331 résultats pour "his"
Robinson Crusoe (extrait)Daniel Defoe(...)In a little time I began to speak to him, and teach him to speak to me; and, first, Imade him know his name should be Friday, which was the day I saved his life.
Robinson Crusoe (extrait) Daniel Defoe (…) In a little time I began to speak to him, and teach him to speak to me; and, first, I made him know his name should be Friday, which was the day I saved his life. I called him so for the memory of the time. I likewise taught him to say master, and then let him know that was to be my name. I likewise taught him to say Yes and No, and to know the meaning of them. I gave him some milk in an earthen pot, and let him see me drink it before him, and sop my...
- his
Essay English : In Arthur Miller's play "All my sons", Joe Keller is a hero in his family and in the neighborhood even if he did some very awful things.
ENGLISH In Arthur Miller's play “All my sons�, Joe Keller is a hero in his family and in the neighborhood even if he did some very things. Joe is respected by his family because he is the man who let them have a very good and wealthy life. This is because Joe's company succeeded, and his family respect him for that. Firstly because Joe has a big lack of education because he comes from a poor world : “it is with the terrible concentration of the uneducated man�. So this upward mobility wa...
- Marco Polo Marco Polo (1254-1324), Venetian traveler and author, whose account of his travels and experiences in China offered Europeans a firsthand view of Asian lands and stimulated interest in Asian trade.
Principal Provisions of the Magna CartaThe Magna Carta was signed by King John of England in response to the complaints of his barons, and thus its emphasis is on the limits of royal authority and the properrelationship between king and subject.
Principal Provisions of the Magna Carta The Magna Carta was signed by King John of England in response to the complaints of his barons, and thus its emphasis is on the limits of royal authority and the properrelationship between king and subject. The reference to “scutage” here means all monetary obligations of a vassal to his lord. Slight variations of language appear indifferent printed editions of the Magna Carta. Principal Provisions of the Magna Carta 1215 John, by the grace of God King of...
- James Dean James Dean (1931-1955), American actor on film, stage, and television, whose early death in an automobile accident contributed to his enduring legend.
New York Times, September 29 1891Herman Melville died yesterday at his residence, 104 East Twenty-sixthStreet, this city, of heart failure, aged seventy-two.
New York Times, September 29 1891 Herman Melville died yesterday at his residence, 104 East Twenty-sixth Street, this city, of heart failure, aged seventy-two. He was the author of Typee, Omoo, Mobie Dick, and other sea-faring tales, written in earlier years. He leaves a wife and two daughters, Mrs. M. B. Thomas and Miss Melville. Herman Melville est décédé hier à son domicile new-yorkais d’un arrêt cardiaque, à l’âge de soixante-deux ans. Il était l’auteur de Typee, Omoo, Mobie Dick et d’autres...
Ben Haggerty
Ben Haggerty Is an American rapper who was born in 1983 known under the pseudonym Macklemore. Passionate about music since he was a child, he wrote his first songs at the age of 14. teenager he was influenced by the New York rap bands. He began his musical career in 2000, he unveiled his first EP "Open Your Eyes" under the name « Professor Macklemore ». His first album "The Language of My World", was released in 2005 and is very popular among rap fans. Ryan Lewis is a...
Corentin Sallé de Chou Tuesday 10 March 2015 Alexandre Théophile Anglais 1SSI EXPOSÉ SKERLOCK Sherlock is a British police television series created by Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat and spread since 25 in July, 2010 on BBC One. It is a modern adaptation of Sherlock Holmes adventures written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, with Benedict Cumberbatch in the role of the central figure and Martin Freeman In watson Dr's rôle. Sherlock Holmes is a fictional character create...
Log In
Log In Unit 5-8 !Unit 5 !SHE PASSED HER DRIVING TEST WITH FLYING COLOURS. !!An Edinburgh woman was taking her driving test. At one point, the examiner told her to take the Þrst turning on the left. At that moment a boy ran across the road just in front of the car. She braked hard, and the examiner who had been looking at his notes, hit the windscreen giving him a nice bump on his forehead. She passed the test with the dry but objective comment "Your emergency stop is excellent. Ó !ELLE A...
TPE : Anti-héros / Dexter C’est au XIX eme siècle que l’on voit apparaître de plus en plus d’antihéros. Dans l'antiquité, les qualités du héros étaient : la renommée, la gloire, la force, la volonté de vaincre, le courage , la sagesse, l’intelligence , la grandeur, l’accomplissement d’exploits. Un héros (ou, au féminin, une héroïne) est un personnage réel ou fictif de l'Histoire, de la mythologi...
article anglais
EVA GINOT 1ere ES1 FOOD CRISIS, 1993 Photo by Kevin CARTER. This photo was taken in Sudan, March 1993 by photographer Kevin Carter. We see a child visibly exhausted, lying on the ground, defeated by hunger. The idea that he is living his last moments is reinforced by the threatening presence of a vulture, these raptors sniffing the death to come. This picture is an income of famine in Africa. The 32-year-old photojournalist travels to Sudan armed with his only camera,...
HIS 7 - Humanisme, réformes et conflits religieux
HIS 7 - Humanisme, réformes et conflits religieux PROBLÉMATIQUE : Quels sont les bouleversements culturels, religieux et scientifiques en Europe aux XVème et XVIème siècles ? Contrat d’objectifs : HIS 7 - Humanisme, réformes et conflits religieux Ce que tu dois savoir faire : • Raconter les bouleversements scientifiques, techniques, culturels et religieux que connaît l’Europe à la Renaissance. • Expliquer comment l’humanisme transforme la vision de l’homme et de Dieu. • Expl...
CONTEXT : Jane Eyre has found the house where Rochester was living since Thornfield burnt. After coming to Mary and John's, Jane Eyre learns that Rochester had lost his eyesight in that accident. The scene starts with Mary who is going to give Rochester some water. However Jane takes the tray from her and brings the water herself. INT.AT DUSK - ROCHESTER'S ROOM - FULL SHOT. The room is very sad, and gloomy. A neglected handful of fire burn in the grate. In one corner, there are some ca...
- Satchel Paige.
- Rembrandt.
- David O.
- sherlock holmes
- Lamia
- Arthur Miller.
- Mickey Mantle.
- anglais
- Marlon Brando.
- sherlock holmes
- John Coltrane.
- Buddha.
- sherlock holmes
- Martin Luther.
- Cecil B.
- Genghis Khan.
- Richard Petty.
- Pete Rose.
- Paul Cézanne.
- Robert E.
- Le Corbusier.
- Robert E.
- Henry Hudson.
- Elvis Presley.
- Ray Charles.
- Robert Frost.
- Muhammad Ali.
- Frank Sinatra.
- Confucius.
- Leonardo da Vinci.
- Leif Eriksson.