1474 résultats pour "the"
Thornton Niven Wilder
Thornton Niven Wilder1897-1975 Né à Madison (Wisconsin), mort à New Haven. Passe plusieurs années en Chine où son père occupait un posteofficiel. Études à Yale et à l'Académie américaine de Rome. Humaniste et hellénisant. Enseigne à New Jersey. Subitl'influence de Gertrude Stein. Quitte l'enseignement en 1928 pour se consacrer à la littérature. Romans : The Cabala(1926), The Bridge of San Luis Rey (1927) (Prix Pulitzer) (Le Pont du roi Saint Louis), The Woman of Andros (1928)(La Femme d'Andro...
Ben Haggerty
Ben Haggerty Is an American rapper who was born in 1983 known under the pseudonym Macklemore. Passionate about music since he was a child, he wrote his first songs at the age of 14. teenager he was influenced by the New York rap bands. He began his musical career in 2000, he unveiled his first EP "Open Your Eyes" under the name « Professor Macklemore ». His first album "The Language of My World", was released in 2005 and is very popular among rap fans. Ryan Lewis is a...
Corentin Sallé de Chou Tuesday 10 March 2015 Alexandre Théophile Anglais 1SSI EXPOSÉ SKERLOCK Sherlock is a British police television series created by Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat and spread since 25 in July, 2010 on BBC One. It is a modern adaptation of Sherlock Holmes adventures written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, with Benedict Cumberbatch in the role of the central figure and Martin Freeman In watson Dr's rôle. Sherlock Holmes is a fictional character create...
article anglais
EVA GINOT 1ere ES1 FOOD CRISIS, 1993 Photo by Kevin CARTER. This photo was taken in Sudan, March 1993 by photographer Kevin Carter. We see a child visibly exhausted, lying on the ground, defeated by hunger. The idea that he is living his last moments is reinforced by the threatening presence of a vulture, these raptors sniffing the death to come. This picture is an income of famine in Africa. The 32-year-old photojournalist travels to Sudan armed with his only camera,...
The industrial revolution
Societal changes brought about by the industrial revolution The Industrial Revolution, which took place in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, brought about significant changes in society. It ended the dominance of agriculture, improved living standards: people had access to healthier diets, better housing, and cheaper goods, but above all it has initiated significant social change. One of the major changes was the rise of a new class: The middle class, also called bourgeoisie, as a re...
THE PLOT The famous Belgian private detective Hercule Poirot investigates the murder of the young and beautiful Linnet Ridgeway, perpetrated on a cruise boat traveling on the Nile. The woman had fallen in love with Simon Doyle, the boyfriend of her best friend, Jacqueline de Bellefort, and married him. The most probable suspect, Jacqueline, who hated her very much, is one of the few people to have a solid alibi. GENERAL INFORMATION Directed by Kenneth Branagh Screenplay: Michael Green...
John Orley Allen Tate
John Orley Allen Tate1899-1979 Né à Winchester (Kentucky), mort à Nashville (Tennessee). Études à la Vanderbilt University. Fut l'un desfondateurs du mouvement "Les Fugitifs", puis des "South Agrarians". Passait d'une université à l'autre sans y résiderafin d'enseigner la poésie ainsi que le firent ses compagnons John Crowe Ramsom, Donald Davidson, Robert PennWarren. Il a fondé et dirigé maintes revues littéraires : "Southern Review", "Kenyon Review" "Swanee Review". S'estconverti au cath...
the great depression
The Great Depression: 1929-1939 1. A staggering collapse of industry, widespread unemployment, and a nation gripped by uncertainty—the Great Depression remains one of the most transformative periods in American history. The Great Depression, triggered by the U.S. stock market crash of 1929, lasted until the late 1930s and was the most severe economic downturn in modern history leading to mass unemployment, poverty, and social unrest. It had far-reaching consequences on economies, societies...
Iris Murdoch
Iris Murdochnée en 1919 Née à Dublin, elle fit ses études à Oxford, où elle fut longtemps professeur de philosophie. Auteur d'une étude sur lapensée de Jean-Paul Sartre, elle l'est aussi des romans les plus philosophiques qu'on écrit en Angleterre. dans lesannées 50. Under the Net (1954), The Flight from the Enchanter (1956), The Sandcastle (1957), The Bell (1958) etA Severed Head (1961) (en 1963, adapté avec succès pour le théâtre par J. P. Priestley), tous démontrent avecesprit et invention la...
TPE : Anti-héros / Dexter C’est au XIX eme siècle que l’on voit apparaître de plus en plus d’antihéros. Dans l'antiquité, les qualités du héros étaient : la renommée, la gloire, la force, la volonté de vaincre, le courage , la sagesse, l’intelligence , la grandeur, l’accomplissement d’exploits. Un héros (ou, au féminin, une héroïne) est un personnage réel ou fictif de l'Histoire, de la mythologi...
Amérique du Sud, septembre 2005, série L, LV1: Bill Bryson, Notes from a Big Country, 1998, Black Swan édition, 1999.
Sujet 2 ♦ Amérique du Sud, septembre 2005, série L, LVI Ten years ago this month I got a phone call from an American publisher telling me that they had just bought one of my books and were going to send me on a three-week, sixteen-city publicity tour. "We're going to make you a media star," he said brightly. s "But l've never been on TV, 11 I protested in mild panic. "Oh. it's easy. You'll love it," he said with the b...
Sujet national, juin 2006, série L, LV1: Adapted from Jonathan Keilerman, Twisted, 2005.
Sujet 4 ♦ Sujet national, juin 2 006, série L, LVI Midway through the ninth year oflrma's employment, Dr Marilyn Lattimore came down with an uncharacteristic cold and was home for two days. lt was in the breakfast room that the conversation took place. Dr Marilyn sat reading the paper and sipping tea and dabbing at her red, drippy nose. Irma was in the adjoining kitchen, had removed 5 the covers of the stove-burners and...
Gerard Manley Hopkins
Gerard Manley Hopkins Gerard Manley Hopkins rima dès l'école et se mit sérieusement à la composition poétique pendant ses années d'Oxford (1863-1867). Ilpassa de l'Anglicanisme à l'Église romaine, après avoir consulté le vieux Newman et, l'Université terminée, il enseigna pendant deuxans chez les Oratoriens de Birmingham, après quoi il jeta tous ses poèmes au panier et joignit la Compagnie de Jésus (1868). Absorbépar sa vocation, il n'écrivit plus pendant sept ans, ce qui ne l'empêcha pas de méd...
Sujet national, juin 2005, série L, LV1:Adapted from jeffrey Eugenides, Middlesex, 2002.
Sujet 3 ♦ Sujet national,juin 2005, série L, LVI Shortly after the riots, like many other white Detroiters, my parents began looking for a house in the suburbs. The suburb they had their sights on was the affiuent lakefront district of the auto magnates: Grosse Pointe. It was much harder than they ever expected. In the Cadillac, scouting the five Grosse Pointe (the s Park, the City, the Farms, the Woods, the Shores), my...
Anglais The Elizabethan era
The Elizabethan era is often depicted as the apogee of English Renaissance in the late 15th Century and in the 16th Century. This era is most famous for its drama of which Shakespeare is a great playwright. He is well-known for his tragedies such as Romeo and Juliette or such as Hamlet. The text under study is an extract from Hamlet written by Shakespeare, a tragedy of revenge rst performed around 1600 (one thousand six hundreds). This passage written in blank verse is part of the exposito...
Angus Wilson
Angus Wilson1913-1991 Il était pendant plusieurs années conservateur du British Museum. Ses premiers ouvrages littéraires furent deuxrecueils de nouvelles, The Wrong Set (1949) et Such Darling Dodos (1950), qui proposent des portraits cinglants del'hypocrisie britannique. Bien qu'un autre recueil, A Bit off the Map, parut en 1957, il est surtout romancier, et dansHemlock and After (1952), Anglo-saxon Attitudes (1956), The Middle Age of Mrs. Eliot (1958) et The Old Men at theZo (1961), Embras...
test - seb
64 The Project Gutenberg EBook of La Folle Journée ou le Mariage de Figaro, by Pierre Augustin Caron de BeaumarchaisP This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.orgww Title: La Folle Journée ou le Mariage de FigaroT Author: Pierre Augustin Caron de BeaumarchaisA Release Date: February 13, 2007 [E...
Francis Scott Fitzgerald
Francis Scott Fitzgerald Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald est né à Saint Paul, dans le Minnesota. Par sa mère, il était le petit-fils d'immigrants irlandais devenus épiciersen gros ; par son père, il descendait, plus noblement, d'une famille établie depuis le XVIIe siècle dans le Maryland, mais pauvre. PourScott Fitzgerald, la fortune devait vous être donnée, comme la beauté ou la gloire. Il eut la chance de pouvoir faire ses études à Princeton. C'est alors qu'il se lia d'amitié avec le critique amé...
to the cuckoo wordsworth
To The Cuckoo W I L L I AM WO RD S WORT H Summery ofthePoem - The poem is an Ode to the Cuckoo bird and spring time - The poet adresses the cuckoo bird and expresses love and devotion - By hearing the cuckoo, the poet is taken back to his childhood - He remembers hearing the cuckoo bird as a child, but never being able to see it - He makes a parallelism between his past and his present by listening to the cuckoo - The poet has yet to find the cuckoo, it is still a mistery to him Rhy...
RACISM IN THE USA There is a terrible contradiction in the history of the USA : how can a country claim freedom and human rights for the whole planet in theory, and show so many current issues regarding racism in practice, especially towards the Afro Americans ? Could it be the result of 2 centuries of slavery, as well as the civil war that has torn the country in 2 in the nineteenth century? We have to bear in mind that until the middle of the twentieth century, it was considered as nor...
Dear Ms. Myrna, I am a divorced mother of 2 children.( A fourteen years old girl and an eight years old boy) The Dad is nowhere in the picture. The girl has started to be mouthy and not tell me where she will be when she goes out. She comes in late smelling of alcohol and I feel I am unable to keep her safe. She is setting a bad example for her brother and keeping me on edge. What should I do? She is a tall, muscular girl and, frankly, I am afraid of her. Since I am at my wits e...
Irving Shaw
Irving Shawné en 1913 C'est un pur New-Yorkais. Il a été chauffeur de camions, joueur de football professionnel, a travaillé dans un grandmagasin puis fréquenté l'université de Brooklyn. Sa première pièce, Bury the dead (1936), connaît le succès. Ildonne ensuite trois recueils de nouvelles : Sailor of the Bremen (1939), Welcome to the city (1941), Act of faith(1946). Il a fait la guerre en Europe, ce qui lui a fourni la matière de son roman The Young Lions (1948) (Le Bal desmaudits). Autre...
Don Juan (1821) Dedication BOB SOUTHEY!
Don Juan (1821) Lord Byron Dedication BOB SOUTHEY! You 're a poet — Poet-laureate, And representative of all the race, Although 't is true that you turn'd out a Tory at Last,- yours has lately been a common case; And now, my Epic Renegade! what are ye at? With all the Lakers, in and out of place? A nest of tuneful persons, to my eye Like 'four and twenty Blackbirds in a pye;' 'Which pye being open'd they began to sing' (This old song and new simile holds good), 'A dainty dish to set before the...
The AI in 30 years
The AI in 30years The AI (Artificial Intelligence) is becoming more and more important in recent years. She causes a lot of questions for the future and also causes a general fear created by fiction in books and films that scientists and engineers try to minimise. However, this fear has been around for a long time and since the beginning of work on artificial intelligence in the 1960s. But the general trend with AI is to try to predict what it will be like in the future, starting with im...
anglais expose The Sioux tribe
The Sioux tribe The origin of the word “sioux” Hello, my name is Wakanda which means «Inner Magical Power» .I belong to the Sioux tribe.The word sioux comes from. “natowessiwak” which means “the people of the serpent river”.Indeed , the Mississippi crosses our territory. Later , it became the little snakes translated by Nadouessioux and later shortened in sioux . The Sioux are nicknamed the people of the 7 fires of the Council (Outi sakoyin oyate) Can you please describe the beginning Chu...
Anthony Burgess
Anthony Burgess John Anthony Burgess naît en 1917 à Manchester, dans une famille catholique. Il étudie la littérature et lalinguistique à l'Université de Manchester. Ses goûts le portent d'abord vers la musique ; il composera des oeuvresavec orchestration.Une petite symphonie a été créée à Strasbourg pour le bimillénaire de la ville, en 1989. Écrivain polyglotte, il a étéenseignant en Angleterre, officier instructeur en Malaisie où il commence à écrire ses premiers livres. De 1956 à1959,...
Robert Penn Warren
Robert Penn Warren1905-1989 Né à Guthrie (Kentucky), mort à Stratton (Vermont). Études à la Vanderbilt University, à Yale et à Oxford. Il estnommé professeur d'anglais à la Louisiana State University en 1934, puis à l'université du Minnesota en 1942. Ildevient rédacteur en chef de la "Southern Review" et est l'un des fondateurs du groupe des "Fugitifs" à Nashville.Séjourne longtemps en Italie. Il était en 1950 professeur d'art dramatique à la Yale Drama School. Romans : NightRider (1939) (Le Ca...
the segregation issues during the vietnam war
NOM et Prénom des auteur.e.s : NOM ET PRÉNOM(S) DU PERSONNAGE La vie du personnage en son temps - Date et lieu de naissance - Date et lieu du décès - Cause et âge du décès it tra r Po - Milieu social d’origine - Formation et/ou études - Profession(s) exercée(s) - Autres fonctions (politiques, artistiques, associatives…) Ce pour quoi il ou elle est resté.e dans l’Histoire - Idées politiques - Convictions religieuses - Faits marquants de sa vie : réalisations, œuvres, découv...
What should be done with the Mexican illegal immigrants entering the USA? Louis Delannoy TS2 English Work
Lord of the flies analysis
PASSAGE ANALYSIS Introduction: Hello everyone, today I will present you my passage analysis of Lord of the flies, written by William Golding and first published in 1954. My passage starts on page 51 on the bottom of the page with “There wasn’t any smoke. Only flames.” and ends on page 55 in the end of the first paragraph. There should be 105 lines. Situation: Firstly, I’ll situate the passage (chapter 2). Boys island, meeting Ralph and Piggy, conch, chief, exploring the island – conclus...
Book Review: The Kite Runner
BOOK REVIEW TKR The Kite Runner, a compelling best-selling novel by Khaled Hosseini published in 2003, is a deeply moving story that delves into the complex themes of salvation, betrayal, the inhumanity of a rigid class system and the enduring power of guilt. Hosseini recounts the life of Amir, a young boy from Kabul, and his lifelong heart-wrenching quest for redemption and forgiveness after having betrayed his best friend Hassan during their childhood. Set in Afghanistan from the peacefu...
Criminals of the Victorian Era
Ameila Dyer is undeniably one of Victorian England’s most notorious killers, probably second only to Jack the Ripper. As a criminal, her crime was murder, but the worst part is, her victims were babies. Called the “Angel Maker”, she is thought to have killed around 400 babies in a thirty-year span, in which she was able to conduct her crimes with apparent impunity. She began her criminal career in Bristol in the late 1860s, by opening a house of confinement where she took in unmarried and p...
the Indigenous peoples of North America
the Indigenous peoples of North America As Harry mentioned in the introduction, the Indigenous peoples of North America developed various artistic techniques that, for them, were not necessarily considered "art" in the traditional sense. This is what we will now explore through the Navajo, the Iroquois, and some tribes of the Great Plains. 1 - The Navajo, also known as the "Diné," are a people native to the southwestern United States, primarily in the regions now known as Arizona, New Me...
Thomas Wolfe
Thomas Wolfe1900-1938 Né à Ashville (Caroline du Nord). Son père était tailleur de pierre et sa mère tenait une pension de famille. Sonpremier roman, Look Homeward Angel (1929) (Aux sources du fleuve), est consacré justement à son enfancemalheureuse entre un père idéaliste extravagant et une mère qui voulait d'abord échapper à la pauvreté. Ce romandevait soulever à Ashville une immense colère. Il fait ses études à l'université de la Caroline du Nord dont la troupejoue, non sans succès, t...
the protest song anglais texte
Protest music has existed for centuries. When a movement for cultural or political social change develops, protest songs may appear. They are music of resistance used in politics that reflect the point of view of musicians on a particular subject, thus guiding movements by bringing people together and encouraging them to act or think. Can music have weight on governments? In order to answer the question we will first see how the protest songs were created, then their political foctions and...
oeuvre « The Shipwrecked Child" by Banksy.
I have chosen to present the work « The Shipwrecked Child" by Banksy. This work is a tag made in May 2019, in Venice during the inauguration of the International Art Biennale. It is on the wall of a house for sale on the Rio Nuovo near Campo Santa Margherita in Dorsoduro in Venice. we will start with you talking about who Banksy is and how he did his work and then we will present the shipwrecked Child with its context and the message that Banksy wanted to convey. The first, who is Banksy?...
the right to bear arms
what seems to be an obvious statement by the national rifle association is in fact a provocative catchphrase. Its members have long stood by the mantra that the wide availability of firearms bears no relationship to the high death toll from gun injuries. They claim that lawful gun possession should not be held responsible for the failure of public authorities to prevent crime. The NRA's uncompromising stance stems from a belief that easy access to guns makes a society safer. Taking them aw...
Hanif Kureishi - The Buddha of Suburbia
Historical Context of The Buddha of Suburbia The 1970s were a decade of change worldwide. Many former colonies of Britain had obtained independence in the 20 years previous, and the 1960s brought social change in the form of drugs,legalization of abortion in the UK trr1967, and the ideas of free [ove, peace, and sexual permissiveness as espoused by the hippies. These ideas of the 1960s permeate the beginning of the novel but soon give way to the economic recessions and social discontent th...
Qatar : A « colony » of the British Empire
Qatar : A « colony » of the British Empire Simple context Benefits of Qatar for England The British Protectorate Qatar’s independence Qatar is a Middle Eastern emirate of 11,586km2, its capital is Doha An emirate is a politically united territory that is ruled by an emir. Qatar is located on a small peninsula jutting into the Simple context In the early 19th century, Britain became a colonial force along the East African coast and the Persian Gulf. At the...
anglais: In the early 20th century
In the early 20th century, white europeans arrived with boats in South Aprica and colonies this country. They wanted to control the Afrikans and take position of the natural ressources. The black politicien were emprisoned by Aprikaners. They want to separete whit from black . In this oral présentation we are going to see how South Aprica Society has changed. Manqu 3 phrase Apartheid is an Afrikan's word was used by Afrikaners. This word was especially used in 1948 when the new governmen...
american dream
The American Dream
Anglais leçons: Description Poster The Day After Tomorrow
Description Poster The Day After Tomorrow This document is a poster about the film “The Day after Tomorrow”. This film was made by the director of Independence Day and was released on May 28, 2004. The poster has cold, monotonous colors like white, blue or gray. In the background, we can see a city. It looks like New-York because of the skyscrapers and the Empire State Building. She’s frozen and the surrounding are completely covered with snow. There is also a ship buried in the snow. One...
anglais texte écrit: The Sixties Idea of progress
21/10/2022 13:30pm The Sixties Idea of progress First of all, what is the concept of progress ?. I would like to give a quick definition of that notion. The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. The period the most representative of the progress is the sixties. We can ask ourselves the following question: How the sixties in the UK could be a period of...
Oral LLCE 1ère: The gothic at its origin
Introduction: Hello, today we are going to analyze about how fear and the gothic are used to denounce social problems. To answer this question, I'm going to use the imaginary scary thematic. Firstly, I will talk about the origins of the Gothic then secondly, about its evolution I The gothic at its origin 1) the gothic was quite critical of the society of its time. This can be seen in: The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson published in 1886. Analyse : The...
High Schools in the United States
High Schools in the United States High schools in the United States include students who are in 9th through 12th grade (ages 14-18). Ninth grade students are called freshmen, tenth grade students are called sophomores, eleventh grade students are called juniors and twelfth grade students are called seniors. Before high school, students attend middle school or Junior High school, which is 5th through 8th grade (ages 10-14). Before middle school, students attend elementary school, which is ki...
Incipit de Cat in the rain de E. Hemingway
18/09/23 Incipit de Cat in the rain de E. Hemingway. Il décrit deux américains dans un hôtel qui voient le temps passé, il décrit le temps qui passe. Après la première guerre mondiale on devait complètement les codes de l’écriture d’avant guerre. Ce qui est intéressant c’est que c’est un incipit qui ne nous raconte rien sur les personnages. Il a un style pauvre et maigre donc notre traduction sera en accord avec le style et avec se qui y est dit. Il écrit dans la « Lost generation » dans...
Edward VIII, the traitor king: résumé
E dw ard V III, t h e t r a it o r k in g E dw ard V III, b ette r k n ow n a s E dw ard d uke o f W in dso r o nly r e ig ned f o r a bout 3 26 d ays, a nd t h e s to ry t e lls h e a bdic a te d a nd s a crif ic e d h is t h ro ne a nd p re stig e f o r l o ve , t o m arry W allis S im sp on: a n i d ealiz e d a nd r o m antic iz e d v e rs io n o f t h e t r u th w hic h h as b een a d ebate s in ce t h e p ast d eca des. I n deed, t h e g...
Duty in Death and the King's Horseman
DATKH Coursework Essay In Death and the King’s Horseman, Soyinka explores the different facets of duty. Duty is seen as an obligation, one that can cause irremediable loses if ignored. Every character in Death and the King’s Horseman has a purpose; they were not created or integrated in the play by accident. They all have flaws, but more importantly a duty, which is manifested through the character’s beliefs, actions and failures. Characters such as Iyaloja, the Bride and Olunde are sho...
anglais by the river side by Kate Chopin
What we have here is an excerpt from the short story « A Shameful Affair » entitled « by the river side », written by Kate Chopin in 1891. Kate Chopin is an American writer who is known as one of the first feminist writer. The story is about Mildred, a rich girl, who met a young farmhand by the river side. They belong to different social classes, but still find interest in each other. The two of them were spending time fishing along the river, when the young man kissed Mildred. To what exte...
DNL chapters terminale Borough of New York City : The Bronx
Borough of New York City : The Bronx The Bronx is one of the five boroughs comprising New York City. Situated north of Manhattan, it is one of the less touristy attractions in the city, although it has a rich history marked by inequalities and a fight against violence. Inequalities are still visible with significant segregation between ethnicities. In the Bronx, there are two affluent districts, namely Riverdale and the Country Club Estate. Initially occupied by the Sivanoy, in the 19th ce...