William Blake
Publié le 17/05/2020
Extrait du document
The man
Poet, Painter William was unknown in his own times.
Neither the public nor his fellow Romantic poets knew him
and the few who did know him thought he was insane.
Wordsworth said about him « There is something in the
madness of this man which interests me more than the sanity of Lord Byron and Walter Scott ».
? gets recognition only decades after his death and was transformed into a cult figure of our modern age.
Self-taught man ( received an education only in art), he hated school which he regarded as « the great sin ».
? At first he wanted to be a painter.
?> He frequented nonconformists intellectuals.
That reinforced his hate of Establishments whether in
education, religion, education or governement.
He burned with a revolutionary fervour fed by the example of the America's independence (1776) or the.
Liens utiles
- William Blake
- William Blake.
- William Blake par Robert Kanters Il y a deux vies de William Blake - l'une est celle d'un artisan qui pourraitfigurer dans une galerie des graveurs illustres, l'autre celle d'un visionnairequi compte parmi les grands inspirés.
- William Blake Fils d'un bonnetier londonien, William Blake, sensibilisé à la littérature parsa mère, révéla très jeune sa vocation artistique.