578 résultats pour "for"
- Forez.
- Forez.
- Fors
Miss Peregrine 's Home for Peculiar Children is a movie directed by Tim Burton and was released in 2016.
Miss Peregrine 's Home for Peculiar Children is a movie directed by Tim Burton and was released in 2016. It is an adaptation of the novel Miss Peregrine 's Home for Peculiar Children of Ransom Rigg. This movie is a fantastic drama. Tim Burton is an American film director, screenwriter and producer, he has already directed 48 films and short films and is currently making a new one called "night of living". The summary is : In 2016, Jake Portman is a shy 16-year-old teenager leading a p...
- Juiz de Fora.
is education for all
IS EDUCATION FOR ALL Education is an important tool which is very useful in everybody’s life. Education is what differentiates us from other living beings on earth. It takes human the smartest creature on earth, it empowers humans and gets them to face challenges of life efficiently. Subsequently, education helps as well in making someone independent, if a person is educated, they won’t have to depend anyone else for their livelihood. They will be self-sufficient to earn for themselv...
analyse requiem for a dream
Requiem for a dream: Sorti en salle, le 21 mars 2001 et réalisé par DARREN ARONOFSKY, Requiem for a dream est un drame mettant en scène le destin de quatre personnages ; une mère, son fils, sa petite-amie, et un dernier ami avec qui ils forment un trio. Le film a pour objectif de dénoncer un “faux idéal” vers lequel la société semble implicitement souhaiter que l’on tende, à...
- Anglais: Is TV good or bad for person and society ?
- American Literature: Drama I INTRODUCTION American Literature: Drama, literature intended for performance, written by Americans in the English language.
THE PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals)
Present an English charity organization THE PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) PETA and its affiliates around the world educate politicians and the public about cruelty to animals and promote the right of all animals to be treated with respect. PETA is a non-profit association founded by Alex Pacheco and Ingrid Newkirk. The field of activity of the association is to defend the rights of animals. This association was founded in March 1980. PETA operates worldwide, has more than...
- Gothic Art and Architecture I INTRODUCTION Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris Notre Dame Cathedral, in Paris, was begun in 1163 and completed for the most part in 1250.
- LE DISCOURS D’UN ROIFrançais Anglais In the first instance, i’m going to recapitulate the movie for those of you who don’t know.
Tom Jones (1749)Henry FieldingBook I -- Chapter 1An author ought to consider himself, not as a gentleman who gives a private oreleemosynary treat, but rather as one who keeps a public ordinary, at which allpersons are welcome for their money.
Tom Jones (1749) Henry Fielding Book I — Chapter 1 An author ought to consider himself, not as a gentleman who gives a private or eleemosynary treat, but rather as one who keeps a public ordinary, at which all persons are welcome for their money. In the former case, it is well known that the entertainer provides what fare he pleases; and though this should be very indifferent, and utterly disagreeable to the taste of his company, they must not find any fault; nay, on the contrary, good breedin...
To what extent can social media be a tool for the public to have their say in political matters
RENARD Clémentine T5 American LV section To what extent can social media be a tool for the public to have their say in political matters For the past 15 to 20 years, social media has gained a substantial amount of value and importance. Not only does it connects billions of users from all around the world, it also allows worldwide awareness. Nowadays, more than 50% of the world population gets breaking news from a social media platform. The rapid...
Louisiana Purchase TreatyIn 1803 the United States purchased a vast interior region of North America from France for $15 million.
Louisiana Purchase Treaty In 1803 the United States purchased a vast interior region of North America from France for $15 million. This acquisition, called the Louisiana Purchase, extended U.S.territory from the Mississippi River westward to the Rocky Mountains. The first of the following three documents is the treaty of cession, in which France agreed to sell theprovince known as Louisiana to the United States. The other two documents are separate agreements, one for the U.S. government’s payme...
Noteworthy for its pacifist culture, Iceland has been a neutral countrysince 1918 and declared itself a nuclear free zone in 1984.
Noteworthy for its pacifist culture, Iceland has been a neutral country since 1918 and declared itself a nuclear free zone in 1984. It is one of the richest small countries in the world. Fishing accounts for 70 % of export earnings. The reduction in fishing quotas in 1992 and the subsequent strikes in 1994 are splitting the country between fear of isolation and fear of the dissolution in the community of Europe. Despite the Norwegian "No" to Europe, Iceland finds itself less isolated than it fea...
Sujet national, septembre 2005, série L, LV1: Lê Thi Diem Thùy, The gangster we are ali looking for, 2004 .
Sujet 1 ♦ Sujet national, septembre 2005, série L, LVI When Mel approached us at the airport, we heard a faint rattling 1: a ring full of gold and silver keys hanging from his belt. With each step Mel took, the ring swung and rattled by his sicle. The keys were new to him. Mel was tall and thin, but the ring looked fat, important. Mel caught the ring and pushed it into his pocket. This silenced the keys for a moment....
- Veni foras
Brandenburg Technical University CottbusDepartment 1, Institute of MathematicsChair for Numerical Mathematics an Scientific ComputingProf.
Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus Department 1, Institute of Mathematics Chair for Numerical Mathematics an Scientic Computing Prof. Dr. G. Bader, Dr. A. Pawell Problem Session to the Course: Mathematics IEnvironmental and Resource Management WS 2002/03 Solutions to Sheet No. 13 (Deadline: January, 27/28 2002) Homework H 13.1: Eigenvalues of A: 1 = 1; 2= 3 = 1 Eigenvectors: 1 = 1: 0 @ 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 A ~x= 0 ; ~x = (0;1 ; 1) T ; ~c 1= 1 p 2 (0 ;1 ; 1) T 2= 3 = 1: ~c 2 = 1 p 2...
John Wilkinson1728-1808Maître de forges à Bradley (Shropshire), inventeur d'une machine à forer, 1774, qui permitd'usiner les cylindres des machines de Watt et les âmes des canons.
John Wilkinson 1728-1808 Maître de forges à Bradley (Shropshire), inventeur d'une machine à forer, 1774, qui permit d'usiner les cylindres des machines de Watt et les âmes des canons. A fait breveter en 1778 un tour à fileter qu'il avait réalisé quelques années plus tôt. En 1807, a construit le premier bateau en fer, une péniche de 70 pieds de long. A monté le laminoir à grandes barres.
Cyprus is an island divided in two where two communities have opposedeach other for more than twenty years.
Cyprus is an island divided in two where two communities have opposed each other for more than twenty years. A former British colony independent since 1960, the island of Cyprus is situated to the South of Turkey in the Mediterranean Sea. In 1974, the Turkish army invaded the Northern third of the island, following an attempted cut by the Greek Cypriots. Since then, Cyprus has been divided into two parts, separated by a sealed buffer zone occupied by 2,000 UN troops. The standard of living on th...
A Communist regime since 1945 and completely cut off from the outsideworld for thirty years, Albania opened its frontiers in 1990.
A Communist regime since 1945 and completely cut off from the outside world for thirty years, Albania opened its frontiers in 1990. Tens of thousands of Albanians then tried to flee to Italy and Greece. Little by little Albania is normalising its relations with these countries. It is now the most rural and poorest state in Europe, with an unemployment rate of almost 20%. However, since 1994 Albania has begun its recovery. Its economic growth rate is high (over 8%). The first country in Eastern E...
More than 700 years old, this neutral State organized as a Confederationof sovereign cantons, is famous for its direct democracy and referendums.
More than 700 years old, this neutral State organized as a Confederation of sovereign cantons, is famous for its direct democracy and referendums. At the end of 1992 a small majority of the Swiss rejected the country's entry to the EEC. One canton has very recently confirmed its refusal to allow women the right to vote. Switzerland is facing increasing isolation within the European Economic Area, further accentuated by Austria, Sweden and Finland's membership of the European Union. The Swiss hav...
The Republic was proclaimed in 1946, but the country is notable for itschronic political instability reinforced by political and Mafiacorruption at every level of the State.
The Republic was proclaimed in 1946, but the country is notable for its chronic political instability reinforced by political and Mafia corruption at every level of the State. The 1980s were marked by the emergence of separatist leagues calling the State into question. Some of them will play an inevitable political role from now on. Doubts about the traditional parties led to victory by the left in April 1996. Economic growth is still marked by unequal development between the South of the countr...
- v for V
- Do they take us for idiots ?
Sujet national, juin 2005, série L, LV1:Adapted from jeffrey Eugenides, Middlesex, 2002.
Sujet 3 ♦ Sujet national,juin 2005, série L, LVI Shortly after the riots, like many other white Detroiters, my parents began looking for a house in the suburbs. The suburb they had their sights on was the affiuent lakefront district of the auto magnates: Grosse Pointe. It was much harder than they ever expected. In the Cadillac, scouting the five Grosse Pointe (the s Park, the City, the Farms, the Woods, the Shores), my...
- Pax est in cella, foris autem plurima bella
anglais exercice: For the love of God, Damien Hirst
For the love of God, Damien Hirst Liliana Gugnon terminale 5 Damien Steven Hirst is a British artist, born June 7, 1965 in Bristol. He lives and works in London. He dominated the British art scene in the 1990s as a member of the Young British Artists. For the Love of God is a sculpture by artist Damien Hirst created in 2007, for a total value of $ 100 million. It is a replica of a real human skull, and more precisely the skull of a 35-year-old man who lived in the 18th century, but the den...
what cause would you be ready to fight for
what cause would you be ready to fight for? why ? For a start, harassment is a repeated group action in order to put someone down and isolate him or her. We must keep in mind that harassment is a crime punishable by the law. They are different types of harassment based on other people differences such as the skin color, the physical appearance and the gender. When I was younger, children in my school used to put me down because I was taller than them. They gave me nicknames like " large...
Comment Gabrielle Chanel a-t-elle révolutionné la mode féminine et participé à l’émancipation des femmes ?
Problématique : Comment Gabrielle Chanel a-t-elle révolutionné la mode féminine et participé à l’émancipation des femmes ? Plan de l’oral 1. L'histoire de la marque et de sa créatrice 2. Les révolutions Chanel et ses créations, mixte du féminin et du masculin 3. Ce qu’elle a apporté aux femmes et à leur émancipation Introduction : (en anglais) Gabrielle Chanel, known as Coco Chanel is born on the 19th of august 1883 in Saumur. She is a great Frenc...
- Versatur celeri Fors levis orbe rotae - La roue légère de la Fortune tourne rapidement
29th Annual International Conference for Students and Young Scientists ‘European integration choice of a country and problems of the economy’
29th Annual International Conference for Students and Young Scientists ‘European integration choice of a country and problems of the economy’ November 30-December 1, 2020 organized by the Department of the Global Economics of Alfred Nobel University & Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; Ukrainian Association of International Economics; Polotsk State University (Navapolatsk, Belarus); National Institute for Economic Research (Chișinău, Moldova); University of Rzeszów (Rzeszów, Pola...
Julius Nyerere par Ali MazruiInstitute for Development Studies, University of Nairobi, Kenya Premier ministre du Tanganyika après son accession à l'indépendance en1961, et premier président de la République unie de Tanzanie formée en1964 par l'union du Tanganyika et de Zanzibar.
Julius Nyerere
Jomo Kenyatta par Ali MazruiInstitute for Development Studies University of Nairobi, Kenya Jomo Kenyatta, Premier ministre, puis président du Kenya après que lepays eut acquis son indépendance vis-à-vis de la Grande-Bretagne, est sansdoute né en 1893.
Jomo Kenyatta
Inde, avril 2006, série L, LV1: Tracy Chevalier, The Girl With A Pearl Earring, 2000.
Sujet 5 ♦ Inde, avril 2006, série L, LVI The scene is set in the 17h century. The painter referred to is Vermeer. He did not work on the painting of me every day. He had the concert to paint as well, with or without van Ruijven and his women. He painted around them when they were not there, or asked me to take the place of one of the women -the girl sitting at the harpsichord, the woman standing next to it singing...
We are going to talk about the concept of Spaces and Exchanges. First of all, according to the dictionnary definition Exchanges « is the act of giving or receiving something in substitution for something else (…) these exchanges can take several forms: economic, cultural and movement of people ». In class, we focused on one form of exchange : the immigration in the USA. immigration in the United States has always existed and it's o ne of the first places people turn to when it...
Sujet national, juin 2005, séries ES et S, LV1: Minette Walters, The Shape Of Snakes, 2000.
Sujet 8 ♦ Sujet national, juin 2005, séries ES et S, LVI Sam landed a job 1 as overseas sales director for a shipping company which took us in turn to Hong Kong, Australia and South Africa. They were good rimes, and I came to understand why black sheep are so often sent abroad by their families to start again. lt does wonders for the character to eut the emotional ries that bind you to places and people. We produced two...
Corentin Sallé de Chou Tuesday 10 March 2015 Alexandre Théophile Anglais 1SSI EXPOSÉ SKERLOCK Sherlock is a British police television series created by Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat and spread since 25 in July, 2010 on BBC One. It is a modern adaptation of Sherlock Holmes adventures written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, with Benedict Cumberbatch in the role of the central figure and Martin Freeman In watson Dr's rôle. Sherlock Holmes is a fictional character create...
D'URFÉ ( 1567-1625)
D'URFÉ ( 1567-1625) Apparenté par sa mère à la famille ducale de Savoie, HONORÉ D'URFÉ appartient à un milieu largement ouvert auxinfluences de la Renaissance italienne. Il grandit à la Bastie d'Urfé dans le Forez. Il mène une jeunesse un peu folle,s'engage à fond dans la Ligue et s'y compromet tellement qu'il est obligé, après la défaite de son parti, de s'exiler enSavoie. En 1600, son frère étant entré dans les ordres, il épouse sa belle-soeur, Diane, dont le mariage vient d'êtredéclaré nul. L...
Amérique du Nord, mai 2006, séries ES et S, LV1: Amitav Ghosh, The Hungry Tide, Harper Collins, 2004.
Sujet 10 ♦ Amérique du Nord, mai 2006, séries ES et S, LVI The train was at a standscill, some twenty minutes outside Kolkata 1, when an unexpected stroke of luck presented Piya with an opportunity to avail herself of a seat beside a window. She had been sitting in the stuffiest part of the compartrnent, on the edge of a bench, with her backpacks arrayed around her: now, moving to the window, she saw that the train had s...
Sujet national, juin 2006, série L, LV1: Adapted from Jonathan Keilerman, Twisted, 2005.
Sujet 4 ♦ Sujet national, juin 2 006, série L, LVI Midway through the ninth year oflrma's employment, Dr Marilyn Lattimore came down with an uncharacteristic cold and was home for two days. lt was in the breakfast room that the conversation took place. Dr Marilyn sat reading the paper and sipping tea and dabbing at her red, drippy nose. Irma was in the adjoining kitchen, had removed 5 the covers of the stove-burners and...
Log In
Log In Unit 5-8 !Unit 5 !SHE PASSED HER DRIVING TEST WITH FLYING COLOURS. !!An Edinburgh woman was taking her driving test. At one point, the examiner told her to take the Þrst turning on the left. At that moment a boy ran across the road just in front of the car. She braked hard, and the examiner who had been looking at his notes, hit the windscreen giving him a nice bump on his forehead. She passed the test with the dry but objective comment "Your emergency stop is excellent. Ó !ELLE A...
E. M. Forster
E. M. Forster Le premier roman de Edward Morgan Forster, publié en 1905, s'intitule Where Angels fear to tread. Ce titre est emprunté à un versd'Alexander Pope dans son Essay on Criticism : “ For Fools rush in where Angels fear to tread ” (car les sots se ruent là où les angescraignent de marcher). Cette citation pourrait parfaitement servir d'épigraphe à l'ensemble de son œuvre. Issu, à la fin de l'époque victorienne, d'une famille debourgeois aisés, Fors ter exécrait la morgue e...
Las Vegas une ville verte ? Solutions for Climate Change
Las Vegas une ville verte ? Solutions for Climate Change SOMMAIRE I) Comprendre les choix énergétique de Las Vegas(Diego) a)Type de production d’énergie choisi. b)Les raisons de ce choix énergétique. c)Les données de production et d’utlisiation d’énergie de la ville. II)Analyse des incidences de ces choix selon:(Emma) a) Les disponibilité des ressources et adéquation aux besoins. b) les effets climatiques et écologiques. c)Les conséquences économiques et sociales. III) Proposi...
- forêt.
- déforestation.
- Forêt Noire.
- Barry Sanders.