175 résultats pour "united"
Declaration by United NationsSoon after the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, British prime minister Winston Churchill met with United States president Franklin D.
Declaration by United Nations Soon after the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, British prime minister Winston Churchill met with United States president Franklin D. Roosevelt inWashington, D.C., to develop strategies for coping with the global crisis. One such strategy, the Declaration by United Nations, emphasized their collective dedication towinning World War II (1939-1945). This declaration incorporated principles of the Atlantic Charter, which the two leaders had agreed to in Aug...
- George Washington I INTRODUCTION George Washington (1732-1799), first president of the United States (1789-1797) and one of the most important leaders in United States history.
United Fruit
1 / 2 United Fruit 1 La societe holding United Fruit Company est souvent citee en Amerique latine comme rexemple le plus typique de Ia domination economique et poiltique nord-antericaine. Bien que !immense empire du premier producteur de bananes du monde ait connu des difficultes vers 1960, Ia United Fruit a su mem reconversion, en diversi- fiant ses interets et en les etendant au bole et au parole, notamment A Panama et en Colombie...
- United Nations.
United Fruit
1 / 2 1 4 janvier 1967 Série C-10 Fiche No 1542 United Fruit 1. La société holding américaine United Fruit Co. est souvent citée, en Amérique latine, comme l'exemple le plus typique du grand capitalisme impérialiste. Elle fut fondée en 1899 (au lendemain du Traité de Paris qui consacrait l'expansion des Etats-Unis dans les Caraïbes) pour acheter une quinzaine de compagnies qui avaient des inté rêts en Amérique centrale et du Sud. Elle démon...
Louisiana Purchase TreatyIn 1803 the United States purchased a vast interior region of North America from France for $15 million.
Louisiana Purchase Treaty In 1803 the United States purchased a vast interior region of North America from France for $15 million. This acquisition, called the Louisiana Purchase, extended U.S.territory from the Mississippi River westward to the Rocky Mountains. The first of the following three documents is the treaty of cession, in which France agreed to sell theprovince known as Louisiana to the United States. The other two documents are separate agreements, one for the U.S. government’s payme...
The Emancipation ProclamationIssued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863, this famous document, printed here in its entirety, granted freedom to more than 3 million United States slaves.
The Emancipation Proclamation Issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863, this famous document, printed here in its entirety, granted freedom to more than 3 million United States slaves.Lincoln's decree was later made law by passage of the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1865. The Emancipation Proclamation By the President of the United States of America: A Proclamation. Whereas, on the twenty-second day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun...
Geography of the United States
X²Chapter 2 : Geography of the United States Introducrtion : Is the USA a country* ? !! les états-unis sont > the USA is (NOT ARE) Country : Several éléments are needed to consider an area as a country : a population, a territory, one governement, a sovereignty = this government rule / control / decide / has the control AND a recognition = other countries consider this are as a country It seems obvious the USA is a country, without any doubt BUT… • Problems about the territory...
Universal Declaration of Human RightsThe Universal Declaration of Human Rights--adopted by the United Nations (UN) in 1948--gave human rights a new international legal status.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights The Universal Declaration of Human Rights—adopted by the United Nations (UN) in 1948—gave human rights a new international legal status. Building on precedents set bythe British Magna Carta (1215), the French Declaration of the Rights of Man (1789), and the United States Bill of Rights (1791), the Universal Declaration also reflected theevents of the 1930s and 1940s, particularly the Nazi Holocaust. Reports of Nazi atrocities shocked people around the world...
The United States of America (2)
"The United States of America (2) L'essentiel du cours Key dates The jirst British colon y, Virginia, starts importing African slaves. The Am ërican ê/iifî War The industrial 'Union States' in the North Led by Abraham Lincolnfought the 'Confederate States' in the South. The southern states did not want to abo/ish s/avery and so intended to secede from the United States. ln 1862, Lincoln proclaimed the abolition of slavery. ln...
The United Kingdom
The United Kingdom L'essentiel du cours Basic facts Capital city Countries Currency The national flag The national anthem National emblems National mottas London : {;ref!t Brjtqin_: E(Jg/af_J_d, SëQtlaf1q , ~a_/es -Northern Ire/and (Ulster) Pound Sterling (E) "The Union Jack" composed of 3 crosses: St George's (Eng/and), St Andrew's (Scot/and), St Patrick's (Ire/and). God Save the Queen -Rose (England) -Lee k (Wales) -Thistle (Sco...
The United States of Amer ica (1)
~ The United States of America (1) L'essentiel du cours Basic facts Capital city Currency The national flag The national anthem National emblems National mottoes Public ho/idays Washington D:C. (District of Columbia) US dollar($) "The Star Spang/ed Banner" or "Stars and Stripes": 50 white stars (the 50 states) and 13 red and white stripes (the 13 original colonies) . Tl:!_e Star Spangled Banner -The American Great Sea...
Founder State of the Commonwealth, the United Kingdom comprises England,Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Founder State of the Commonwealth, the United Kingdom comprises England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. It is a member of the European Union despite major reservations. The slump in traditional industries has caused massive unemployment in the great industrial regions of Northern England but the discovery of major deposits of oil and natural gas in the North Sea has provided the country with considerable revenue. The number of British people living below the poverty line has increased con...
High Schools in the United States
High Schools in the United States High schools in the United States include students who are in 9th through 12th grade (ages 14-18). Ninth grade students are called freshmen, tenth grade students are called sophomores, eleventh grade students are called juniors and twelfth grade students are called seniors. Before high school, students attend middle school or Junior High school, which is 5th through 8th grade (ages 10-14). Before middle school, students attend elementary school, which is ki...
THE WALKING DEAD IN REAL LIFE ? FENTANYL, THE DRUG RAVAGING THE UNITED STATES 1- THE ORIGIN OF FENTANYL Fentanyl is a highly potent synthetic drug primary used as an analgesic ( a painkiller). Created in 1959 by DR. Paul JANSSEN ( a Belgian physician, the creator of Johnson & Johnson). The drug is 50 times more potent than heroin and 100 times more potent than morphine. It is usually used in hospital, in operating rooms. It as the similar e ect than opium. 2-FENTANYL, A DANGEROUS SUBSTAN...
- Women's Diving: Olympic Gold Medalists.
- Men's Swimming: Olympic Gold Medalists.
- Men's Track and Field Individual: Olympic Gold Medalists.
- Boxing: Olympic Gold Medalists.
- Friedensmissionen der UNO (Auswahl).
- Women's Swimming: Olympic Gold Medalists.
- Long Course World Records.
- Bean - biology.
- Immigration.
- Cold War .
- Cold War.
- Cold War - U.
- Women's Track and Field Individual: Olympic Gold Medalists.
- World Track and Field Records.
- Hockey: U.
- Mexican War.
- Labor Union.
- Vietnam War.
- Warren G.
- Pornography.
- John Tyler
- John Tyler.
- Money.
- James Monroe.
- John F.
- John F.
- Harry S.
- Harry S.
- Lester Pearson.
- Horse Racing.
- Federalism.
- Smoking.
- John Adams
- John Adams.
- John Adams - U.