104 résultats pour "after"
- After forever, I got out of bed and went to the closet where I kept the phone.
The Declaration of IndependenceIn the summer of 1776, more than a year after American colonists had begun their rebellion against Great Britain, the Second Continental Congress debated a resolution forindependence.
The Declaration of Independence In the summer of 1776, more than a year after American colonists had begun their rebellion against Great Britain, the Second Continental Congress debated a resolution forindependence. A committee of five worked on the document, but it was Thomas Jefferson who prepared the initial draft and whose eloquent phrasing made it a masterpieceof political writing. The text of the declaration contains three major sections: a statement of principle, a list of grievances agai...
After 40 years of dictatorship under Franco, Spain achieved democracy in1978.
After 40 years of dictatorship under Franco, Spain achieved democracy in 1978. Decentralisation was introduced rapidly under Basque and Catalan pressure, the regions where it has gone furthest. Having been in power since 1982, the Socialists, faced with numerous scandals, lost power in 1996 to the Spanish People's Party, elected thanks to the support of Basque and Catalan nationalists - both of which are seeking independence. Spain, a member of the European Union since 1986, has successfully tak...
Declaration by United NationsSoon after the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, British prime minister Winston Churchill met with United States president Franklin D.
Declaration by United Nations Soon after the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, British prime minister Winston Churchill met with United States president Franklin D. Roosevelt inWashington, D.C., to develop strategies for coping with the global crisis. One such strategy, the Declaration by United Nations, emphasized their collective dedication towinning World War II (1939-1945). This declaration incorporated principles of the Atlantic Charter, which the two leaders had agreed to in Aug...
Anglais leçons: Description Poster The Day After Tomorrow
Description Poster The Day After Tomorrow This document is a poster about the film “The Day after Tomorrow”. This film was made by the director of Independence Day and was released on May 28, 2004. The poster has cold, monotonous colors like white, blue or gray. In the background, we can see a city. It looks like New-York because of the skyscrapers and the Empire State Building. She’s frozen and the surrounding are completely covered with snow. There is also a ship buried in the snow. One...
- Gerald Ford
- Gerald Ford.
- Muhammad Ali.
- Ferdinand Magellan.
- George Bush.
- Pablo Picasso.
- Rutherford B.
- Jesus Christ.
- Bill Clinton.
- Fascism.
- Jimmy Carter
- Jimmy Carter.
- Football.
- World War II .
- Olympic Games.
- Vietnam War.
- Joe DiMaggio.
- Police.
- Communism .
- Communism.
- Ice Hockey.
- Mexican War.
- Washington, D.
- Ancient Rome .
- Ronald Reagan.
- Islam.
- Baseball.
- Richard Nixon
- Cuba - country.
- Richard Nixon.
- Tennis.
- Harry S.
- Harry S.
- Hinduism.
- John F.
- John F.
- James Madison
- James Madison.
- Holocaust .
- Iran - country.
- Florida - geography.
- Lyndon B.
- Earthquake.
- Metalwork I INTRODUCTION Metalwork, in the fine arts, objects of artistic, decorative, and utilitarian value made of one or more kinds of metal--from precious to base--fashioned by either casting, hammering, or joining or a combination of these techniques.