
recherch method

Publié le 22/05/2020

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Ci-dessous un extrait traitant le sujet : recherch method Ce document contient 3742 mots soit 8 pages. Pour le télécharger en entier, envoyez-nous un de vos documents grâce à notre système gratuit d’échange de ressources numériques. Cette aide totalement rédigée en format pdf sera utile aux lycéens ou étudiants ayant un devoir à réaliser ou une leçon à approfondir en Gestion.

« 1 Introduction In the past , companies did not need to promote their products for several reason.

First, because the demand was higher than the supply .

So, all the production were sold all their product without any problem.

Indeed, in this time, they were not too much companies, that means there was no too challenges.

But at around 1920, when we noticed the equality between the demand and the supply , companies have started integrating ma rketing and communication in their global strategy.

Then, starts the race to get more client than the competitor.

All the tools available at this time were used to get in touch with the potential client and to push him to the purchasing action.

Among these tools, we can name the radio (1922), the television advertising who’s the first recorder has been done at 1941, the telephone marketing, the street marketing, etc. However, the apparition of internet at 1983 will change the done, will change the way to do marketing.

At the beginning, internet was exclusively reserved for military use .

But over time, it has been open ed to civilian use .

At 2004, Facebook has been launched and the companies have find a new way o f marketing: The social networks.

T he past tools like Television, Radio, print, display are now considered like traditional, like obsolete by still useful .

With the technological progressing, internet is now a platform that contains all other media.

On int ernet, it is possible to watch Television, listen radio, read newspapers.

So, it is a powerful communication tool.

The new form of marketing, the internet, has been quickly integrated by occidental and multinationals companies. But in Africa, the situation is not the same.

First, internet appears at 19 95 in Senegal.

In addition , the cover rate was too weak.

We have also to consider the low level of education.

Internet appeared like a magical tool for African population.

They had not knowledge to use it.

And the main problem was not internet but the access to computer before to get internet .

At this time, computer was too expensive.

Rare are those who were able to pay one.

All these factors did not make efficient the using of internet in the companies’ global marketing strategy .

But this, it was several years ago.

Today, we may notice the presence of several African brands, companies, c elebrity, books, and traders’ and so on social networks.

They post news, pictures, get in touch with users and even chat.

In the light of this observation, we would like to do a research.

But first, we need a research question in order to canalize our research.. »