5 résultats pour "8220"
- “Le cinquième poème visible” de Paul Eluard
Explication de l’ACTE IV, SCÈNE 7 de “L’avare” Molière
Explication de l’ACTE IV, SCÈNE 7 de “L’avare” Molière (Représentée en 1668, cette comédie de MOLIERE (1622-1673) a pour personnage principal Harpagon. Son amour de l’argent est tel que le vol d’une cassette contenant dix mille écus d’or le rend presque fou, comme en témoigne le monologue qui suit.) HARPAGON (Il crie au voleur dès le jardin, et vient sans chapeau.) : Au voleur ! au voleur ! à l’assassin ! au meurtrier ! justice, juste Ciel ! je suis perdu, je...
“What Good Is This Thing Called Intelligence and Why Bother to Measure It?” Hilliard Response
I've heard that the only thing an IQ test measures is how well people take IQ tests. In the reading, “What Good Is This Thing Called Intelligence and Why Bother to Measure It?” Hilliard seems to agree that these tests aren't worth much. One reason IQ tests are not valid is because there is no standard, agreed-upon definition of “intelligence.” There are some qualities our textbook says most theorists attribute to intelligence, but it is still vague and ther...
The 1960’s and the American Woman: the transition from the “housewife” to the feminist
Introduction: In 1960, the world of American women was limited in almost every respect, from family life to the workplace. A woman was expected to follow one path: to marry in her early 20s, start a family quickly, and devote her life to homemaking. Imagine the life of a woman before the 1960s. Her life had been difficult- denied basic rights, trapped in the home her entire life and discriminated against in the workplace. Per example, in the 1960s, a bank could refuse to issue a credit card...