

Publié le 02/12/2021

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(Sailing Ones) Greek Seven daughtersof Atlas and Pleione, one of the Oceanids; sistersof the Hyades. Their names were Alcyone, Asterope,Celaene, Electra, Maia (1), Merope, and Taygete.They were placed among the stars to save them frombeing pursued by Orion. They are sometimes called"the Seven Sisters."Astronomically, the Pleiades is a cluster of starseasily seen in the Taurus constellation. One of thestars is invisible to the naked eye. Some say that the"Lost Pleiad" is Merope, who married a mortal andhides herself in shame. Others say that the lost star isElectra, who fades away from grief at the fall of Troy.The ancients believed that when they could seethe cluster of stars ("the Sailing Ones") the weatherwas auspicious for sailing.


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