

Publié le 02/12/2021

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Greek Son of Nauplius, a king ofEuboea, and his wife Clymene, a granddaughter ofKing Minos of Crete. One of the Greek heroeswho fought against Troy in the Trojan War. WhenOdysseus feigned idiocy, in his attempt to avoidjoining the Greek army on its way to Troy, Palamedesput Telemachus, son of Odysseus, in the path of hisfather's plow. Odysseus avoided running down hisinfant son, showing that he was sane, and was forced tojoin the army. In revenge, Odysseus concocted a plotagainst Palamedes, accusing him of treachery againstthe Greeks. The army stoned Palamedes to death.Palamedes is described as a sage, and he iscredited with inventing certain letters of the Greekalphabet and for inventing dice, measures and scales,lighthouses, and the discus.