Oral nike anglais
Publié le 13/02/2022
Extrait du document
Hello everyone today I will introduce you the company Nike.
First of all, its organization name is Nike.
Nike was created on
January 25, 1964, in Oregon, United States.
It’s a private company.
It was created by Paul Knight.
He’s the head of the organization
and the major shareholder.
Then Nike is a for-profit organization.
That is to say that it sells products but also it satisfies the demands
of the customers and innovates new products.Furthermore, Nike’s
business sector is secondary.
Because it is specialized in the
design, manufacture and marketing of shoes, articles and sports
Nike is a large company with over 71,000 employees
in 2019.
It’s an SAS-type company because it’s shareholders.Then
its resources are both material, immaterial, financial and
human.As human resources there are: 23,000 employees for the
communication, commercial and research activity; 600,000
employees through subcontractors.Then for the financial
resources it is a profit organization so its resources are essentially
the result of its sales which are constantly growing.Then for
Material resources there are more than 100,000 stores
worldwideAnd finally the intangible resources there is website,
application .
After its geographical field of action is international
because it is a brand known worldwide.
And its
production mode is special because Nike has no
Its system consists of reducing the company
to a head office organizing the subcontracting of the
manufacturing.Its head office is located in Oregon in
the United States.
Then Nike differentiates itself from
its competitors thanks to its investment in research.
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