Publié le 02/12/2021
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(Talos) The nephew and apprenticeof the great inventor Daedalus. Talus, who issaid to have invented the saw and also the compass,incurred the jealousy of Daedalus, who murdered him.Some stories say that Daedalus threw the boy from thetop of the Acropolis and that the gods changed Talusinto a partridge ("perdix"). Perdix was a nickname forTalus or his mother, Polycaste, or for both.
Liens utiles
- tALus AcheLous
- Le Baiser au Lépreux (extrait)François MauriacUne après-midi, à l'époque des premières chaleurs, elle alla jusqu'à la métairienommée Tartehume et, accablée, se laissa choir sur le talus.