Publié le 06/12/2021
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Class Cephalopoda
Order Teuthoidea
Range Squid live throughout the world's oceans at all depths.
Size Largest: The giant squid can reach a length of 18 m (60 ft) including tentacles, and weigh up to 900 kg (1980 lbs).
Smallest: One species of sepiolid squid only reaches a length of about 1.8 cm (0.7 in), and weighs as little as 700 mg (0.02 oz).
Feeding Habits Squid are carnivores; they eat fish, crustaceans, and smaller squid.
Offspring Female squid lay thousands of eggs, which attach to foliage or to objects at the bottom of the ocean.
Life Span The common squid lives about one to two years.
Did You Know Some squid have bioluminescent organs that make them glow in the dark.
When being chased, many squid squirt a dark liquid to distract their attacker.
Giant squid have eyes the size of basketballs
Squid swim faster than any other invertebrate.
Biologists estimate that there are as many as 500 species of squid.
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Class Cephalopoda
Order Teuthoidea
Range Squid live throughout the world's oceans at all depths.
Size Largest: The giant squid can reach a length of 18 m (60 ft) including tentacles, and weigh up to 900 kg (1980 lbs).
Smallest: One species of sepiolid squid only reaches a length of about 1.8 cm (0.7 in), and weighs as little as 700 mg (0.02 oz).
Feeding Habits Squid are carnivores; they eat fish, crustaceans, and smaller squid.
Offspring Female squid lay thousands of eggs, which attach to foliage or to objects at the bottom of the ocean.
Life Span The common squid lives about one to two years.
Did You Know Some squid have bioluminescent organs that make them glow in the dark.
When being chased, many squid squirt a dark liquid to distract their attacker.
Giant squid have eyes the size of basketballs
Squid swim faster than any other invertebrate.
Biologists estimate that there are as many as 500 species of squid.
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.