120 résultats pour "has"
The European Union, of which it has been a member since 1981, has justimposed an austerity plan on Greece.
The European Union, of which it has been a member since 1981, has just imposed an austerity plan on Greece. Government debts and the widespread slump has encouraged the development of a black economy. After going against the European Union and refusing to recognise the State of Macedonia, Greece finally signed an agreement with the Macedonian government, under pressure from the Americans. A co-operation and friendship treaty was also signed with Albania in 1996. On the other hand, tensions with...
Hase Dagmar
Hase Dagmar (22/12/1969) Allemagne Natation . Plusieurs titres de championne d'Europe et du monde depuis 1989 ( 400 m et 4 x 200 m ) ainsi que plusieurs podiums dont la 2e place du200 m dos aux Mondiaux de 1991 et 1998 . Championne olympique sur 400 m en 1992 . Médaillée d'argent sur 200 m dos et 4 x 100 m 4 nages en1992 et sur 400 et 800 m en 1996 ( 3e sur 200 m en 1996 ).
Since 1989, the date of the collapse of communism, Europe has entered aperiod of profound reorganisation.
Since 1989, the date of the collapse of communism, Europe has entered a period of profound reorganisation. Before this, two Europes opposed each other: Eastern Europe and Western Europe separated by the "Iron Curtain". Since 1993 Europe numbers 43 independent States. Unprecedented in the entire world, as this century ends 13 new States have been created between 1990 and 1993. Today, the European Union has 15 members and 10 States are officially candidates for membership. The economic heart of Eu...
Noteworthy for its pacifist culture, Iceland has been a neutral countrysince 1918 and declared itself a nuclear free zone in 1984.
Noteworthy for its pacifist culture, Iceland has been a neutral country since 1918 and declared itself a nuclear free zone in 1984. It is one of the richest small countries in the world. Fishing accounts for 70 % of export earnings. The reduction in fishing quotas in 1992 and the subsequent strikes in 1994 are splitting the country between fear of isolation and fear of the dissolution in the community of Europe. Despite the Norwegian "No" to Europe, Iceland finds itself less isolated than it fea...
The discovery in 1966 of large deposits of natural gas and oil in theNorth Sea has enabled Norway to sustain a good level of growth despitesuccessive falls in the price of Crude.
The discovery in 1966 of large deposits of natural gas and oil in the North Sea has enabled Norway to sustain a good level of growth despite successive falls in the price of Crude. Increasingly dependent on oil, Norway still draws primarily on its fishing and sea resources since it is also the biggest ship owner in the world. Norway enjoys good economic health and an unemployment rate of 4%. The country also rejected entry into the European Union, through a referendum in November 1994.
Has the position of african americans changed over the years?
Today I have chosen to introduce you to a subject related to the theme "relation to the world" and the axiom "common heritage and diversity". For this, I will be focused on one main question: "Has the position of african americans change since slavery?" I decided to deal with this topic because, as we all know, the African American population and culture are now part and parcel of the United States. However, it has not always been the case, far from it actually, and I find it fascinating ho...
1 / 2 PRESENT simple -ing BV (+ -(e)s à la 3 ème pers. du sing). am/are/is + BV -ing he play s he is playing -habitude, répétition, vérité générale -verbes d’état (de sentiments, de connaissance…) -titre de journal, commentaire sportif -futur planifié - action en train de se dérouler au moment où l’on parle - description - futur proche (avec marqueur temporel : tomorrow… PRESENT PERFECT simple -ing have/has + participe passé have/has been + forme en -ing he has played he...
Dear Ms. Myrna, I am a divorced mother of 2 children.( A fourteen years old girl and an eight years old boy) The Dad is nowhere in the picture. The girl has started to be mouthy and not tell me where she will be when she goes out. She comes in late smelling of alcohol and I feel I am unable to keep her safe. She is setting a bad example for her brother and keeping me on edge. What should I do? She is a tall, muscular girl and, frankly, I am afraid of her. Since I am at my wits e...
Do you believe that pop culture has made women nudity and body an object ?
Do you believe that pop culture has made women nudity and body an object ? Popular culture is generally recognized as a set of the practices, beliefs, and objects that are dominant or prevalent in a society at a given point in time. This fact means that people consciously or unconsciously are influenced by what pop culture is trying to convey. Therefore, it is a political, social and feminist issue because it takes up and encompasses the questions of society and conveys images that conditi...
CONTEXT : Jane Eyre has found the house where Rochester was living since Thornfield burnt. After coming to Mary and John's, Jane Eyre learns that Rochester had lost his eyesight in that accident. The scene starts with Mary who is going to give Rochester some water. However Jane takes the tray from her and brings the water herself. INT.AT DUSK - ROCHESTER'S ROOM - FULL SHOT. The room is very sad, and gloomy. A neglected handful of fire burn in the grate. In one corner, there are some ca...
- Polygon.
- Automation.
- Hugo Chávez.
- United Nations.
- Buddhism
- Marketing.
- Solar System - astronomy.
- Gambling.
- Civil Rights and Civil Liberties.
- Comedy
- Homer.
- Suicide.
- Museum.
- Pornography.
- Abortion.
- Advertising.
- Laos - country.
- Globalization.
- Population.
- Chicago (city, Illinois) - geography.
- Warfare.
- Medical Ethics.
- Monetary depreciation :
- Asia - History.
- Religion.
- Marriage.
- Confucius
- Cricket (game).
- Nunavut - Geography.
- Internet.
- Canada.
- Criminal Law.
- Pollution.
- Buddhism.
- Consciousness
- Police.
- Michigan - USA History.
- Malaria.
- Environment.
- Florida - geography.