Tattoo anglais
Publié le 06/12/2021
Extrait du document
Thème général: 9/11 Commemorative tattoo
Prévu sur 2 séances
Photo 'Commemorative tattoo', dans le manuel Insight Tle, Unit 1
Projet de début d'année: briser la glace et évaluer le niveau des élèves.
. Au plan lexical:
-9/11, attentats, commémoration...
-sentiments (emotion, tristesse, rage...)
-expression de l'opinion
. Au plan notionnel / fonctionnel :
-probabilité +présent perfect (must have done)
. Au plan culturel :
-le 11 septembre
. Au plan méthodologique:
-Analyse de document iconographique
-production écrite structurée
L'objectif sera pour les élèves d'arriver à construire une analyse du
document de facon personnelle, après avoir décrit le document
Pauline Giroud - Strasbourg
Thème g énéral: 9/11 Commemorative tattoo
évu sur 2 s éances
Photo 'Commemorative tattoo', dans le manuel Insight Tle, Unit 1
Projet de d
ébut d'ann ée: briser la glace et évaluer le niveau des élèves.
· Au plan lexical:
9/11, attentats, comm
sentiments (emotion, tristesse, rage…)
expression de l’opinion
· Au plan notionnel / fonctionnel :
é +pr ésent perfect (must have done)
· Au plan culturel :
le 11 septembre
· Au plan m
Analyse de document iconographique
écrite structur ée
L'objectif sera pour les
élèves d'arriver à construire une analyse du document de facon personnelle, apr ès avoir d écrit le document collectivement en classe, à l'oral.
Donc, pdt la phase oral, je prendrai uniquement en note au tableau les mots cl és et le vocabulaire. Les élèves devront ensuite utiliser les mots dans une desccription/analyse personnelle du document telle que la suivante par exemple : Look at this document and describe it! This document is a colour picture/photograph. In the background there's the American flag (called the Stars and Stripes or the starspangled banner) and in the foreground there's a man, presumably a fireman(GB)/firefighter(US) because he's holding a helmet under his left arm. The picture must have been taken in the USA shortly after the terrorist attacks which took place on September 9 th 2001, widely called 9/11 attacks. The fireman has got a tattoo all over his back representing/which represents the burning and fuming twin towers in the middle and names on the left. The names must be those of firemen who died in the rescue of 9/11 victims. It must be the names of his team mates/ of the members of his fire brigade who died when the towers fell down/collapsed while they were trying to rescue the victims from the debris. In the bottom left, we can notice/note the hand and the flame of the statue of liberty. The man must have got this tattoo to pay tribute to the firemen who died for the sake of the American nation. He must have made it in memory of his colleagues/partners/team mate. He wants them to be remembered/ not to be forgotten. He wants the people to keep them in their memory. In your opinion, why did this man get this tattoo? Maybe he felt guilty to be alive while some of his team mates died or were injured. Like his colleagues who bear the marks/stigmas/scars of the attacks, he wants to bear them too.This man must have a passion for his job, he must have been really moved/touched by the event. He must be very sensitive and sad. He may also be very cross with the terrorists who are responsible for the attacks. He must be seething/boiling with rage/anger. He must be mad at them. What do you think of this act? Would you be ready to get a tattoo to show your passion or feelings? In my opinion/for me//I think that it's a proof of courage and pride. But at the same time I believe this is a pity to have done that because it's not really nice, his back is quite ruined and he will never be able to remove it. I wouldn't dare do something like that because then it's for ever: for example I wouldn't get a tattoo with the name of somebody or a design because tastes change and in twenty years I may not like it anymore. Moreover, when you get old your skin gets flabby or you get fat and then the tattoo is really horrible. Vocabulaire suppl émentaire:. »
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