
personnage death of a salesman

Publié le 28/09/2021

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« Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller Liliana Gugnon terminale 5 Willy loman : Willy Loman is a major character and the protagonist of the play.

He is the husband of Linda, father of Happy and Biff and brother of Ben.

He works as a traveling salesman in the region of New England.

Willy Loman is full of aspirations to excel in his career.

In fact, he is chasing his American dream of having wealth and freedom to enjoy it with his family.

He wants his family to live in luxury but his hard work does not pay off, and his sons do not become serious in adopting a good career or succeeding in life.

He, therefore, daydreams.

However, the tragic fact is that his children never understood him despite his wife’s efforts to make Happy and Biff realize their father’s situation.

Finally, seeing failures in his life, he commits suicide. Linda Loman : Linda is a the wife of Willy Loman.

She supports her husband’s dreams of success and prosperity in the future and stands by her husband until the end.

She rebukes Biff for not working to support his father.

She is also very loving to Willy despite his demeaning behavior toward her.

Linda is very understanding in that she realizes that Willy’s hallucinations are symbols of his declining psychological state of mind.

Overall, she has resigned to her fate despite her efforts to make her sons emotionally support Willy.

That is why she tells her son, Biff, that if he does not have any feeling for his father, then she does not have any feelings for him. Biff Loman : He is the son of Willy and Linda, Biff is a failure in his career.

Despite being a star athlete during his school years and winning a scholarship, he could not graduate from the college.

After finding his father flirting with a woman of Boston, he becomes disillusioned and leaves studies.

Willy wishes him to become a businessman, but he wavers in his resolve to become a business tycoon and flees to the west to work on ranches.

He tries to win some success to show the evidence to his father.

In the end, he admits to his father that he wants to be a normal young man and lead a simple life. Happy Loman : He is the youngest of the two sons of the Loman family.

He is working as an assistant manager in a store.

Most of these activities besides jobs include finding girls and running after them.

Although he has a good career, his father does not think it is right. The major drawback of his character is that he has no self-control, for he is a. »


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