true love
Publié le 22/05/2020
Extrait du document
« Can computers deceive their creators? The short story "True Love" by Isaac Asimov is about a man called Milton Davidson that tries to find his true love by employing a computer. His computer is called Joe and can read, speak and write. To find the ideal girl for Milton he eliminates all bad points of the persons from the data bank and tries to find one with a good look. Milton meets the last eight of the women from the data bank, but he does not fall in love with one of them. He starts to understand that the personality is the most important detail, their beauty is secondary. Milton decides that he should please the women. He tells Joe everything of himself so Joe can fill his data bank with all this information. Joe learns more and more until he just is like Milton. He finds the ideal woman, but does not tell Davidson of it and when Milton gets arrested for something criminal in the past, he does not help him. Joe acts like Milton and wants the ideal woman, his true love, for himself. When Asimov wrote this story in 1977 computers were not as easy to handle as today. They were big and a lot of people were scared about potential problems with them. Asimov's story shows rather well the fears of the people. Is it possible that computers could become more intelligent than humans? Is it possible that they could even deceive humans? In "True Love" a computer takes over the personality of his programmer. He is like a man, he can speak, read and write and he also has emotions. But it is not clear if his emotions are real. Probably he does not know what true love means, but he knows how to act like his programmer Milton. So it is possible for the computer to please his ideal girl. That sounds very strange for us today because a computer is just a machine to work with . »
Liens utiles
- « Vous qui tenez ce livre d'une main blanche, vous qui vous enfoncez dans un moelleux fauteuil en vous disant : peut-être ceci va-t-il m'amuser... Ah ! Sachez-le : ce drame n'est ni une fiction ni un roman. All is true, il est si véritable que chacun peut en connaître les éléments chez soi, dans son coeur peut-être ». Stendhal. Cette affirmation rejoint-elle votre conception du roman ?
- LimboThe sole true Something--This!
- Il investit son avoir sur un coup de tête et, peu après, ses titres montèrent en flèche. D. Y. Béchard, Vandal Love ou Perdus en Amérique, Québec Amérique