8 résultats pour "llce"
Devoir LLCE
DEVOIR LLCE ARTICLE Hello everyone, today I am going to present an article that sets out the views of many people in America and around the world. This is an occasional opinion piece written by John Sheirer published on September 10, 2020, we unfortunately don’t know which newspaper or site this article comes from, so I can’t link the position of the author to any status. The point of view expressed by John Sheirer is its own. Indeed, this article takes place in a complex political context...
oral llce
LLCE ORAL Type de documents Références 1 œuvre complète au programme (matérialisée par un extrait ou une illustration) Brooklyn Au moins 1 extrait littéraire On the road-KEROUAC (Book.1, Chap.3) Au moins 1 texte non littéraire (article de presse, extrait de discours, d’essais, etc) 1 ou 2 œuvres d’art (affiche, caricature, dessin, extrait de film, peinture, sculpture, etc) Shuggie bain Dust Bowl refugees arrive in California-LANGE How the fact of traveling can...
Exemple blog LLCE niveau 1ère Handmaid's Tale
READ AND TALK Hey everybody and welcom on our page.If you are a new reader, I explain the concept of the blog : every week, we choose one cha pter of a book or novel that the readers chose and we analyze to help you to discover the book a little more .And this week we chose ...THE HANDMAID ’S TALE by Margaret Atwood .The book is a dystopia novel which describe maybe a future tense where the religion dominates politics in the totalitarian regime, where the woman are dep...
LLCE Anglais Monde Contemporain My Portfolio
2023-2024 LLCE Anglais Monde Contemporain My Portfolio Theme: Representing the World Sub theme : The Gaining of Independence Topic: United States of America recognizes Cook Islands and Niue as independent states Issue: How does this new gained independence affect the international relationships between different world powers? Table of content: Page 1-2 US recognizes Cook Islands and Niue as independent states CNN September 25, 2023 Page 3 US President Joe Biden h...
oral llce
podemos decir que la mujer española ha evolucionado durante el siglo XIX Julio romero de Toerres; Manola 1900 Las chicas del cable Como agua para chocolate: momoent ou Gertrudis devient capitaine de la revolution mexicaine LA guía de la buena esposa I. 2 œuvres iconographiques : (tableau, bd, photos…) 1. Julio romero de Torres Manola Femme avec cigarette a la bouche, la femme casse les codes = femme libre 2. Affiche de la constitution républicaine de 1931 Droit des femmes= G...
Synthèse LLCE: This article written by David Robson
TG03 LLCE SYNTHESE This article written by David Robson, explains the work of Tim Lomas. His work is about how important it is to express our feelings with precise words. The message of this article is that we don't put as much attention as we should on the words we chose to express our many emotions. We always use the same words to express our feelings and it might be a barrier to the transmission of our deep feelings. For him, this lack of vocabulary in our respective languages could...
Grand oral llce: Est-il possible de déconstruire les préjugés de notre société afin de se construire soi-même ?
LLCE Grand oral Est-il possible de déconstruire les préjugés de notre société afin de se construire soi-même ? Plan : I- Les préjugés et l’influence subis dans notre société a- Les réseaux sociaux / Notre entourage / Notre éducation b- Ct Les répercussions des préjugés (violences, discriminations, jugements.) II- Changer de regard a- Pourquoi b- Comment (élargir notre esprit, voyage, s’intéresser, comprendre) III- Soyons nous même a- Apprendre à s’aimer (citation the hate u g...
ORAL LLCE How can arts influence mentalities about women’s conditions ?
ORAL LLCE How can arts influence mentalities about women’s conditions ? ● INTRODUCTION ● I/ CHALLENGING MENTALITIES THROUGH LITERATURE ○ ○ Jane Eyre, 1847 The Way of All Flesh, 2018 ● II/ THE POWER OF MUSIC ○ ○ Virgin Mary, 2023 Riot Girls, 90s ● III/ EXPANDING TO VISUAL ARTS ● ○ Medusa with the head of Perseus, 2008 ○ Hidden figures CONCLUSION Art is known for being a way of expression and denunciation, reflecting the different ways of thinking and society’s...