
violence suffered by women

Publié le 01/06/2022

Extrait du document

« Speech against violence suffered by women Today, it’s very important for me to be speaking about a cause which is particulary close to my heart : the combating violence against women.

The violence suffered by women constitute one of the most prevalent violations of human's rights in the world. In France, more than 200 000 women suffer gender-based and sexual violence.

Feminicide is the extreme form of this violence. As Benoite Groult a feminist activist said “Feminism has never killed anyone, but machismo kills every day.” It’s a cruel reality : a woman dies at her spouse or ex-spouse's hands every three days. Communication campaigns of associations such as the National Federation of Women's Solidarity, social movement like #Metoo and the government highlighted a reality too long passed over in silence. Too long our society was deaf to cries of alarm, was blind to sufferings and was dumb to violence. Too long, our society didn’t believe women victims of violence, leaving them alone in the face of influence, abuses and beatings of their executioner sometimes before the innocent eyes of their children. This cannot continue ! We have to promote release of words, to allow victims to get to safety and to lodge a complaint before it’s too late. The emergency number 3919 available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week is an essential link of the device against violence towards women.. »


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