

Publié le 23/05/2020

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« LINKS WITH THE THEMES OF BEAUTIFUL BLACK MEN The fair housing act of 1968 -The Civil Rights Act signed into law in April 1968 -popularly known as the Fair Housing Act prohibited discrimination concerning the sale -Intended as a follow-up to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, -subject of a contentious debate in the Senate -passed quickly by the House of Representatives in the days after the assassination of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. -stands as the final great legislative achievement of the civil rights era. 1968 Black Power Salute during the Olympic Games of 1968 The 1968 Olympics Black Power salute was a political demonstration conducted by the African-American athletes Tommie Smith and John Carlos during their medal ceremony at the 1968 Summer Olympics in the Olympic Stadium in Mexico They each raised a black-gloved fist during the closing ceremony and kept them raised until the anthem had finished.

– Tommie Smith stated that the gesture was not a "Black Power" salute, but a "human rights salute".

– event is regarded as one of the most overtly political statements in the history of the modern Olympic games. Gender criticism: The second wave of feminism in North America came as a delayed reaction against the renewed domesticity of women after World War II: the late 1940s post-war boom, which was an era characterized by an economic growth, a ,baby boom a move to family-oriented suburbs, and the ideal of companion marriages.

This life was clearly illustrated by the media of the time; for example television shows such as Father Knows Best and Leave It to Beaver idealized domesticity. Before the second wave there were some important events which laid the groundwork for it.

French writer Saimone de Beauvoir had in the 1940s examined the notion of women being perceived as "other" in the patriarchal society.

She went on to conclude that male-centered. »


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