
Shih Tzu.

Publié le 06/12/2021

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Shih Tzu.
Shih Tzu, breed of toy dog, probably native to Tibet, and bred extensively in China since the 17th century. The name means "lion dog," but because the hair around the
face grows in all directions, they are also called the "chrysanthemum-faced dog." Much favored in court circles, the dogs were frequently represented in Chinese art. In
1930 a few remaining specimens were introduced into England, and from there the breed became popular throughout the world. The Shih Tzu was officially recognized
in the United States in 1969. An alert, lively dog, and very intelligent and gentle, it carries itself with a distinctively proud bearing. Its heavily plumed tail curls over the
back; body hair--of various colors--is long and luxurious. The height of the Shih Tzu is 20 to 28 cm (8 to 11 in), the weight 4 to 7 kg (9 to 16 lb).

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