1474 résultats pour "the"
L'oeuvre de Purcell Purcell est l'auteur de quarante-quatre partitions de musique de scène qui s'échelonnent de THEODOSIUS (1680) (à OROO-NOKO, THE MOCK MARRIAGE,PAUSANIAS, THE RIVAL SISTERS et BONDUCA (1685).
L' œ uvre de Purcell
Idea of progress - The Sixties
Idea of progress - The Sixties I am going to talk about the notion of Progress. First of all , I would like to give a quick definition of that notion. The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change – a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. The period the most representative of the progress is the sixties. We can ask ourselves the following q...
Geography of the United States
X²Chapter 2 : Geography of the United States Introducrtion : Is the USA a country* ? !! les états-unis sont > the USA is (NOT ARE) Country : Several éléments are needed to consider an area as a country : a population, a territory, one governement, a sovereignty = this government rule / control / decide / has the control AND a recognition = other countries consider this are as a country It seems obvious the USA is a country, without any doubt BUT… • Problems about the territory...
polish immigration to the UK
Polish immigration to the UK Slide 1 Dzien dobry. I will present you some aspects of the Polish immigration in the UK. Slide 2 Polish migration to the UK has happened for a long time but the main part of it started during the Second World War in 1940, with the establishment in London of the Polish government accompanied with thousands of soldiers and airmen. Slide 3 After the war, about 250,000 Poles stay in Britain, refusing to...
LITER AT U R E : T H E A M E R I C A N D R E A M Most of the American Civilization revolves around the theme of the American Dream. The American Dream is the belief that everyone can achieve success, if one takes the right opportunities at the right moment. It is deeply-rooted in American history and has an echo all over the world. Some countries adapted this concept to their own culture, but the original one- the American Dream-...
The New Yorker
1 / 2 l,. 14 février 1968 Série D-16 Fiche N• 2239 cc The New Yorker » 1. Revue new-yorkaise par excell~nce, s'adressant à un public cultivé et mondain, le " New Yorker,. maintient depuis sa fondation des qualités d'esprit, d'intelligence et de goût. Bien qu'on lui reproche un certain snobisme, on s'accorde à reconnaître que ses reportages en profondeur ont influencé toute la presse et qu'avec un discerne ment très sûr, il a révélé de no...
Exposé Anglais The printing press
Exposé Anglais The printing press was marked by an illustrious figure: Gutenberg. The story of this prodigious invention began around 1450 in Mainz, a patrician city where Gutenberg was born, under the name Johann Genfleish zur Ladem zum Gutenberg. Little is known about the inventor, and unfortunately there are doubts that he actually invented the printing press. However, we do know that Gutenberg discovered a process that revolutionized the art of printing and reproducing texts. For this...
Commentaire composé The Bording House
1 THE BOARDING HOUSE JAMES JOYCE INTRODUCTION "The Boarding House is one of 15 stories in James Joyce's collection of short stories, Dubliners, published in 1914. The collection reflects life in Ireland at the beginning of the 20th century and each of the stories offers a glimpse into the lives of ordinary Dubliners while portraying a nation. After a difficult marriage to an alcoholic husband, Mrs. Mooney opened a boarding house to earn her lif...
commentary autumn the bluest eye
WRITTEN COMMENTARY on excerpt from The Bluest Eye This excerpt comes from the Autumn section of The Bluest Eye . In this excerpt, the adult Claudia narrator is reliving a memory of herself as a young girl falling ill and how her mother reacts to her illness. By using the voice of both Claudia as a young girl and an Adult, Toni Morrison helps the reader understand that complex but ultimately sympathetic character of Claudia’s mother. For most of the excerpt, Claudia uses present tense...
The United States of America (2)
"The United States of America (2) L'essentiel du cours Key dates The jirst British colon y, Virginia, starts importing African slaves. The Am ërican ê/iifî War The industrial 'Union States' in the North Led by Abraham Lincolnfought the 'Confederate States' in the South. The southern states did not want to abo/ish s/avery and so intended to secede from the United States. ln 1862, Lincoln proclaimed the abolition of slavery. ln...
Toots and the Maytals Reggae
Toots and the Maytals, w ere a highly popular Jamaican vocal trio of the 1960s and ’70s, and w ere regarded as one of the key figures of reggae groups. The members were Toots Hibbert, the frontman of the group, Nathaniel Matthias, and Henry Gordon. After independence in 1962, Jamaica had new energy. Music started emerging all over the island. Toots was told he had a good voice, so he practiced music in church...
Oral d'anglais - The Pretty Reckless
I’m going to present to you Taylor Momsen’s biography. First things first, her complete name is Taylor Michel Momsen. She was named after the great Mick Jagger because she was born on July the 26th, just like him. Also she was born in Saint Louis, Minessota. Let’s first talk about her model career: she got her first experience at 2 years old at Ford Models, so she’s pretty precocious. And after she had an experience with Victoria’s Secret because she posed for the Love Rock perfume of this...
Lord of the Flies (oral d'anglais)
Marwane, Mirina, Eden, AlexiaLLCE Work Hello, my group and I worked on the Civilisation and Wilderness part of the work the teacher gave us. We will talk about the presence of these two fundamentals in the excerpt we read, and how the characters in this excerpt are trying to build a hierarchy that will control all of these young peopleÕs actions. Piggy is, in this excerpt, a smart and intelligent young boy, that seems to always Þnd things and objects that will be helpful to survive, such as t...
Around the word in 80 days
Hello, you know as well as me that everybody has a favourite novel. For instance, Christopher Boone’s Favourite one is The Hound of the Baskervilles, written by Conan Doyle in 1902. Mine is Around the World in Eighty Days, one of the most famous novel of Jules Verne. I appreciate this novel because the main character’s journey made me travel and i like that feeling. Phileas Fogg is a rich men, with very regular habits. He lives in London, is a part of a club and has a servant: Passepar...
Autant en emporte le vent - Gone with the Wind
Marion Hilaire, Première Rouge Gone with the Wind Gone with the Wind presents an overly idealized vision of the South? Yes. And then, the South is a character in its own right in the film, perhaps he even shares the first place with Scarlett. After all, Gone with the Wind is the story of the fall of the South, the death of a civilization. Showing its splendor (exaggerated) at the beginning of the film allows, by a cruel reversal,...
The United States of Amer ica (1)
~ The United States of America (1) L'essentiel du cours Basic facts Capital city Currency The national flag The national anthem National emblems National mottoes Public ho/idays Washington D:C. (District of Columbia) US dollar($) "The Star Spang/ed Banner" or "Stars and Stripes": 50 white stars (the 50 states) and 13 red and white stripes (the 13 original colonies) . Tl:!_e Star Spangled Banner -The American Great Sea...
article the sixties 60' anglais: The Sixties Idea of progress
21/10/2022 13:30pm The Sixties Idea of progress First of all, what is the concept of progress ?. I would like to give a quick definition of that notion. The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. The period the most representative of the progress is the sixties. We can ask ourselves the following question: How the sixties in the UK could be a period of...
The HandMaid's tale- Fiche de lecture en Anglais
HANDMAID’S TALE PLOT : She can leave the house only on shopping trips, the door to her room cannot be completely shut, and the Eyes, Gilead’s secret police force, watch her every public move. Offred had an affair with Luke , a married man. Luke divorced his wife and married Offred, and they had a child together. Offred’s best friend, Moira , was fiercely independent. The architects of Gilead began their rise to power in an age of readily available pornography, prostitution,...
- Bee Gees, The.
1 / 2 THE MEDITERRANEAN DURING ANTIQUITY – G AND R FOOTPRINTS G and R civilisations = 2 major M powers during A. M constituted a fundamental crossroad of civilisations for centuries. Contacts could be violent (= roman conquest / war between G city-state) or peaceful (= many trades) How did those contacts between areas around the M permit the construction of an ancient, shared culture? Political evolution of ancient M 4 th c BC, edge of G domination: area not unified + composed by city-st...
12 Angry Men: prejudices always obscures the truth
Lorena PERROTTA T5 English Essay Question 2 : Juror 8 states "prejudice always obscures the truth". How does 12 Angry Men show that prejudice can obscure the truth? (300 words) Since always, prejudices are anchored in people’s mind. Consequently, it happens that they distort the truth, as the people’s opinions aren’t objective. In the movie Twelve Angry Men, we can clearly see that a certain number of the Jurors are full of prejudices toward the accuse. The core question a...
Prepare your project p.161 : Editorial The Segregation
ABRIC-VERNET Léa 1G4 Prepare your project p.161 : Editorial The Segregation has been abolished in 1964 due to the Civil Rights Movement, lead especially by Martin Luther King, Malcom X or Rosa Parks. The next year, the President Johson signed the Voting Rights Act, which allow any people from any minorities or ethnicities to vote, and forbid to avoid this people to exerce this right. With this laws, we can say that the equality is reached in theory, but is it true in the real life,...
- Gothic Art and Architecture I INTRODUCTION Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris Notre Dame Cathedral, in Paris, was begun in 1163 and completed for the most part in 1250.
change the world: To Make the World a Better Place
To Make the World a Better Place Write about what you can do to make the world a better place. I am a teenager. I am still a student. I do not make government policies. I do not have any influence in the world. Yet, I am convinced that I can make a difference in this world. I am convinced that I can do many things to make this world a better place. To start with, I must begin with myself. I can do simple things such as picking up litter when I see it and not littering the environment m...
Movies study: The Handmaid’s tale part.2
DELAIGUE 1 ère 2 Amélie The Handmaid’s tale part.2 Questions: A] in this story the narrator starts a usual day, she wakes up and has breakfast as usual, and goes out to buy cigarettes. But the seller wasn’t the one usually there, it was a young man. He’s a bit arrogant, when the narrator’s card isn’t working. She kept trying but her card di...
- Sun (The).
Pau lo C oelh o - T he A lc h em is t 1 o f 6 8 T he A lc h em is t P au lo C oelh o Tra n sla te d b y A la n R . C la rk e. P ublis h ed 1 992. I S B N 0 -7 225-3 293-8 . C O NTEN TS Part O ne P art T w o Epilo gue P A RT O NE The b oy's n am e w as S an tia g o. D usk w as f a llin g a s t h e b oy a rriv ed w ith h is h erd a t a n a b an doned c h urc h . T he r o of h ad f a lle n i n l o ng a g o, a n d a n e n orm ous s y cam ore h ad g ro w n o n t h e s p ot w he...
- Clash (The).
Has the position of african americans changed over the years?
Today I have chosen to introduce you to a subject related to the theme "relation to the world" and the axiom "common heritage and diversity". For this, I will be focused on one main question: "Has the position of african americans change since slavery?" I decided to deal with this topic because, as we all know, the African American population and culture are now part and parcel of the United States. However, it has not always been the case, far from it actually, and I find it fascinating ho...
- THE SIXTH BOROUGH "Once upon a time, New York City had a sixth borough.
The impact of social networks in our lives
The impact of social networks in our lives In recent years, social networks have become a big part of our lives. Moreover, 81.71% of the UK population use social networks in 2011, which ranks them 3 rd in Europe. Young and old alike are now using them to socialize or get information. Social networks can allow commercial companies to communicate about their products, they use it as a promotional tool. Social networks are also used to inform the population more quickly and easily of t...
How did roosevelt adress the challenges of the 1929 great depression?
How did Roosevelt address the challenges of the 1929 great depression ? Intro: Today we are gonna - explain the 1929’s crisis and the great depression - What are the consequences of the great depression chomage - who’s Roosevelt, when was he elected ? It’s in that historical context that Franklin delano Roosevelt was elected as the 32nd president he won the election of 1933 against the previous president Hoover - question - plan Photo : 1936 Unemployed Men Eating in Volunteers of Ame...
Vocabulary about educationlife in the classroom: la vie de classeto
Vocabulary about education life in the classroom: la vie de classe to attend school: fréquenter l'école childminder: nourrice class/lessons: les heures de cours nursery school: ecole maternelle rules: reglement subject: matiere during my school placement/ work placement: pendant mon stage to teach : enseigner to teach sb sthg : enseigner qqch à qqun education : l'enseignement (admin) primary education : enseignement primaire coeducation : enseignement mixte tuition by correspondence : enseignem...
UlalumeThe skies they were ashen and sober;The leaves they were
Ulalume Edgar Allan Poe The skies they were ashen and sober; The leaves they were crisped and sere - The leaves they were withering and sere; It was night in the lonesome October Of my most immemorial year; It was hard by the dim lake of Auber, In the misty mid region of Weir - It was down by the dank tarn of Auber In the ghoul-haunted woodland of Weir. Here once, through an alley Titanic, Of cypress, I roamed with my Soul - Of cypress, with Psyche, my Soul. These were days when my heart was v...
anglais: Lesson 9: Megan Rapinoe at the White House
Lesson 9: Megan Rapinoe at the White House This online article is extracted and adapted from www.washingtonpost.com . It was published on March 25th, 2021 by Des Bieler and Cindy Boren and it talks about Megan Rapinoe’s visit to the White House in Washington DC to stand for gender equ al ity in sports , and more precisely for equal pay . Rapinoe is a soccer star and champion as she has won many titles such as f...
Ne pas confondre Grande Bretagne et Royaume UniGreat BritainGreat Britain is made up of:England - The capital is London.
Ne pas confondre Grande Bretagne et Royaume Uni Great Britain Great Britain is made up of: England - The capital is London . Scotland - The capital is Edinburgh Wales - The capital is Cardiff Sometimes people use the shorten name Britain instead of Great Britain United Kingdom The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain - the main island made up of England, Scotland and Wales - and Northern Ireland. The official name of the UK is the "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland."...
The population, composed of Serbs, Croats and Muslims, had to face, afterthe end of communism, a situation of conflict.
The population, composed of Serbs, Croats and Muslims, had to face, after the end of communism, a situation of conflict. In the free elections of 1990 the "ethnic" vote was victorious. Bosnia-Herzegovina proclaimed its sovereignty in October 1991 and independence in March 1992. Rejected by the Bosnian Serbs the war intensified and expanded over the entire country with the 3 major ethnic groups opposing each other. The situation gradually settled from 1995, after the diplomatic and military inter...
Two communities with different languages, Flemish, similar to Dutch, andWalloons, similar to French, share the territory.
Two communities with different languages, Flemish, similar to Dutch, and Walloons, similar to French, share the territory. The Flemish live in the North, the Walloons in the South, and apart from Brussels, there are very few mixed areas. The difficulties of cohabitation between the two communities resulted in the adoption of a statute of regional autonomy in 1989. This contrast is also reflected in the economic conditions, Wallonie is in crisis and seeks a second economic wind while Flanders imp...
- American Literature: Drama I INTRODUCTION American Literature: Drama, literature intended for performance, written by Americans in the English language.
Louisiana Purchase TreatyIn 1803 the United States purchased a vast interior region of North America from France for $15 million.
Louisiana Purchase Treaty In 1803 the United States purchased a vast interior region of North America from France for $15 million. This acquisition, called the Louisiana Purchase, extended U.S.territory from the Mississippi River westward to the Rocky Mountains. The first of the following three documents is the treaty of cession, in which France agreed to sell theprovince known as Louisiana to the United States. The other two documents are separate agreements, one for the U.S. government’s payme...
Denmark's prosperity depends on its trade with the European Union whichrepresents half of its exports.
Denmark's prosperity depends on its trade with the European Union which represents half of its exports. A member of the EEC, two referendums had to be held for the Danish people to approve ratification of the treaty of European Union in 1993. Agriculture and fishing, amongst the most modern in the world, are prosperous. The very powerful food industry exports cheese, bacon, beef, beer and processed sea food.
The European Union, of which it has been a member since 1981, has justimposed an austerity plan on Greece.
The European Union, of which it has been a member since 1981, has just imposed an austerity plan on Greece. Government debts and the widespread slump has encouraged the development of a black economy. After going against the European Union and refusing to recognise the State of Macedonia, Greece finally signed an agreement with the Macedonian government, under pressure from the Americans. A co-operation and friendship treaty was also signed with Albania in 1996. On the other hand, tensions with...
Présentation orale d’anglais « The show must go on » : fashion faces up to its Covid moment
Présentation orale d’anglais « The show must go on » : fashion faces up to its Covid moment Introduction : « La Covid » adorned with a Gothic black lace dress in a film: that’s how French stylist Franck Sorbier presented his haute couture collection in the First fashion Week without parades, which ended on Wednesday, July 8, without convincing the critics. This is another consequence of Covid-19. Not only did the pandemic have forced Paris fashion week to dematerialize, but i...
The Pains of Sleep (1803)Ere on my bed my limbs
The Pains of Sleep (1803) Samuel Coleridge Ere on my bed my limbs I lay, It hath not been my use to pray With moving lips or bended knees; But silently, by slow degrees, My spirit I to Love compose, In humble trust mine eye-lids close, With reverential resignation, No wish conceived, no thought exprest, Only a sense of supplication; A sense o'er all my soul imprest That I am weak, yet not unblest, Since in me, round me, every where Eternal Strength and Wisdom are. But yester-night I prayed alo...
- Film Noir I INTRODUCTION Lynch's Blue Velvet The motion picture Blue Velvet (1986) brought wide acclaim to American director David Lynch.