37 résultats pour "person"
FOOTBALLa matchtwo teams playing against each other in a 90-minute game of footballa pitchthe area where footballers play a matcha refereethe person who makes sure that the players follow the rules.
FOOTBALL a match two teams playing against each other in a 90-minute game of football a pitch the area where footballers play a match a referee the person who makes sure that the players follow the rules. Normally wears a black shirt and shorts, an d has a whistle a linesman (referee's assistant) the person whose main duty it is to indicate with a flag when the ball has gone out of play or when a player is offside a goalkeeper the player in goal who has to stop the ball from crossing the goal-...
- Anglais: Is TV good or bad for person and society ?
Capote (Truman Streckfus Persons, dit Truman)
\HDLN0000100123 \LINK0040000406PE_0458T Capote (Truman Streckfus Persons, dit Truman) Écrivain américain * 30.9.1924, La Nouvelle-Orléans + 25.8.1984, Los Angeles Capote débute sa carrière en 1940 comme chroniqueur au "New Yorker". Auteur de nouvelles et de romans néoromantiques, il se fait remarquer des milieux littéraires américains, en 1958, avec "Petit Déjeuner chez Tiffany" (1958, adapté au cinéma en 1961 et interprété par Audrey Hepburn), satire humoristique de la petite bourgeoisie soucie...
L' œ uvre de Taine
- Criminal Law.
- Game Theory I INTRODUCTION Game Theory, mathematical analysis of any situation involving a conflict of interest, with the intent of indicating the optimal choices that, under given conditions, will lead to a desired outcome.
- Schizophrenia.
- First Aid.
- Depression (psychology).
- Síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida (SIDA) - ciencias de la naturaleza.
- Mental Illness.
- Hepatitis.
- Anxiety.
- Blood.
- Learning.
- Confucius
- Bill of Rights.
- Alcoholism.
- Immune System.
- Suicide.
- Intelligence.
- Psychotherapy.
- Influenza.
- Taxation.
- Human Disease.
- Heart.
- Psychology.
- Poverty.
- Race - biology.
- Terrorism.
- Medical Ethics.
- Hinduism.
- Census.
- Bible.
- Civil Rights and Civil Liberties.
- Medicine.