207 résultats pour "than"
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACCOURIR, verbe intransitif.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACCROC, substantif masculin.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACCOUTREMENT, SUBSTANTIF MASCULIN.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACÉPHALE, adjectif et substantif.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACCOUPLEMENT, substantif masculin.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACCOUTRER, verbe transitif.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACCROCHE-COEUR, substantif masculin.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACCOUTUMANCE, substantif féminin.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACCUSATEUR, -TRICE, adjectif et substantif.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACCUSATIF, substantif masculin et adjectif.
More than 700 years old, this neutral State organized as a Confederationof sovereign cantons, is famous for its direct democracy and referendums.
More than 700 years old, this neutral State organized as a Confederation of sovereign cantons, is famous for its direct democracy and referendums. At the end of 1992 a small majority of the Swiss rejected the country's entry to the EEC. One canton has very recently confirmed its refusal to allow women the right to vote. Switzerland is facing increasing isolation within the European Economic Area, further accentuated by Austria, Sweden and Finland's membership of the European Union. The Swiss hav...
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACCUMULATEUR, -TRICE, ACCU, adjectif et substantif.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix Définition: ADDITIF, -IVE, adjectif et substantif masculin.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix AC(C)RAVANTER, (ACRAVANTER, ACCRAVANTER) verbe neutre et pronominal.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix Définition: ADDUCTEUR, -TRICE, adjectif et substantif masculin.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACÉRINÉ, -ÉE, -ÉES, ACÉRACÉ, -ÉE, -ÉES, adjectif et substantif féminin pluriel.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACCOURCI, -IE, participe passé, adjectif et substantif masculin.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix AC(C)OUF(F)LER (S'), (ACOUFLER, ACOUFFLER, ACCOUFLER, ACCOUFFLER) verbe pronominal.
The Emancipation ProclamationIssued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863, this famous document, printed here in its entirety, granted freedom to more than 3 million United States slaves.
The Emancipation Proclamation Issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863, this famous document, printed here in its entirety, granted freedom to more than 3 million United States slaves.Lincoln's decree was later made law by passage of the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1865. The Emancipation Proclamation By the President of the United States of America: A Proclamation. Whereas, on the twenty-second day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun...
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACCULER, verbe.
- Weather.
- Child Abuse.
- Obesity.
- Water Cycle.
- Marketing.
- Rice - biology.
- Elephants.
- Star (astronomy) - astronomy.
- Bowling.
- Comedy
- Poverty.
- Depression (psychology).
- Hurricane.
- Pollution.
- Glacier.
- Gambling.
- Suicide.
- Volcano.
- Marriage.
- Global Warming.
- Intelligence.
- Bear - biology.
- Rain Forest.
- Lightning.
- Airplane.
- Welfare.
- Bird - biology.
file:///F/Lycée/angui/1/449946.txt[12/09/2020 03:40:05] LA BIRMANIE AU XXe SIÈCLE Au terme de trois guerres (1824-1826, 1852, 1883-1886), les Britanniqu es s’emparent de l’ensemble du pays et l’annexent à l’empire des Indes. Ils abolissent la mona rchie et instaurent un système fédéral au sein duquel les minorités (Karen, Shan, Kachin, Chin) disposent d’ une autonomie administrative limitée. La Birmanie retrouve un gouvernement en 1923, mais ce n’est que le 1e r avril 1937, après l’adopti...
- Globalization.
- Nanotechnology.