
The United Kingdom

Publié le 09/10/2021

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« The United Kingdom L'essentiel du cours Basic facts Capital city Countries Currency The national flag The national anthem National emblems National mottas London : {;ref!t Brjtqin_: E(Jg/af_J_d, SëQtlaf1q , ~a_/es -Northern Ire/and (Ulster) Pound Sterling (E) "The Union Jack" composed of 3 crosses: St George's (Eng/and), St Andrew's (Scot/and), St Patrick's (Ire/and).

God Save the Queen -Rose (England) -Lee k (Wales) -Thistle (Scot/and) -Shamrock (Ire/and) -Shamed be he who thinks il/ of it (honni soit qui mal y pense) British institutions Executive power Legis!otive power The monarch -ThÙ'rime Miniitêr : Head of the Cabinet -The Cabinet (Chancellor of the Exchequer (finance) , the Lord Chancellor (justice), the Home Secretary, the Foreign Secretary, the Defense Secretary ...

) -The Houses of Parliament: • the House of Commons (650 e/ected members); • the House of Lords (92 non -elected members) .

Queen (or King) : represents the nation --+ a constitutional monarchy .

The Commonwealth of Nations - an intergovernmental organization of 54 independent member states.

Ali except Mozambique and Rwanda used to be part of the British Empire .

The Commonwealth was created in 1926 : Britain and its dominions agreed that they were 'equa/ in status, in no way subordinate one to another in any aspect of their domestic ar external affairs'.

The member states shore common values including the promotion of democr acy and human rights .

The Head of the Commonwealth --+ Queen Elizabeth Il.. »


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