1474 résultats pour "the"
- Isaac Newton I INTRODUCTION Isaac Newton (1642-1727), English physicist, mathematician, and natural philosopher, considered one of the most important scientists of all time.
MYTHS AND HEROESI'm going to talk you about the notion Myth and heros.
MYTHS AND HEROES I'm going to talk you about the notion Myth and heros. I would like to define the notion. Firstly a myth can be defined as a story about gods or heros, it can be a popular belief or a tradition or a false notion. A hero can be a mythilogical figure, a person where is admired for his or her achievements. But how can an ordinary person make the world a better place? We studied a mural of Usain Bolt, a Jamaican sprinter made by James Cochran also know as J...
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (text of resolution)In August 1964 North Vietnamese boats fired on an American destroyer in the Gulf of Tonkin.
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (text of resolution) In August 1964 North Vietnamese boats fired on an American destroyer in the Gulf of Tonkin. When two American ships reported a second attack, the United States Senateresponded by authorizing increased military activity in the region. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution marked a turning point in U.S. involvement in Vietnam, giving PresidentLyndon Johnson broad authority to expand the U.S. war effort. Congress repealed the resolution in 1970 after critical...
Luther's Ninety-Five ThesesGerman theologian Martin Luther publicly condemned the practice of buying indulgences on October 31, 1517.
Luther's Ninety-Five Theses German theologian Martin Luther publicly condemned the practice of buying indulgences on October 31, 1517. His Disputation on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences, popularly called the Ninety-Five Theses, consisted of 95 propositions that established a theological basis for opposing indulgences. Luther’s manifesto was widelydistributed, causing a public controversy, and he was eventually excommunicated (denied the services and benefits of the Roman Catholic Church...
- Comedy I INTRODUCTION Laurel and Hardy Stan Laurel, in overalls, and Oliver Hardy, left, formed one of the most popular comedy teams in motion-picture history.
ENGLISH : IDEA OF PROGRESS :I’m going to present to you the notion Idea of progress.
ENGLISH : IDEA OF PROGRESS : I’m going to present to you the notion Idea of progress. An idea is a proposal, an opinion on something and where people debate on it to deliberate. It is often something constructive. Progress concerns a lot of domains which are, for example, social, technological a or medical. Progress is an idea of innovation and something which improve the life of everyone. It is also a change. So, my perspective is : “Is progress always positive” ? First, we wi...
To what extent can social media be a tool for the public to have their say in political matters
RENARD Clémentine T5 American LV section To what extent can social media be a tool for the public to have their say in political matters For the past 15 to 20 years, social media has gained a substantial amount of value and importance. Not only does it connects billions of users from all around the world, it also allows worldwide awareness. Nowadays, more than 50% of the world population gets breaking news from a social media platform. The rapid...
The Intersection of Nature and Nurture: Exploring the Complexities of Human Behavior
The Intersection of Nature and Nurture: Exploring the Complexities of Human Behavior Human behavior is a multifaceted phenomenon shaped by various factors, including genetics, environment, culture, and personal experiences. Psychologists have long debated the relative influence of nature (genetic inheritance) and nurture (environmental experiences) on shaping behavior. This essay delves into the complexities of this age-old debate, highlighting the intertwined nature of genetic predisposi...
- Metalwork I INTRODUCTION Metalwork, in the fine arts, objects of artistic, decorative, and utilitarian value made of one or more kinds of metal--from precious to base--fashioned by either casting, hammering, or joining or a combination of these techniques.
The Emancipation ProclamationIssued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863, this famous document, printed here in its entirety, granted freedom to more than 3 million United States slaves.
The Emancipation Proclamation Issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863, this famous document, printed here in its entirety, granted freedom to more than 3 million United States slaves.Lincoln's decree was later made law by passage of the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1865. The Emancipation Proclamation By the President of the United States of America: A Proclamation. Whereas, on the twenty-second day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun...
Synthèse Mythes & Héros – Lucas Pierru TS4During this sequence, we studied the notion of Myth and heroes.
Synthèse Mythes & Héros – Lucas Pierru TS4 During this sequence, we studied the notion of Myth and heroes. A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition or a false notion. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or her achievements, a superhero or maybe a model or an icon. The documents that we studied in class were mainly speaking about heroes who started from nothing and became heroes because of their remark...
Universal Declaration of Human RightsThe Universal Declaration of Human Rights--adopted by the United Nations (UN) in 1948--gave human rights a new international legal status.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights The Universal Declaration of Human Rights—adopted by the United Nations (UN) in 1948—gave human rights a new international legal status. Building on precedents set bythe British Magna Carta (1215), the French Declaration of the Rights of Man (1789), and the United States Bill of Rights (1791), the Universal Declaration also reflected theevents of the 1930s and 1940s, particularly the Nazi Holocaust. Reports of Nazi atrocities shocked people around the world...
Declaration by United NationsSoon after the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, British prime minister Winston Churchill met with United States president Franklin D.
Declaration by United Nations Soon after the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, British prime minister Winston Churchill met with United States president Franklin D. Roosevelt inWashington, D.C., to develop strategies for coping with the global crisis. One such strategy, the Declaration by United Nations, emphasized their collective dedication towinning World War II (1939-1945). This declaration incorporated principles of the Atlantic Charter, which the two leaders had agreed to in Aug...
Education in Great Britain? Education is compulsory from the age of 5 (4 in Northern Ireland) to theage of 16.
Educ ation i n Great Britai n Educatio n is comp ulsory from t he age o f 5 (4 in Nort hern Ireland) to t he a ge of 16 . The s ystem of educati on is divided into 3 stag es: 1. Pri mary education 2. Second ary education 3. High er ed ucation Befo re the st art of for mal schooling , many c hildren a ttend n urse ry sch ools , also kn own as Pre-Schools ( actually 47% of 3 and 4 ye ar ol d child ren). M an y nurse ry sc hools a ctually a l...
History chapter: Domestic tensions in the U.S. (and France) during the 1960s and early 1970s
History chapter: Domestic tensions in the U.S. (and France) during the 1960s and early 1970s Introduction: The United States went through major transformations during the 1960s, a period characterized by significant reforms and new political debates and divisions over social issues. American involvement in the Vietnam War divided Americans and triggered the anti-war movement. The period is marked by a continuing struggle for a more equal and just society: the Civil Rights Movement, its evol...
Robinson Crusoe (extrait)Daniel Defoe(...)In a little time I began to speak to him, and teach him to speak to me; and, first, Imade him know his name should be Friday, which was the day I saved his life.
Robinson Crusoe (extrait) Daniel Defoe (…) In a little time I began to speak to him, and teach him to speak to me; and, first, I made him know his name should be Friday, which was the day I saved his life. I called him so for the memory of the time. I likewise taught him to say master, and then let him know that was to be my name. I likewise taught him to say Yes and No, and to know the meaning of them. I gave him some milk in an earthen pot, and let him see me drink it before him, and sop my...
Essay English : In Arthur Miller's play "All my sons", Joe Keller is a hero in his family and in the neighborhood even if he did some very awful things.
ENGLISH In Arthur Miller's play “All my sons�, Joe Keller is a hero in his family and in the neighborhood even if he did some very things. Joe is respected by his family because he is the man who let them have a very good and wealthy life. This is because Joe's company succeeded, and his family respect him for that. Firstly because Joe has a big lack of education because he comes from a poor world : “it is with the terrible concentration of the uneducated man�. So this upward mobility wa...
Mercredi des Cendres (extrait)Thomas Stearns EliotBecause I do not hope to turn againBecause I not hopeBecause I do not hope to turnDesiring this man's gift and that man's scopeI no longer strive to strive towards such things(Why should the aged eagle stretch its wings ?
Mercredi des Cendres (extrait) Thomas Stearns Eliot Because I do not hope to turn again Because I not hope Because I do not hope to turn Desiring this man's gift and that man's scope I no longer strive to strive towards such things (Why should the aged eagle stretch its wings ?) Why should I mourn The vanished power of the usual reign ? Parce que je n'espère plus me tourner à nouveau Parce que je n'espère plus Parce que je n'espère plus me retourner Enviant le don de celui-ci et l'envergure de...
A Communist regime since 1945 and completely cut off from the outsideworld for thirty years, Albania opened its frontiers in 1990.
A Communist regime since 1945 and completely cut off from the outside world for thirty years, Albania opened its frontiers in 1990. Tens of thousands of Albanians then tried to flee to Italy and Greece. Little by little Albania is normalising its relations with these countries. It is now the most rural and poorest state in Europe, with an unemployment rate of almost 20%. However, since 1994 Albania has begun its recovery. Its economic growth rate is high (over 8%). The first country in Eastern E...
Laurie Leené en 1914The Sun my Monument (1944), The Bloom
Laurie Lee né en 1914 The Sun my Monument (1944), The Bloom of Candles (1947), et My Many Coated Man (1955) sont tous des petits livres très minces, et avant la parution de Cider with Rosie (1959), autobiographie en prose à fort tirage, on connaissait cet auteur pour ses Straits of Magellan , pièce radiophonique en vers. Il fait la modernité, mais enregistre d'une manière raffinée des sensations et des sentiments simples.
PoèmeWater is taught by thirstLand by the ocean passedTransport by
Poème Emily Dickinson Water is taught by thirst Land by the ocean passed Transport by throe Peace by it's battle told Love, by Memorial Mold Birds, by the snow On apprend l'eau par la soif La terre par les mers qu'on passe L'exaltation par l'angoisse La paix en comptant ses batailles L'amour, par une image qu'on garde Et les oiseaux, par la neige
William Empson1906-1984Poète et critique anglais, il a publié deux recueils de ses vers : Poems (1935) et The GatheringStorm (L'Orage amassant les nuées, 1940).
William Empson 1906-1984 Poète et critique anglais, il a publié deux recueils de ses vers : Poems (1935) et The Gathering Storm (L'Orage amassant les nuées , 1940). Collected Poems (1955) n'y ajoutent pas beaucoup, mais au début des années 50 on vit avec quelque surprise sa poésie difficile, elliptique, compliquée, connaître la vogue. Il doit une célébrité presque semblable pour ses œ uvres critiques très stimulantes : Seven Types of Ambiguity (Sept types d'ambiguïté , 1930), Some Versions o...
fiche de lecture : A Tale of Two Cultures. Qualitative and Quantitative research in the social sciences
Fiche de lecture séance n°2 Goertz, G., & Mahoney, J. (2012). A Tale of Two Cultures. Qualitative and Quantitative research in the social sciences . Princeton : Princeton University Press, 1-15. Gary Goertz est professeur au Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies de l’Université de Notre Dame. Ses études s’orientent autour de domaines tels les relations internationales, la politique comparée ou bien la méthodologie. Il porte un intérêt tout particulier aux institutions internat...
dnl vIETNAM wAr: Why was the Viet Nam war a major crisis of the Cold War?
Why was the Viet Nam war a major crisis of the Cold War? Sujet numéro 9 : 2009 Intro: Le premier document est un extrait du discours du président Johnson le 28 juillet 1965, dans ce discours le président Johnson fait l’éloge du pouvoir américain sur les nations asiatiques. Il explique que le rôle de l’État américain est de protéger ces nations de la menace communistes. Puis il fait référence à l’engagement militaire depuis le président Eisenhower et montre sa détermination malgré les pert...
- The gothic
the boss
À tes yeux, la qualité qui vaut de l'or c'est le savoir. Ta force c'est ton esprit, et c'est grâce à cela que tu es libre de choisir le chemin de ta vie. Pour te montrer à quel point tu es admirable, je te dédie ce poème. S avoir, voilà le mot qui guide ta vie T oujours à la recherche de d écouvertes É rudit et savant, ton intelligence te P ermet de te construire comme tu l'entends H onn ête et sensible, tu m édites sur l'existence pour en A pprendre les subtilit és et mieux la comprendre,...
- Fall, the
- The Milesians
Presentation Today we are going to speak to you about the evolution of the technology in the cinema, *first of all what do you know about the beginnings of the cinema ?? so we are going to try to teach you more on this first part. *The first aspect we will consider is the silent movie to talking film. *Secondly we'll go on to consider the odarama's films *then we are going to speak about the cartoons in the cinema *to...
The Parliament Act (1911)Si un projet de loi de finances,
The Parliament Act (1911) Si un projet de loi de finances, après avoir été adopté par la Chambre des communes et envoyé à la Chambre des lords au moins un mois avant la fin de la session parlementaire, est rejeté par la Chambre des lords sans amendement dans le mois qui suit sa réception, ce projet de loi sera présenté à Sa Majesté et deviendra une loi du Parlement une fois le consentement royal signifié, à moins que la Chambre des communes ne décide du contraire… Un projet de loi de finances es...
David Stuart Davies has edited four other immensely popular anthologies for the Collector’s Library, and this one includes some of the greatest classic crime short stories ever written. It contains , all kinds of illicit acts including murders, thefts and strange disappearances written by masters of the genre: R Austin Freeman, Edgar Wallace, John Dickson Carr and Arnold Bennett among others. The Reverend Wilfred Bohun is pleading with his wanton brother, the colonel, to leave the blacksmi...
Walter Bagehot1826-1877Éditeur de The Economist cet économiste est aussi un critique littéraire de valeur, pleind'esprit et de sagesse.
Walter Bagehot 1826-1877 Éditeur de The Economist cet économiste est aussi un critique littéraire de valeur, plein d'esprit et de sagesse.
M O N T H LY SPORT Tuesday, April the 26 th , 2011 A fantastic match!!!!! T today, we speak about curling. This sport I in which you have to throw the puck the n nearest of a target drawn on the rink. Two women’s teams were confronted last Friday in Vancouver: the Canadians versus the Americans. The later left Seattle at 11 am to arrive at 2 pm in Vancouver. The Canadians left their hotel at 1.15...
We are going to talk about the concept of Spaces and Exchanges. First of all, according to the dictionnary definition Exchanges « is the act of giving or receiving something in substitution for something else (…) these exchanges can take several forms: economic, cultural and movement of people ». In class, we focused on one form of exchange : the immigration in the USA. immigration in the United States has always existed and it's o ne of the first places people turn to when it...
Comment Gabrielle Chanel a-t-elle révolutionné la mode féminine et participé à l’émancipation des femmes ?
Problématique : Comment Gabrielle Chanel a-t-elle révolutionné la mode féminine et participé à l’émancipation des femmes ? Plan de l’oral 1. L'histoire de la marque et de sa créatrice 2. Les révolutions Chanel et ses créations, mixte du féminin et du masculin 3. Ce qu’elle a apporté aux femmes et à leur émancipation Introduction : (en anglais) Gabrielle Chanel, known as Coco Chanel is born on the 19th of august 1883 in Saumur. She is a great Frenc...
Poemopen your heart:i'll give you a treasureof the tiniest worlda
Poem e.e. cummings open your heart: i'll give you a treasure of the tiniest world a piece of forever with summitless younger than angels are mountains rivery forests towerful towns(queen poet king float sprout heroes of moonstar flutter blossoms of person)through musical shadows while hunted by daemons seethe luminous leopards(on wingfeet of thingfear) come ships go snowily sailing perfect silience. Absolute ocean
VIE ET L’¼UVRE DE SIGMUND FREUD (La) [The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud]. (résumé)
VIE ET L'ŒUVRE DE SIGMUND .... F'R ...... EUD (La) [The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud]. Ouvrage en trois volumes du psychanalyste anglais Ernest Jones (1879-1958). Disciple de Freud dès 1908, Jones fut tln des rares qui lui resta fidèle jusqu'à sa mort et conserva intact le culte du grand homme qu'il avait connu. Introduc teur de la psychanalyse dans les pays de langue anglaise, il consacra toute sa vie au triomphe...
Log In
Log In Unit 5-8 !Unit 5 !SHE PASSED HER DRIVING TEST WITH FLYING COLOURS. !!An Edinburgh woman was taking her driving test. At one point, the examiner told her to take the Þrst turning on the left. At that moment a boy ran across the road just in front of the car. She braked hard, and the examiner who had been looking at his notes, hit the windscreen giving him a nice bump on his forehead. She passed the test with the dry but objective comment "Your emergency stop is excellent. Ó !ELLE A...
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien1892-1973Ancien professeur de littérature médiévale à l'université d'Oxford, il publia The Hobbit en1937.
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien 1892-1973 Ancien professeur de littérature médiévale à l'université d'Oxford, il publia The Hobbit en 1937. Cette œ uvre était conçue comme un conte de magie et d'aventure pour enfants. Après la guerre, en 1954-1956, il compose Le Seigneur des anneaux , épopée romanesque en trois volumes, qui créa toute une mythologie nouvelle insérée dans un monde entièrement inventé et nullement allégorique. Il a obtenu un énorme succès. On a même, et sérieusement, invoqué Spencer,...
Vampire Diaries
VAMPIRE DIARIES The Vampire Diaries is an American supernatural/drama television series created by Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec in 2009. It is based on the novels of the same title by the author Lisa Jane Smith. The characters in the book are different from those in the series and sometimes have less or more importance. Elena Gilbert is a pretty, popular seventeen year old girl. She attends high school in the small isolated town of Mystic Falls. Her friends are Bonnie Bennett, who...
CONTEXT : Jane Eyre has found the house where Rochester was living since Thornfield burnt. After coming to Mary and John's, Jane Eyre learns that Rochester had lost his eyesight in that accident. The scene starts with Mary who is going to give Rochester some water. However Jane takes the tray from her and brings the water herself. INT.AT DUSK - ROCHESTER'S ROOM - FULL SHOT. The room is very sad, and gloomy. A neglected handful of fire burn in the grate. In one corner, there are some ca...
Alfred Jules Ayerné en 1910Professeur à Oxford, puis à Londres, doit sa réputation à deux ouvrages sur la philosophieanalytique : Language, Truth and Logic (1936) et The foundations of empirical knowledge (1940).
Alfred Jules Ayer né en 1910 Professeur à Oxford, puis à Londres, doit sa réputation à deux ouvrages sur la philosophie analytique : Language, Truth and Logic (1936) et The foundations of empirical knowledge (1940). Il a également publié des essais sur Russell et Wittgenstein.