162 résultats pour "who"
Who Groupe de rock britannique Les Who sont à l'origine de chansons qui dominent la musique rock des années 60, notamment du célèbre "My Generation" (1965), hymne des teenagers et succès international, où s'exprime par des mots simples et une musique sans fioritures le sentiment de frustration des jeunes. Suivent d'autres succès comme "Substitute", "Pictures of Lily" et "Happy Jack". Le guitariste Pete Townshend (* 1945) est l'auteur de la majeure partie des chansons, le reste étant l'oeuvre du...
Tom Jones (1749)Henry FieldingBook I -- Chapter 1An author ought to consider himself, not as a gentleman who gives a private oreleemosynary treat, but rather as one who keeps a public ordinary, at which allpersons are welcome for their money.
Tom Jones (1749) Henry Fielding Book I — Chapter 1 An author ought to consider himself, not as a gentleman who gives a private or eleemosynary treat, but rather as one who keeps a public ordinary, at which all persons are welcome for their money. In the former case, it is well known that the entertainer provides what fare he pleases; and though this should be very indifferent, and utterly disagreeable to the taste of his company, they must not find any fault; nay, on the contrary, good breedin...
FOOTBALLa matchtwo teams playing against each other in a 90-minute game of footballa pitchthe area where footballers play a matcha refereethe person who makes sure that the players follow the rules.
FOOTBALL a match two teams playing against each other in a 90-minute game of football a pitch the area where footballers play a match a referee the person who makes sure that the players follow the rules. Normally wears a black shirt and shorts, an d has a whistle a linesman (referee's assistant) the person whose main duty it is to indicate with a flag when the ball has gone out of play or when a player is offside a goalkeeper the player in goal who has to stop the ball from crossing the goal-...
The Teachings of MuhammadDuring the early 7th century, a trader named Muhammad was meditating in a cave near Mecca in what is now Saudi Arabia, when he experienced a vision of the archangelGabriel who declared Muhammad to be a prophet of God.
The Teachings of Muhammad During the early 7th century, a trader named Muhammad was meditating in a cave near Mecca in what is now Saudi Arabia, when he experienced a vision of the archangelGabriel who declared Muhammad to be a prophet of God. Other revelations followed, and Muhammad began to preach to others, reciting in verse the instructions he hadreceived from God. These revelations became the Koran, the sacred scripture of Islam. In this passage from Muhammad’s teachings, he teaches his fol...
- LE DISCOURS D’UN ROIFrançais Anglais In the first instance, i’m going to recapitulate the movie for those of you who don’t know.
Political conflicts are becoming increasingly apparent between those whowant closer ties with the European Union and those who want more contactwith the CIS.
Political conflicts are becoming increasingly apparent between those who want closer ties with the European Union and those who want more contact with the CIS. However, in 1995 Bulgaria increased its efforts to form closer links with the European Union. After a major economic and monetary recession in 1993, the country was able to restructure its debt. The mass-privatisation programme is still in place, but the restoration of state-owned land to its owners, started in 1991, has been stopped by t...
Vampire Diaries
VAMPIRE DIARIES The Vampire Diaries is an American supernatural/drama television series created by Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec in 2009. It is based on the novels of the same title by the author Lisa Jane Smith. The characters in the book are different from those in the series and sometimes have less or more importance. Elena Gilbert is a pretty, popular seventeen year old girl. She attends high school in the small isolated town of Mystic Falls. Her friends are Bonnie Bennett, who...
Log In
Log In Unit 5-8 !Unit 5 !SHE PASSED HER DRIVING TEST WITH FLYING COLOURS. !!An Edinburgh woman was taking her driving test. At one point, the examiner told her to take the Þrst turning on the left. At that moment a boy ran across the road just in front of the car. She braked hard, and the examiner who had been looking at his notes, hit the windscreen giving him a nice bump on his forehead. She passed the test with the dry but objective comment "Your emergency stop is excellent. Ó !ELLE A...
CONTEXT : Jane Eyre has found the house where Rochester was living since Thornfield burnt. After coming to Mary and John's, Jane Eyre learns that Rochester had lost his eyesight in that accident. The scene starts with Mary who is going to give Rochester some water. However Jane takes the tray from her and brings the water herself. INT.AT DUSK - ROCHESTER'S ROOM - FULL SHOT. The room is very sad, and gloomy. A neglected handful of fire burn in the grate. In one corner, there are some ca...
TPE : Anti-héros / Dexter C’est au XIX eme siècle que l’on voit apparaître de plus en plus d’antihéros. Dans l'antiquité, les qualités du héros étaient : la renommée, la gloire, la force, la volonté de vaincre, le courage , la sagesse, l’intelligence , la grandeur, l’accomplissement d’exploits. Un héros (ou, au féminin, une héroïne) est un personnage réel ou fictif de l'Histoire, de la mythologi...
- one direction
- Meryl Streep.
- Physiology.
- Tom Hanks.
- Alcoholism.
- Criminal Law.
- Henry VIII .
- Henry VIII.
- Jimmy Carter
- Jimmy Carter.
- Mythology.
- Comedy
- Paul Martin.
- Smoking.
- James Polk
- Rutherford B.
- James Polk.
- Woodrow Wilson
- Immigration.
- Woodrow Wilson.
- Roman Empire .
- Holocaust .
- Ronald Reagan.
- Zachary Taylor
- Zachary Taylor.
- Vikings .
- Psychotherapy.
- Ancient Rome .
- Prison.
- Warren G.
- Psychology.
- Abortion.
- Qur'an.
- Vitamin.
- John Adams
- John Adams.
- John Adams - U.
- Welfare.
- Jane Austen.
- Ice Hockey.