
Robinson Crusoe

Publié le 18/05/2020

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Ci-dessous un extrait traitant le sujet : Robinson Crusoe Ce document contient 1803 mots soit 4 pages. Pour le télécharger en entier, envoyez-nous un de vos documents grâce à notre système gratuit d’échange de ressources numériques. Cette aide totalement rédigée en format pdf sera utile aux lycéens ou étudiants ayant un devoir à réaliser ou une leçon à approfondir en Langues.

« ROBINSON CRUSOE Part One: Robinson Kreutznaer was born in the year 1632 in the city of York (England).

His family's conditions were of the middle state: neither rich nor poor.

His father was of a good family, he was a merchant from Bremen (Germany) and he made his fortune in trade.

His mother's family name was Robinson, but in England they were called Crusoe.

He had two brothers, one became a soldier and died in a battle against the Paniards.

Of the other brother they had no news.

Robinson's father wanted him to study law, but his biggest desire was to go to sea.

His parents didn't want him to go to sea, his father was moved and cried, so Robinson decided not to think of going abroad any more, but a few days later he began to think of the sea again.

He was eighteen, he asked his mother to persuade his father, but his mother got very angry.

One year later, R went to the port of Hull; a friend asked him to go with him to London on his father's ship.

He accepted and left without telling his parents.

On the first of Septermber 1651 he went on board for the first time.

The wind blew strong and R was frightened, he thought that god had punished him for leaving his father's house.

A few days later ther was a terrible storm, sailors knew the ship would founder, so they were all saved by a boat from another ship.

They reached the shore and the people gave them money to go back home, but R did not go home.

He went to London by land and signed up for a voyage to Africa.

He met the captain of the ship who asked him to go with him, R accepted because the captain promised him to teach him both skills of sailor and merchant.

The voyage was a success, but once they returned to England, the captain died.

R decided to go on the voyage again, so he singed up on the same ship, but there was a new captain.

When they approached the coast of Africa, they were pursued by a Turkish ship, and were all taken as prisoners to the port of Sallee.

R was made slave from the captain of the Turkis ship.

After two years of slavery, R had the chance to escape.

He was sent out fishing with a black slave Xury and the brother of the captain, Ismael.

On the small boat there was a gun and some food, so R pushed Ismael into the sea, pointed a gun at him and told him to swin back to the shore otherwise he would shoot him in the head.

Ismael swam away from the ship, R and Xury sailed along the coast of Africa, close to the shore.

One day they needed fresh water, but they were afraid to go ashore, so they went together, got the water and while they were going back to the boat they saw a lion on the beach.

R shot the lion and together they quickly took the skin off the animal.

The continued sailing along the coast for ten days.

Sometimes they saw black people (Negroes) on the shore, but Xury didn't want to go ashore to meet them, so R made signs telling them they needed food and they brought meat and grain and left it on the beach for them.

R and Xury didn't have naything to pay them back so, when they saw a leopadr, R shot at it and they left it for the black people.

After other eleven days sailing, they saw a ship, they approached to it and discovered it was a Portuguese ship sailing to Brazil.

The captain of the ship was very kind to them, he offered R eight pieces of eight (silver coins) for his ship and he also wanted to buy Xury, but R didn't want.

Xury decided to go with the captain and leave R.

Twenty- two days laer they landed in All Saints' Bay in Brazil.

The captain bought a lot of the property from R's boat so he left the boat with about two hundred and twnty pieces of eight.

In Brazil R decided to become a sugar planter, but he wasn't happy with his life.

One day the captain of the Portuguese ship advised R to send for money thet he had left in London.

R's friend sent the money in form of English goods.

R sold the goods ad with the money he bought a Negro slave.

After four years other planters told him they were planning to buy a ship and sail to the African coasts to buy slaves.

R accepted to go with them.

On the first of September 1659 they sailed up to Cape St Augustino.

Tweleve days later a hurrican hit theur ship, the wind blew strongly and they were all afraid.

They decided to sail for Barbados but another storm hit them.

One morning they saw land, but it was too late because they couldn't move the ship off the sand.

They left the boat but a great wave came and the boat turned over.

R was a good swimmer, waves carried him along towards the shore, he ran on the beach, but strong waves continued to break over him.

A wave threw him hard against a rock, R held on to it, he clmbed over the rocks and finally sat on the grass.. »


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