
oral llce

Publié le 24/05/2024

Extrait du document

« LLCE ORAL Type de documents Références 1 œuvre complète au programme (matérialisée par un extrait ou une illustration) Brooklyn Au moins 1 extrait littéraire On the road-KEROUAC (Book.1, Chap.3) Au moins 1 texte non littéraire (article de presse, extrait de discours, d’essais, etc) 1 ou 2 œuvres d’art (affiche, caricature, dessin, extrait de film, peinture, sculpture, etc) Shuggie bain Dust Bowl refugees arrive in California-LANGE How the fact of traveling can help someone to finally coming of age? I) The travel and the reason some people are taking a trip II) The help traveling may have on the coming of age of someone I) Traveling and the reason people take the road People travel by a lot of different way, for a lot of different cause.

The more common way to travel is by car, we see a lot of people moving or going on a trip with their car accompanied by their friends or family, maybe because it’s the more efficient way and it may be a good vibe to be with people you want in your life. But an other way is by hitchhiking, like in the Jack Kerouac extract from his book, “On the road”.

Indeed, in this novel the narrator is traveling by himself and change his conveyance really frequently.

He pass from a bus to a truck, after that he is in a car by hitchhiking and finally he finish his trip by walking in the edge of the town. Sometimes, people are obliged to take the road and travel for different reason, but often it’s for financial reason, because they can’t stay where they are because it’s too expensive or to risky to stay, but it can also be for thing that you can’t do anything, more precisely due to the nature. In fact, the weather and the natural disaster may drive you to move, like with the «Dust Bowl» in the 30s’, also named the « Dusty Thirties ». Here, the reason are really different that the man in Jack Kerouac’s book.

The next document is a photograph took by Dorothea Lange untitled « Dust bowl refugees arrive in California », one of her most popular one and very talkative about the harder of that event for every residents of the region touched.

The photograph was published in 1936 by Dorothea with the intention to raise awareness and alert about the situation to the entire world. In the photograph, we can see a family traveling due to the incapacity to support themselves because of the Dust Bowl eradicated all their cultures which prove the urge of being on the road, but the fact of move and traveling will help them to start a new life, certainly better than before, so there the family take the road by urgency and necessity, to be able to support there need while the man in Kerouac’s book take it just by pleasure and to discover new place, maybe he is passionate by adventure and the risk.

Sometimes traveling by yourself may be risky, especially when you are hitchhiking because you meet and go with stranger that you haven’t heard before, so you can’t really know what’s there real intention with you.

It’s common to heard the novel and learn that some people that were hitchhiking especially women, have been killed or are missing.

It’s not every time like that but it happens, so you have to be careful when you are traveling by yourself. With all of that, we can say that people go on a trip for a lot of different reason: having fun, discover new place, being passionate by the adventure or maybe go to a precise destination, but the way to process may be really contrast, if you have money you can be faster by going on a plane for example, but if you don’t you have to walk but it’s not a bad thing, because it can develop a passion or maybe help you in your construction of yourself like we will talk about it in the second part. II) The help traveling may have on the coming of age of someone In this second part, we will see how the.... »


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