1474 résultats pour "the"
Amérique du Nord, juin 2005, séries ES et S, LV1: Graham Swift, The Light of Day, 2003.
Sujet 9 ♦ Amérique du Nord, juin 2005, séries ES et S, LVI You can sniff an atmosphere straight away, you know when something funny's going on. Off duty? Maybe, maybe not. I sat at a table by the window. The shower had turned into a downpour. A waitress with a strange, hounded look seemed only too pleased to serve me. Three tables along, a big man (Marco?- l'll never know) was standing, towering over a girl who was sitt...
William Golding1911-1993Au lieu de la satire sociale assez bon enfant de ses contemporains, Lord of the Flies (SaMajesté-des-Mouches, 1954), The Inheritors (Les Héritiers, 1955), Pincher Martin (1956), tousmontraient une originalité frappante et une structure métaphorique imposante.
William Golding 1911-1993 Au lieu de la satire sociale assez bon enfant de ses contemporains, Lord of the Flies (Sa Majesté-des-Mouches, 1954), The Inheritors (Les Héritiers, 1955), Pincher Martin (1956), tous montraient une originalité frappante et une structure métaphorique imposante. Ces romans se présentèrent comme allégories sérieuses, peut-être trop sérieuses, de la condition humaine. Il occupe une position unique dans le roman anglais moderne, dépeignant un monde cruel où les hommes son...
Sujet national, juin 2005, séries ES et S, LV1: Minette Walters, The Shape Of Snakes, 2000.
Sujet 8 ♦ Sujet national, juin 2005, séries ES et S, LVI Sam landed a job 1 as overseas sales director for a shipping company which took us in turn to Hong Kong, Australia and South Africa. They were good rimes, and I came to understand why black sheep are so often sent abroad by their families to start again. lt does wonders for the character to eut the emotional ries that bind you to places and people. We produced two...
- Musical Instruments I INTRODUCTION World Music Tour Click on the instruments to hear music from around the world.
- Poème extrait du livre : Answering Back Living poets reply to the poetry of the past
- After forever, I got out of bed and went to the closet where I kept the phone.
Amérique du Nord, mai 2006, séries ES et S, LV1: Amitav Ghosh, The Hungry Tide, Harper Collins, 2004.
Sujet 10 ♦ Amérique du Nord, mai 2006, séries ES et S, LVI The train was at a standscill, some twenty minutes outside Kolkata 1, when an unexpected stroke of luck presented Piya with an opportunity to avail herself of a seat beside a window. She had been sitting in the stuffiest part of the compartrnent, on the edge of a bench, with her backpacks arrayed around her: now, moving to the window, she saw that the train had s...
- George Washington I INTRODUCTION George Washington (1732-1799), first president of the United States (1789-1797) and one of the most important leaders in United States history.
- Game Theory I INTRODUCTION Game Theory, mathematical analysis of any situation involving a conflict of interest, with the intent of indicating the optimal choices that, under given conditions, will lead to a desired outcome.
- LE DISCOURS D’UN ROIFrançais Anglais In the first instance, i’m going to recapitulate the movie for those of you who don’t know.
presentation orale The Sioux tribe The origin of the word “sioux”
The Sioux tribe The origin of the word “sioux” Hello, my name is Wakanda which means «Inner Magical Power» .I belong to the Sioux tribe.The word sioux comes from. “natowessiwak” which means “the people of the serpent river”.Indeed , the Mississippi crosses our territory. Later , it became the little snakes translated by Nadouessioux and later shortened in sioux . The Sioux are nicknamed the people of the 7 fires of the Council (Outi sakoyin oyate) Can you please describe the beginning Chu...
Sujet national, septembre 2005, série L, LV1: Lê Thi Diem Thùy, The gangster we are ali looking for, 2004 .
Sujet 1 ♦ Sujet national, septembre 2005, série L, LVI When Mel approached us at the airport, we heard a faint rattling 1: a ring full of gold and silver keys hanging from his belt. With each step Mel took, the ring swung and rattled by his sicle. The keys were new to him. Mel was tall and thin, but the ring looked fat, important. Mel caught the ring and pushed it into his pocket. This silenced the keys for a moment....
The danger of space exploration on the human body and the environment
Space The danger of space exploration on the human body and the environment The Space Race (https://www.history.com/topics/cold-war/spacerace#section_1) After World War II drew to a close in the mid-20th century, a new conflict began. Known as the Cold War, this battle pitted the world’s two great powers-the democratic, capitalist United States and the communist Soviet Union-against each other. Beginning in the late 1950s, space would become another dramatic arena for this competition...
- The Beatles.
- the help
the gothic
The Gothic The gothic movement appear in the United Kingdom during the 18 th century at the time of the Victorian era. The starting point was the emergence of an aesthetic value assigned to the remains of medieval architecture, with its evocation of feeling serious, dark, disturbing and mysterious. Appears highly of ruined fortresses, castles abandoned, old prisons, old monasteries, dark cathedrals and secret doors. The appeal of the Gothic takes the thrills it provides. It is a pleasure w...
The bra
In antiquity and during the middle ages there is a substitute of what is called a bra, but the real first modern bra appears much later. • Antiquity: at the time of the Greeks and Romans women wore wide strips of cloth draped around their bodies • Middle Ages: We stop hiding women’s breasts and start highlighting them • 16th to 20th: It is the appearance of the corset that aims to tighten the waist to bring out the hips and the chest. They are made of wood and metal. But the corset has disa...
The family
For me, the family is something sacred because when we have a problem it's the family which surrounds us and which we support and when we are unfortunate also. We can trust her.For me the family is the union, to show solidarity, to be there when somebody needs. But it's also the conviviality and especially the love: love and be loved. It's the division. For me every family has its way of functioning. Every family is unique because every person who composes her is unique and different....
The night
The Night The dark demon which dies with light Coming from the Pure heart of the chosen which is a young girl aged 16 in the night were she turned 16 her parents died burning in the storage it was just her and her parents she had a dog her mother gave it to her on her sweet 16 after a month from the incident she went to her uncle's house which is in the suberbes the demon is a young lady 25 years she was a young Happy orphent girl in the past but infortenetly she was killed on the night...
THE PHOTOGRAPH In my father's room, there was a small tray with some medicine on it and nothing else. It was a neat room, no sign of human disorder. Where bad he lived his life? Where were the traces of the things he had valued? Then 1 saw the photograph. It was a poor example of tbat art, in colouring dun (1), in deli neation soft. But it was the only picture on his walls. None of his sons, no picture of his wife. There were no ph...
The minorities
A minority is a group differing, especially in race, religion or ethnic background, from the majority of a population. Jonh LEWIS thinks if we isolate them they become worse and won't progress economically and socially. Must « all move up on down together ». On the one hand, minorities have to do all is necessary to integrate the society.In fact they have to show they exist, they are here !!! Because in this society, the majority often has all rights and power. So that why they must struggle t...
the runaway
Antoine The Runaway Metge 2nd11 A police officer arrived at a bar that he knew well. There is a child who has fled from his house. Policeman: '' Hello Fred. I see you get company.'' Said the Policeman. Fred: '' Yes, the young boys is her since 1 hour. And he told me that his parents bother him. This lad is very fun.'' Replied Fred. Policeman :'' Very well. You're small. Where are your parents? And what is your name?'' Asked the Policeman...
The handshake
--- Informations sur l'utilisateur --- Sujet que l'utilisateur souhaitait consulter : (Id: 103108) La culture est-elle un rempart contre la barbarie ? Nom : Annastasia ROQUE E-mail : [email protected] Id user : 77796Vente autorisée : OuiPour visualiser son profil suivez ce lien : http://www.devoir-de-philosophie.com/compte/Nana.html --- Informations sur le document transmis --- Titre : The handshake Catégorie: Langues Envoyé par copier/coller --- Contenu du document --- Contenu du copier/...
the money
Money is a thing of great significance in the contemporary world. Some people do not want to admit that money is very important in their lives, but the truth is there is someone who wants to become a beggar. Everyone needs money to live and realize their dreams. But making money should not be the first meaning of life. I admire and respect people who can share what they have with others, for example by supporting charity. Sometimes a lot of money is needed to pay for a very expensive ope...
THE WALKING DEAD IN REAL LIFE ? FENTANYL, THE DRUG RAVAGING THE UNITED STATES 1- THE ORIGIN OF FENTANYL Fentanyl is a highly potent synthetic drug primary used as an analgesic ( a painkiller). Created in 1959 by DR. Paul JANSSEN ( a Belgian physician, the creator of Johnson & Johnson). The drug is 50 times more potent than heroin and 100 times more potent than morphine. It is usually used in hospital, in operating rooms. It as the similar e ect than opium. 2-FENTANYL, A DANGEROUS SUBSTAN...
the monster
Mary Jackson is my supervillain ,alias Bat Woman . She is twenty five years old.She is single , but she is in love with a superhero called Billy James alias B.J Powers . She is tall and strong. She has a black short hair with a frange . Her eyes are gray when she is not angry , and when she is angry , her eyes become red . She is wearing a black and a red costume with red wings of bats .Her symbol is a spider , the same symbol that Spiderman because she is...
1 / 2 Les Fiches de Monsieur Cinéma Histoire Illustrée du Cinéma Mondial THE ROSE Réalisation Scénario D'après un sujet original de Directeur de la photographie Musique Produit par Distribution Durée Mark RYDELL (1979) Bill KERBY, Bo GOLDMAN Bill KERBY Vilmos ZSIGMOND (Couleurs par DeLuxe) Paul A. ROTHSCHILD Marvin WORTH Aaron RUSSO Twentieth Century-Fox 133 minutes INTERPRÉTATION La Rose Rudge Dyer Billy Ray Dennis Mal Sarah Mr Le...
Edmund Burke, Speech on Conciliation with the Colonies, 22 March 1775
Text 4 : Edmund Burke, Speech on Conciliation with the Colonies, 22 March 1775. Questions 1) This speech was delivered on 22 march 1775 in the House of Commons, during the American War of Indenpendance. Edmund Burke expresses his support to American colonies. He wants to restore relations between the British government and American colonies. He wants to change British policy towards the colonies by re-evaluate the question of taxing. 2) Burke uses differents rhetorical devices to persuade his...
Inde, avril 2006, série L, LV1: Tracy Chevalier, The Girl With A Pearl Earring, 2000.
Sujet 5 ♦ Inde, avril 2006, série L, LVI The scene is set in the 17h century. The painter referred to is Vermeer. He did not work on the painting of me every day. He had the concert to paint as well, with or without van Ruijven and his women. He painted around them when they were not there, or asked me to take the place of one of the women -the girl sitting at the harpsichord, the woman standing next to it singing...
Amérique du Sud, septembre 2005, séries ES et S, LV1: Jonathan Coe, The Dwarves of Death, Penguin, 1990.
Sujet 7 ♦ Amérique du Sud, septembre 2005, séries ES et S, LVI Ail the time I knew Madeline, there was always the sense that she didn't fit -with me, with London, with the rest of the world. I noticed it the first cime I saw her: she looked so out of place, in that gloomy bar where I was playing the piano. l'd been in London for nearly a year, and l'd thought that this might turn out to be my first break. A place...
What are the influences of the Gilead society and how they have an impact on the woman’s lives?
I. What are the influences of the Gilead society and how they have an impact on the woman’s lives? 1) The society in Gilead: how can we say that there are totalitarian and religious influences Characteristics. 1. Gilead is a theocracy, a government where church and state are combined 2. Hierarchy: The commander and The Wives (most privileged social class), The Eyes, The Guardians and The Angels (police other citizens). The women are divided into the categories of Aunts (contro...
- The Ice Bowl.
- Erik the Red.
The United Kingdom
The United Kingdom L'essentiel du cours Basic facts Capital city Countries Currency The national flag The national anthem National emblems National mottas London : {;ref!t Brjtqin_: E(Jg/af_J_d, SëQtlaf1q , ~a_/es -Northern Ire/and (Ulster) Pound Sterling (E) "The Union Jack" composed of 3 crosses: St George's (Eng/and), St Andrew's (Scot/and), St Patrick's (Ire/and). God Save the Queen -Rose (England) -Lee k (Wales) -Thistle (Sco...
THE NEW GIRL Nature of the text. This text is an autobiographical short story written by Marc Mitchell and published in True Tales of American Life, a collection of short stories. Summary (résumé). The scene takes place in Alabama, a State located in the South of the USA, in the 1970s. The story tells an episode of the author’s childhood, that is to say his encounter (rencontre) with a young black girl. The characters are the narrator, his friend Allison, and a little black girl whose name is n...
The Imitation Game
• 1. a : Look online for information about your movie (synopsis, trailer, actors…). SYNOPSIS : This movie is about a British mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst and scientist Alan Turing and his colleagues. It's a dramatic film based on a true story. Alan Turing has distinguished himself during his life on work that tends towards artificial intelligence and on the first computers. A t the age of 13, he was violently harassed because of this which leds him to distance himself from...
The New Girl
COMPRÉHENSION /41 remis sur 201. The text is a first-person narrative (c'est l'expression consacrée): the events are seen through the eyes of the main character, who is also the narrator.→ ... our bike seats, our skin, our hair. (l. 3) -Allison and I... (l. 4) - I lived... (l. 6) - I was eight and Allison was ten. (l. 6)... (43 words)Attention: ce n'est pas parce que le narrateur utilise la 1è personne qu'il s'agit d'une autobiographie.2. The main characters are the narrator, who is eight...
The stair case
PHASE 1: WEEK 9 Written task Dear judge juries and assembly, first I would like to welcome you all, Mr. Peterson is accused of murdering his wife. I'm here to bring justice to Kathleen Peterson by supporting this incrimination ; Let's get into it; after the accused called 911 Mrs. Peterson was found lying at the bottom of the stairs surrounded by blood: on the walls, on the floor, on the steps, on her clothes and body .... blood that had dried... let's start h...
does the end justifies the means
DOES THE END JUSTIFY THE MEANS? 1er5 Before answering this question we need to define what it means, the end justifies the means is used to say that a desired result can be so good that any method, even a morally bad one may be used to achieve it. Yes the end can justify the means as long as the means used are symmetrically equals to the goal, if you use bad means to achieve a great goal the means have to justify the end by symmetrically equal to the goal. For me any evil action acti...
into the wild
INTO THE WILD DIALOGUE After had speaking with his parents , Christopher had set off his journey for Alaska . He decided to hitchhiking to move . Luckily/ fortunately , after hitching 2 hours he met a truck driver . The truckdriver was interested by this backpacker,and he would know the reasons for his trip. To pass the time, Chris spoked about his trip and aspirations. " Hi guys ! Where do you want to go ? "asked the truck driver. ( He looked chris's notice) "Oh , you would ...
- Punch (The).
- Platters, The.
- Cure (The).
Review of the movie : The Whale
Review: The Whale I saw this movie yesterday and I cannot stop to think about it so I am going to write about it, like a review. (I’m going to ask myself some questions because if I do not do that I will certainly talk about the movie for more than 6 pages.) It’s probably the most moving movie I have ever watched – I have never cried so much in front of a movie. It is special because there are just 5 characters (6 if we count the delivery boy) and the whole movie takes place in Charlie’s h...
- Times (The).
The imitation game
Ansal Sofia The immitation game TG2 1/Look online for information about your movie (synopsis, poster, trailer, actors...). The movie is Directed by Morten Tyldum in 2014 y received a lot of awards like Oscar and prizes. Who was Alan Turing? Alan Turing was a brilliant British mathematician who took a leading role in breaking Nazi ciphers during WWII. In his seminal 1936 paper, he proved that there cannot exist any universal algorithmic metho...
Immigration in the USA
Immigration in the USA Introduction : The immigration is the movement of non native people going to live in a different country. "A nation of immigrants" describes the United States well since a lot of people there is either an immigrant or a descendant of immigrants. Is it good to immigrate to the united states to realize the American dream? First of all I we will see the reasons why immigrants went to the United States. Secondly we will see their integration in the USA. I - Reaso...
The birth of Ireland nationalism
The Birth of Irish nationalism At the end of the 17th century, the British government limited the possibilities of economic and commercial development of the island. Within the Protestant colonial elite, gradually distanced from political and religious power, the first Irish nationalism was born. In 1759, Henry Flood created the Irish Patriotic Party. At the end of the 18th century, the economic situation of the Irish, especially the Catholics, improved and, in 1783, the Irish Parliame...
HISTORY: The cold War
The cold War Ñ> What was it? period of tension Ñ> Proxy wars : Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan Ñ> Why did it begin? - atomic bombs, 1945: USA develops atomic bomb, 1949: USSR has an atomic bomb, ideology (communism vs capitalism) Ñ> Who was to blame ? no one / bothÑ> How did it progress? - space race, crises, arms race, proxy wars Ñ> When did it end? 1989 - 1991Ñ> Why did it end? GorbachovWhat makes a good essay?Ñ> structures, good ideas, + good proof Paragraph : 1) point, evidence, analyze / expla...