Publié le 23/05/2020
Extrait du document
_Never can we know ; these vocabulary words and expressions may be needed at anytime.
So, just enjoy
this work issued from my researches._
All your suggestions, remarks and observations to improve this work are welcome.
Le recrutement
a job = un emploi (le terme “job” n’est pas familier comme en français)
a job interview = un entretien d’embauche
an application form = dossier de candidature
an interview = un entretien
to be interviewed = passer un entretien
to take on / to hire = embaucher quelqu’un
to look for a job = chercher un travail
to apply for a job = postuler à un emploi
an applicant = un candidat, un demandeur
a job applicant = un candidat à l’embauche
to post a job = publier une offre d’emploi
job center = l’agence pour l’emploi
job offer / job vacancy / job opening / job opportunity / job advertisement = offre d’emploi
to fill a position / to fill a vacancy = pourvoir un poste
to land a job = obtenir un emploi
application for a job = candidature à un poste
having a permanent job = avoir un poste permanent
job description = descriptif d’un poste.