
oscar pistorius

Publié le 23/05/2020

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Ci-dessous un extrait traitant le sujet : oscar pistorius Ce document contient 556 mots soit 1 pages. Pour le télécharger en entier, envoyez-nous un de vos documents grâce à notre système gratuit d’échange de ressources numériques. Cette aide totalement rédigée en format pdf sera utile aux lycéens ou étudiants ayant un devoir à réaliser ou une leçon à approfondir en Sports et Loisirs.

« OSCAR PISTORIUS In order to start my presentation about Oscar Pistorius, in the notion myths and heroes, will, first, define this.

The myth is a story featuring scenes of supernatural beings, imaginary actions, or collective fantasies, etc...

The hero is a person who is admired for having done something very brave or having achieved something great.

Why Oscar Pistorius is a controversial hero ? Oscar Pistorius is a South African athlete born on November/twenty two/nine-teen, eighty-six in Johannesburg.

He has been amputated to his eleven months because he was born without fibula.

He began to walk with prosthetic carbon from his 2 years. He is specializes in sprint, this is the first ampute athlete to compete in the world championship for valid, and the first disabled athlete to have been medaled among the valid.

At july four twenty-twelve, he is the first ampute athlete qualified to Olympics Games.

His first racing is on august four twenty-twelve, at the four hundred meters.

He is surnamed “The Blade Runner” (ref de film car robot en métal à apparence humaine).

He declares himself as “The fastest thing without legs”.

He is considerated like a “national hero” in South Africa.

In twenty-twelve, the Times magazin included him in the list of hundred world's most influencial people , he is described as the very definition of inspiration world wide.

Following this celebrity, people admired him, support him, encouraging him.

The Times published I quote “men, women and kids loved him, disabled children was inspired by him, they take it as an example.

He was a brillant example of how make the most of either same whatever the adversities.” This article shows the great celebrity of Oscar Pistorius.

I think he was a great model, and a great symbol of courage and perseverance.

This men was really a hero for many people in the world.

But suddenly, his life changes.

The february four teen twenty-thirteen, he is accused of murdering his wife Reeva Steekamp.

He is acquitted, September twelve twenty-fourteen but he is recognized guilty mans laughter with five years in prison.

He is also judge for carrying weapons, he is suspended tree years prison sentences.

He have benefited from conditional acquittals on November nine teen twenty-five-teen.

The public prosecutor's office brought an appeal, he finally was recognized guilty of the murder of his wife by the Supreme Court on December tree twenty-five-teen.

So, after this, Oscar Pistorius becomes a controversial hero.

Previously idolized, now he is under full of doubts about the death of his wife.

People wonder if he really is guilty, or if he is innocent.

If he deserves all this media pressure.

He was considered by all the people who have heard this story, moreover, his judgment was diffuse at TV.

So, his judgment was very publicized.

He passed from “Blade runner” to “Blade Gunner”.

In less than a week, he passed from the role model for disabled world wide to paranoid star addicted to guns.

But he denies all the facts and he says he is not guilty.

To conclude, Oscar Pistorius can be a controversial hero bc of this morbid case; the doubt can be present in all the spirits.

Each has its own opinion of this athlete and this case.

He was a perfect example of have a life which can completely and dramatically change.. »


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