
Prepare your project p.161 : Editorial The Segregation

Publié le 17/05/2021

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« ABRIC-VERNET Léa 1G4 Prepare your project p.161 : Editorial The Segregation has been abolished in 1964 due to the Civil Rights Movement, lead especially by Martin Luther King, Malcom X or Rosa Parks. The next year, the President Johson signed the Voting Rights Act, which allow any people from any minorities or ethnicities to vote, and forbid to avoid this people to exerce this right.

With this laws, we can say that the equality is reached in theory, but is it true in the real life, at our time ? For me, it's a big no.

Yes, there is a big progress since the situation of the 60's, but we can't say that, in the United States of America today, Black Americans are treat in the same way that White Americans.

Let's be positive, let's start with the plus about how life change for Black Americans.

With the Civical Rights Movement, their situation start to be heard, or rather to be listen.

Black word's start to be listen and represented, and they start to be recompensed for that : in 1964, Martin Lunther King has received the Nobel price of the peace. Another evidence that White people start to listen Black words's is that JFK didn't hesitate to use the army for protect Black studiant to the racism in universities, like he did in 1962 for James Meredith, a studiant in the University of Mississipi.

Nowadays, Black people are more and more represented, in the medias, the art or in politic : Barack Obama was the first Black President of the USA, elected in 2008, thing that would be inthinkable in the 60's (even if, for me, he has been the best president of America for the moment). Fortunately, minds has changed, racism has discrease and became frowned upon but it is always here, in a way more or less direct and visible. In example, we have a study from the University of Chigago dated to 2014, the neighborhoods inhabited by at least half of black people are less well served by the public transports and have less jobs, so Afro-Americans take longer to go to work.

Some will say : '' Okay, that's not cool, but there are worse things in life » and yes, of course there are worst things in life but this thing is an inegality and the evidence that Black Americans are less well treated, and that their life are less important for American society . According to another study from the Brookings Institution, dated to 2018, the houses located in this neighborhoods inhabited in majority by black people will cost half cheaper that they deserve.

Yes, I agree with you, this fact is aberrant and smell a lot the post-colonial society and the negrophobia. Now, the most revolting part of my article.

The egality in our society is far from being reached.

Black people in United States are not only living a passive racism, they also always live the violence, the crime.

A study of the US National Center fo Health Statistics from 2017,say that homicides was the first reason of death of Black Americans between 25 and 29 years with 31,6%, whereas it was 3,4% for white people at the same age. Nowadays, the white supremacist terrorist secret society named « Ku Klux Klan », is always existing and have more than 15000 members. Nowadays, a Black men in the street have 2.5 times more ''luck'' to be killed by the police than a With person. Nowadays, racism, discrimination and violences are always here in USA.. »


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