4 résultats pour "review"
- Peu de temps après sa nomination à la présidence de la Bourse de Montréal, le bulletin de l'institution, le Monthly Review, devient bilingue. Pierre Duchesne, Jacques Parizeau, tome 1, Québec Amérique
John Orley Allen Tate
John Orley Allen Tate1899-1979 Né à Winchester (Kentucky), mort à Nashville (Tennessee). Études à la Vanderbilt University. Fut l'un desfondateurs du mouvement "Les Fugitifs", puis des "South Agrarians". Passait d'une université à l'autre sans y résiderafin d'enseigner la poésie ainsi que le firent ses compagnons John Crowe Ramsom, Donald Davidson, Robert PennWarren. Il a fondé et dirigé maintes revues littéraires : "Southern Review", "Kenyon Review" "Swanee Review". S'estconverti au cath...
Review of the movie : The Whale
Review: The Whale I saw this movie yesterday and I cannot stop to think about it so I am going to write about it, like a review. (I’m going to ask myself some questions because if I do not do that I will certainly talk about the movie for more than 6 pages.) It’s probably the most moving movie I have ever watched – I have never cried so much in front of a movie. It is special because there are just 5 characters (6 if we count the delivery boy) and the whole movie takes place in Charlie’s h...
Book Review: The Kite Runner
BOOK REVIEW TKR The Kite Runner, a compelling best-selling novel by Khaled Hosseini published in 2003, is a deeply moving story that delves into the complex themes of salvation, betrayal, the inhumanity of a rigid class system and the enduring power of guilt. Hosseini recounts the life of Amir, a young boy from Kabul, and his lifelong heart-wrenching quest for redemption and forgiveness after having betrayed his best friend Hassan during their childhood. Set in Afghanistan from the peacefu...