be speaking about a cause which is particulary close to my heart : the combating violence against women. The violence suffered by women constitute one of the most prevalent violations of human's rights in the world. In France, more than 200 000 women suffer gender-based and sexual violence. Feminicide is the extreme form of this violence. As Benoite Groult a feminist activist said “Feminism has never killed an...
ORAL LLCE How can arts influence mentalities about women’s conditions ?
ORAL LLCE How can arts influence mentalities about women’s conditions ? ● INTRODUCTION ● I/ CHALLENGING MENTALITIES THROUGH LITERATURE ○ ○ Jane Eyre, 1847 The Way of All Flesh, 2018 ● II/ THE POWER OF MUSIC ○ ○ Virgin Mary, 2023 Riot Girls, 90s ● III/ EXPANDING TO VISUAL ARTS ● ○ Medusa with the head of Perseus, 2008 ○ Hidden figures CONCLUSION Art is known for being a way of expression and denunciation, reflecting the different ways of thinking and society’s...
Comment Gabrielle Chanel a-t-elle révolutionné la mode féminine et participé à l’émancipation des femmes ?
Problématique : Comment Gabrielle Chanel a-t-elle révolutionné la mode féminine et participé à l’émancipation des femmes ? Plan de l’oral 1. L'histoire de la marque et de sa créatrice 2. Les révolutions Chanel et ses créations, mixte du féminin et du masculin 3. Ce qu’elle a apporté aux femmes et à leur émancipation Introduction : (en anglais) Gabrielle Chanel, known as Coco Chanel is born on the 19th of august 1883 in Saumur. She is a great Frenc...
ORAL LLCE Title: The Evolution of Women's Role in English Society: A Comprehensive Analysis
Title: The Evolution of Women's Role in English Society: A Comprehensive Analysis Introduction Good morning esteemed members of the panel, today I am here to embark on a journey through the historical landscape of English society, focusing on the pivotal role of women. Our exploration will draw from various literary and journalistic works, including Margaret Atwood's seminal piece, "The Handmaid's Tale", Naomi Wolf's enlightening discourse "The Beauty Myth", insights from the New Spotlig...
Do you believe that pop culture has made women nudity and body an object ?
Do you believe that pop culture has made women nudity and body an object ? Popular culture is generally recognized as a set of the practices, beliefs, and objects that are dominant or prevalent in a society at a given point in time. This fact means that people consciously or unconsciously are influenced by what pop culture is trying to convey. Therefore, it is a political, social and feminist issue because it takes up and encompasses the questions of society and conveys images that conditi...
- Susan B.
- Susan B.
- Mia Hamm.
- Lacrosse.
- Badminton.
- Birth Control.
- Discrimination.
- Basketball.
- Marriage.
- Softball.
- Olympic Games.
- Pornography.
- Susan B.
- Tennis.
- Diving (sport).
- Abortion.
- Soccer.
- Prison.
- Civil Rights and Civil Liberties.
- Roman Empire .
- Ancient Greece.
- Intelligence.
- Ancient Rome .
- Cuba - country.
- Canada.
- Ice Skating.
- Culture.