521 résultats pour "with"
With the fall of communism the collapse of trade with the former USSRplunged this country into serious economic difficulties.
With the fall of communism the collapse of trade with the former USSR plunged this country into serious economic difficulties. The poorest country in Northern Europe, Finland entered the European Union in January 1995. A neutral country, Finland shares a frontier of 1 270 km with Russia. The timber and metallurgy industries represent the major proportion of its exports. Most Finns live in the South near the Baltic Sea. The battle against unemployment, which affects more than 17% of the populatio...
- Trigonometry I INTRODUCTION Trigonometry, branch of mathematics that deals with the relationships between the sides and angles of triangles and with the properties and applications of the trigonometric functions of angles.
Autant en emporte le vent - Gone with the Wind
Marion Hilaire, Première Rouge Gone with the Wind Gone with the Wind presents an overly idealized vision of the South? Yes. And then, the South is a character in its own right in the film, perhaps he even shares the first place with Scarlett. After all, Gone with the Wind is the story of the fall of the South, the death of a civilization. Showing its splendor (exaggerated) at the beginning of the film allows, by a cruel reversal,...
Anglais : Expression écrite Document : « Buffalo Bill’s Duel with Yellow Hand »
Anglais : Expression écrite Document : « Buffalo Bill’s Duel with Yellow Hand » The document is a drawing made in the end of the XIX century. We don’t know the drawer. The action took place in the Great Plains, in the West of the United States, and refers to the Battle of The Little Bighorn between federal troops (led by Lieut. Col. George A. Custer) and Northern Plains Indians. First of all, I will describe all the elements of this illustration. On the f oreg...
How do the three documents interact to deal with the intersection of multiple identities?
Bac Blanc Self-expression and self-construction are a big part of what makes us who we are. In fact, some people and their communities share their experiences of how they found themselves as well as their identity that they accept. The vogue communities as well the LGBT community depict perhaps in one of the most pure ways how one would deal with the intersection of multiple identities. Taking into account each document we’ll show how they interact to deal with the intersection of...
Inde, avril 2006, série L, LV1: Tracy Chevalier, The Girl With A Pearl Earring, 2000.
Sujet 5 ♦ Inde, avril 2006, série L, LVI The scene is set in the 17h century. The painter referred to is Vermeer. He did not work on the painting of me every day. He had the concert to paint as well, with or without van Ruijven and his women. He painted around them when they were not there, or asked me to take the place of one of the women -the girl sitting at the harpsichord, the woman standing next to it singing...
Czechoslovakia put an end to the communist regime with the "velvetrevolution" in 1989.
Czechoslovakia put an end to the communist regime with the "velvet revolution" in 1989. The writer Vaclav Havel, became Head of State and was unable to withstand nationalist tensions, but on 1st January 1993 nationalistic pressures gave an end to the Czechoslovak federation and gave birth to the independent republic of Slovakia. The economic legacy of the partition has greatly handicapped industrial development centred on armaments. The presence of a large Hungarian minority in the South of Slov...
Declaration by United NationsSoon after the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, British prime minister Winston Churchill met with United States president Franklin D.
Declaration by United Nations Soon after the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, British prime minister Winston Churchill met with United States president Franklin D. Roosevelt inWashington, D.C., to develop strategies for coping with the global crisis. One such strategy, the Declaration by United Nations, emphasized their collective dedication towinning World War II (1939-1945). This declaration incorporated principles of the Atlantic Charter, which the two leaders had agreed to in Aug...
- Game Theory I INTRODUCTION Game Theory, mathematical analysis of any situation involving a conflict of interest, with the intent of indicating the optimal choices that, under given conditions, will lead to a desired outcome.
Edmund Burke, Speech on Conciliation with the Colonies, 22 March 1775
Text 4 : Edmund Burke, Speech on Conciliation with the Colonies, 22 March 1775. Questions 1) This speech was delivered on 22 march 1775 in the House of Commons, during the American War of Indenpendance. Edmund Burke expresses his support to American colonies. He wants to restore relations between the British government and American colonies. He wants to change British policy towards the colonies by re-evaluate the question of taxing. 2) Burke uses differents rhetorical devices to persuade his...
Political conflicts are becoming increasingly apparent between those whowant closer ties with the European Union and those who want more contactwith the CIS.
Political conflicts are becoming increasingly apparent between those who want closer ties with the European Union and those who want more contact with the CIS. However, in 1995 Bulgaria increased its efforts to form closer links with the European Union. After a major economic and monetary recession in 1993, the country was able to restructure its debt. The mass-privatisation programme is still in place, but the restoration of state-owned land to its owners, started in 1991, has been stopped by t...
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACCROCHER, verbe transitif.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACCOUPLÉ, -ÉE, participe passé et adjectif.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACCUEILLANT, -ANTE, participe présent et adjectif.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix accroupi ACCROUPI, -IE, PARTICIPE PASSÉ ET ADJECTIF.
The Rights of Man DeclarationWith this declaration, the French National Assembly addressed many of the French people's grievances with the monarchy and established the ideals of the FrenchRevolution.
The Rights of Man Declaration With this declaration, the French National Assembly addressed many of the French people's grievances with the monarchy and established the ideals of the FrenchRevolution. It remains one of the most important documents in Western political history. Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen 1789 The representatives of the French people, organized as a National Assembly, believing that the ignorance, neglect, or contempt of the rights of man are the sole caus...
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACCOUTUMER, verbe.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACERBE, adjectif.
Essai sur l'hommeAlexander PopeEpistle I : of the nature and state of man with respect to the universeAwake, my St.
Essai sur l'homme Alexander Pope Epistle I : of the nature and state of man with respect to the universe Awake, my St. John! leave all meaner things To low ambition, and the pride of kings. Let us (since life can little more supply Than just to look about us, and to die) Expatiate free o'er all this scene of man; A mighty maze! but not without a plan; A wild, where weeds and flow'rs promiscuous shoot; Or garden, tempting with forbidden fruit. Together let us beat this ample field, Try what the...
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACCOUPLER, verbe transitif.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACCOUPLE, substantif féminin.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACCUMULATION, substantif féminin.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACCUSATION1, substantif féminin.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACCROCHAGE, substantif masculin.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACCUMULER, verbe transitif.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACCROISSEMENT, substantif masculin.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACÉRÉ, -ÉE, participe passé et adjectif.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACCOUTUMÉ, -ÉE, participe passé et adjectif.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACCRÉDITÉ, -ÉE, participe passé, adjectif et substantif.
It was with the "velvet revolution" of 1989 that Czechoslovakia put anend to the communist regime but the writer Vaclav Havel became Head ofState and was then unable to withstand nationalist tensions.
It was with the "velvet revolution" of 1989 that Czechoslovakia put an end to the communist regime but the writer Vaclav Havel became Head of State and was then unable to withstand nationalist tensions. On 1st January 1993 the Czechoslovak federation consisting of the Czech countries Bohemia and Moravia, and Slovakia, divided. Two new independent republics were born. The country today continues its transition to capitalism. It enjoys an extremely low unemployment rate and has formally applied fo...
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACELLULAIRE, adjectif.
Denmark's prosperity depends on its trade with the European Union whichrepresents half of its exports.
Denmark's prosperity depends on its trade with the European Union which represents half of its exports. A member of the EEC, two referendums had to be held for the Danish people to approve ratification of the treaty of European Union in 1993. Agriculture and fishing, amongst the most modern in the world, are prosperous. The very powerful food industry exports cheese, bacon, beef, beer and processed sea food.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACENTRIQUE, adjectif.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ADDITIVEMENT, adverbe.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACCUEILLEMENT, substantif masculin.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACCUMULATIF, -IVE, adjectif.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACÉPHALIE, substantif féminin.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix accusable ACCUSABLE, adjectif.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACÉNAPHTÈNE, substantif masculin.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACCRÉDITEMENT, substantif masculin.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACÈNE, substantif.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACCRESCENT, -ENTE, adjectif.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACÉTANILIDE, substantif masculin.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACERDÈSE, substantif féminin.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACCROCHE, substantif féminin.
Two communities with different languages, Flemish, similar to Dutch, andWalloons, similar to French, share the territory.
Two communities with different languages, Flemish, similar to Dutch, and Walloons, similar to French, share the territory. The Flemish live in the North, the Walloons in the South, and apart from Brussels, there are very few mixed areas. The difficulties of cohabitation between the two communities resulted in the adoption of a statute of regional autonomy in 1989. This contrast is also reflected in the economic conditions, Wallonie is in crisis and seeks a second economic wind while Flanders imp...
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACCOUVER, verbe.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACCOURCISSEMENT, substantif masculin.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACCRÉTION, substantif féminin.
- Error: There's a form with more q than Q, trying to fix ACÉTAL, substantif masculin.