125 résultats pour "american"
- American Literature: Drama I INTRODUCTION American Literature: Drama, literature intended for performance, written by Americans in the English language.
american dream
The American Dream
- American Curl.
American Legion
1 / 2 American Legion 1 L' American Legion, principale association américaine d'anciens combaHants, est l'un des groupes de pression (« lobbies ») les plus actifs et influents aux ~tats-Unis. Son action s'exerce d'une manière constante dans le sens du conservatisme et, parfois, de l'isolationnisme. Depuis sa fondation, l'anticommunisme et l'antisoviétisme sont à l!l base de sa doctrine. De nombreuses lois limitant les droits civils ou visant à renfor...
American dream
This document is a cartoon by David Camerow. We can see a couple who is sitting in the agency of the marriage counselor, in front of his desk. The woman looks like upset and disappointed and the man seems be lost, he wearing a hat, a pants with the colors of America and a t shirt which is marked “American dream”. He seems dirty because his clothes are worn and too short for him as we can see his navel; he is very big, he has got a long beard and he seems be overlook with his appearance s...
Qu’est-ce que l’anti-américanisme ?
Qu’est-ce que l’anti-américanisme ? L'anti-américanisme n'est ni une forme de nationalisme ni de racisme ni d'aucune forme du refus de l'autre, d'un autre homme ou d'un autre peuple. Il est la lutte contre un système, contre une conception de l'homme et d'un mode de vie . Historiquement il est né dans un continent qui tente de l'imposer au monde par la puissance des oligarques politiques, financiers et militaires aujourd'hui à la tète des Etats-Unis. Ils ne peuvent d'ailleurs le faire qu'...
American Motors
1 / 2 American Motors 1 American MotorsCorporation (AMC), quatrleme constructeur amerIcaln de vehlcules automobiles, fait longtemps figure de parent oeuvre aupres des trols Grands (General Motors, Ford et Chrysler). La societe, qui a realise en 1974 un chiffre d'affaires de 2 mil- liards de dollars (quinze foie: inferieur a celui de GM), n'a jamais conquis plus de 6% du marche americain. Mais sa specialisation dans les petits modeles (mono- mlques l'a fait sortir du marasme et lui a permis, app...
LITER AT U R E : T H E A M E R I C A N D R E A M Most of the American Civilization revolves around the theme of the American Dream. The American Dream is the belief that everyone can achieve success, if one takes the right opportunities at the right moment. It is deeply-rooted in American history and has an echo all over the world. Some countries adapted this concept to their own culture, but the original one- the American Dream-...
Castas americanas - historia.
Castas americanas - historia. 1 INTRODUCCIÓN Castas americanas , segmentos de la población de la América hispana, formados cada uno de ellos por individuos procedentes del mestizaje entre españoles, indios y negros que tuvo lugar desde el mismo inicio del periodo de dominio colonial, a partir de finales del siglo XV. 2 LA ESTRUCTURA SOCIAL COLONIAL La monarquía española intentó organizar la compleja sociedad colonial a través de la creación de un sistema de gobierno basado en la división de la...
Americans’ values illustrated in Abraham Lincoln’s Biography.
MAMADOU LAMINE COR Topic: Americans’ values illustrated in Abraham Lincoln’s Biography. Civilizations through the history of humanity follow generally similar patterns, however, there are numerous peculiarities typical for the process of each society formation. When considering the process of American and other civilisations, we come to determine that they are drastically differ...
- African-American soldiers, sailors, marines, and airmen
Will American Ideas Tear France Apart?
Sarah Holler Term4 27/03/2021 Will American Ideas Tear France Apart? 1) Introduce the document This document is a press article written by Norimitsu Onishi, and published in the NYT in February 2021. This article entitled “Will American Ideas tear France apart” broaches the polemical topic of “Woke Culture”, and its consequences on people’s mindsets. “Woke culture” or “Cancel culture” are expressions used to describe a phenomenon that consists in changing some features in a culture because...
- Film Noir I INTRODUCTION Lynch's Blue Velvet The motion picture Blue Velvet (1986) brought wide acclaim to American director David Lynch.
The 1960’s and the American Woman: the transition from the “housewife” to the feminist
Introduction: In 1960, the world of American women was limited in almost every respect, from family life to the workplace. A woman was expected to follow one path: to marry in her early 20s, start a family quickly, and devote her life to homemaking. Imagine the life of a woman before the 1960s. Her life had been difficult- denied basic rights, trapped in the home her entire life and discriminated against in the workplace. Per example, in the 1960s, a bank could refuse to issue a credit card...
- O. J. Simpson. O. J. Simpson, born in 1947, American professional
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (text of resolution)In August 1964 North Vietnamese boats fired on an American destroyer in the Gulf of Tonkin.
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (text of resolution) In August 1964 North Vietnamese boats fired on an American destroyer in the Gulf of Tonkin. When two American ships reported a second attack, the United States Senateresponded by authorizing increased military activity in the region. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution marked a turning point in U.S. involvement in Vietnam, giving PresidentLyndon Johnson broad authority to expand the U.S. war effort. Congress repealed the resolution in 1970 after critical...
Hilary Putnamné en 1926Logicien de formation, le philosophe américan Hilary
Hilary Putnam né en 1926 Logicien de formation, le philosophe américan Hilary Putnam a particulièrement prêté attention aux vieux paradoxes logiques fondés sur des affirmations telles que “ Toute proposition est fausse ”, “ Rien n’est certain ” ou encore “ Tout n’est qu’illusion ”. L’observation de ces paradoxes et des tentatives faites pour les résoudre (par exemple la distinction entre langage et métalangage) l’amène à postuler qu’il n’y a, en aucun domaine de la connaissance, “ de point de vu...
- C'est la rencontre de l'explication et de la compréhension qui construit une interprétation féconde. Joseph Yvon Thériault, Critique de l'américanité, Québec Amérique
- L'une des caractéristiques centrales de la frontière, selon Turner, était la diversité de son peuplement d'origine, à la source du creuset américain, ce vaste brassage des cultures européennes d'origine en une nouvelle culture. Joseph Yvon Thériault, Critique de l'américanité, Québec Amérique
- La génération des baby-boomers est accusée d'avoir trahi les idéaux des penseurs de la Révolution tranquille, de n'être pas solidaire avec la génération qui l'a suivie, la «génération X», de jouir égoïstement des acquis de l'État-providence conquis démocratiquement par leurs parents. Joseph Yvon Thériault, Critique de l'américanité, Québec Amérique
- James Dean James Dean (1931-1955), American actor on film, stage, and television, whose early death in an automobile accident contributed to his enduring legend.
The Declaration of IndependenceIn the summer of 1776, more than a year after American colonists had begun their rebellion against Great Britain, the Second Continental Congress debated a resolution forindependence.
The Declaration of Independence In the summer of 1776, more than a year after American colonists had begun their rebellion against Great Britain, the Second Continental Congress debated a resolution forindependence. A committee of five worked on the document, but it was Thomas Jefferson who prepared the initial draft and whose eloquent phrasing made it a masterpieceof political writing. The text of the declaration contains three major sections: a statement of principle, a list of grievances agai...
" Avant que tu ne lises, je te conseil de lire ce travail que si tu n'arrives pas à commencer le tien, étant donné que celui-ci pourrait influencer ton écrit (en gros : ce que j'ai fait pourrait ne pas être un bon exemple duquel s'inspirer) " El famoso : Nom Prenom Classe English Homework "Là j'ai pensé à la foi dans le travail & le sentiment de déclassement social : " In the video document, Caroline Huntsberger tells us that there are some jobs in the rural area but t...
analyse philosophique d’american beauty
C’est en 1999 que paraît American Beauty, une comédie tragique réalisé par Sam Mendes. Dans ce film nous rencontrons une famille banale au premier abord qui a réussi le American Dream mais en réalité il n’en est rien. Le père, Lester, est soumis à sa femme Carolyn et lors d’une représentation de danse de sa fille, il tombe sous le charme d’Angela, une jeune adolescente et se donne pour objectif de la séduire. Carolyn, elle, est une femme matérialiste qui ne souhaite que le succès et qui tro...
Chats à poil court: American whire hair centy hair.
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Has the position of african americans changed over the years?
Today I have chosen to introduce you to a subject related to the theme "relation to the world" and the axiom "common heritage and diversity". For this, I will be focused on one main question: "Has the position of african americans change since slavery?" I decided to deal with this topic because, as we all know, the African American population and culture are now part and parcel of the United States. However, it has not always been the case, far from it actually, and I find it fascinating ho...
Oral AMC : How does social media impact American society ?
MEDIA INFLUENCE Today, the media is associated with our daily life and impacts our society in many ways. There are different types of media such as radio, TV or social media. They are called “Mass Media”. It means they seek to reach a large audience via mass communication. They play an important role in shaping public opinion thanks to their communication and information tools. We will focus on this influence in the United States. Thus, we can wonder : how does social media impact Americ...
texte spé anglais amc Problématique : how african american artists bring their culture to life through music?
Axe : Living together / representation Problématique : how african american artists bring their culture to life through music? Plan: Expressing pride Conveying a political message 1. Intro through the ages, african-americans have been and remain a discriminated community, particularly in the united states, where they have suffered violence and racism. Art, which enables people to express themselves and spread a message to all, has been used in many ways to combat these inequalit...
Portfolio llcer "how art is used to denounce injustice towards minorities in the American system"
Art can be defined as the expression of human skills and imagination .In the 20th century, minorities have used art as a way to escape and denounce the USA and its society where the white are privileged over coloured people.In this presentation I will show how art is used to denounce injustice towards minorities in the American system and I will especially focus on the African American society. This set of documents illustrate the theme « Arts and debating Ideas ». There are 5 documents in...
Anglo-American Literature Survey
Survey III Modernist Poetry in Britain: T.S Eliot’s The Waste Land Modernism Modernism has been defined as a movement and a literary form. It is about formal style, but also a reaction to the culture and society that created it. It started with Marx, Freud, Darwin, the first world war, etc and responds to the scenario of our chaos, and revolts against traditional realism. Scientific and thinkers changed the way humanity saw itself; we are just animals controlled by our unconscious. Subje...
Ben Haggerty
Ben Haggerty Is an American rapper who was born in 1983 known under the pseudonym Macklemore. Passionate about music since he was a child, he wrote his first songs at the age of 14. teenager he was influenced by the New York rap bands. He began his musical career in 2000, he unveiled his first EP "Open Your Eyes" under the name « Professor Macklemore ». His first album "The Language of My World", was released in 2005 and is very popular among rap fans. Ryan Lewis is a...
- Booker T.
- Juneteenth.
- Latin America.
- Immigration.
- Korean War.
- Korean War - U.
- Sioux.
- Mark Twain.
- James Madison
- James Madison.
- Olympic Games.
- Spanish Empire.
- John Adams
- John Adams.
- John Adams - U.
- Discrimination.