Park Ranger Job's descritption
Publié le 09/03/2021
Extrait du document
I’m happy to share with you today my gap year experience in South Australia,
not far from Adelaïde city, as Park Ranger.
I applied for this job 2 years ago, and I got the chance to stay one full year in
Morialta Conservation Park.
1 – Create Visitor experience
As national park ranger, my routine day started welcoming visitors and I had to
inform them about respect for flora and fauna.
I used to learn them about the
environment they will discover and how to behave.
I gave them a map of the
park showing the different hikes and their duration, a leaflet with the different
plants they could find and the animals they may encounter.
I also had to alert
them to the dangers and risks walking in this natural park: don't feed the
animals, do not touch plants, some of which are toxic and above all, and
especially not to pollute the site.
Nobody was allowed to smoke, light a fire or throwing away plastic waste.
2 – Protect native plants and animals
After having educated and monitored visitors to ensure they complied with all
rules and regulations, I was on my way to maintain park facilities like signs,
tracks, walking trails.
Then, I had to manage native vegetation and animals: I was in charge of
controlling pest plants and feral animals, reducing grazing pressure, limiting
land and waterway pollution, and protecting threatened species.
It was great to
see kangaroos in real and to caress the koalas.
But I had to watch out for snakes
and spiders, very present in this region.
3 – Provide emergency response
I used to provide emergency response during the fire season to help bushfires,
as well as find people got lost or injured and rescue them.
It was sometimes
4 – Patrol the park
At last, my best time of the day was to patrol to keep the park safe for all, as
well as to conserve the area, but also I had to investigate accidents, complaints
and illegal activities in the park.
I was proud being a park ranger as I had to protect natural and cultural heritage
for future generations..
Liens utiles
- larme-de-Job.
- Commentez les propos de Proust sur le Beau en littérature : Si l'on cherche ce qui fait la beauté absolue de certaines choses, on voit que ce n'est pas la profondeur, ou telle ou telle autre vertu qui semble éminente. Non, c'est une espèce de fondu, d'unité transparente où les choses, perdant leur premier aspect de choses sont venues se ranger les unes à côté des autres dans une espèce d'ordre, pénétrées de la même lumière. Je suppose que c'est ce qu'on appelle le vernis des peintres ?
- Commentez les propos de Proust sur le Beau en littérature : Si l'on cherche ce qui fait la beauté absolue de certaines choses, on voit que ce n'est pas la profondeur, ou telle ou telle autre vertu qui semble éminente. Non, c'est une espèce de fondu, d'unité transparente où les choses, perdant leur premier aspect de choses sont venues se ranger les unes à côté des autres dans une espèce d'ordre, pénétrées de la même lumière. Je suppose que c'est ce qu'on appelle le vernis des peintres ?
- Bees. It's a warm summer afternoon in a park or garden.
- Hyde Park.