
pierre de fermat (anglais)

Publié le 30/12/2021

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« Date de naissance: Pierre de Fermat was born August 17, 1601, Beaumont-de- Lomagne, France and died January 12, 1665, Castres.

Source: Ses études: Pierre Fermat studied law in Orleans and Toulouse before becoming a magistrate of the Parliament of Toulouse.

He appeared several times before the court of Castell.

However, he has not forgotten his beloved hometown, Beaumont de Lomagne, and will return home every parliamentary holiday, especially when he is in Bastide at the city council.

Source: fermat- science Son job : he was a French magistrate, polymath and especially mathematician, nicknamed "the prince of amateurs".

He was also a poet, a skilled Latinist and Hellenist, and was interested in the sciences, particularly physics.

Source: Wikipédia Sa famille : His father, Dominique Fermat, was a rich businessman from Beaumont-de-Lomagne.

This bourgeoisie and the second consul of Beaumont were called leather merchants.

He married Françoise Cazenave, daughter of a rich businessman, and Claire Delang, daughter of Clermont Delang, lord of Barrès.

However, it is not known which of these two women was the mother of the mathematician.

He apparently has a brother Clément and two sisters, Louise and Marie.

Source: bibmath Ses différentes realisations: Fermat developed a method for determining the maximum, minimum and tangent of various curves, which is equivalent to differentiation.

In these works, Fermat acquired a technique for finding the center of gravity of various flat and three-dimensional graphs, which led him to continue engaging in orthogonal work.

Fermat was the first to evaluate the integral of general power functions.

In number theory, Fermat studied the Pell equation, perfect numbers, convivial numbers, and what later became known as Fermat numbers.

Through their correspondence with Pascal in 1654, Fermat and Pascal helped lay the foundations of probability theory.

From this short and fruitful collaboration on the point problem, they are now considered the co- founders of probability theory.

Source: classicistranieri Son énoncé: Therefore, he stated in Latin the proposition that became known as "Fermat's last theorem".

For integers n, n 3, there are no positive integers x, y, z such that xn + yn = zn This conjecture is also called "Fermat's last theorem", not because it is Fermat's last theorem, but because Fermat's last theorem has not been proved for a long. »


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