
Oral d’anglais : “Where to invade next ?”

Publié le 15/04/2023

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« Oral d’anglais : “Where to invade next ?” What is your opinion on…? 1.

Discutez de vos premières impressions sur le film.

Avez-vous ressenti du désespoir face à la situation des États-Unis ou de l'espoir face à la possibilité d'une transformation ? (Discuss your initial impressions of the film.

Were you left feeling despair at the state of play in the U.S.

or hopeful at the possibility of transformation?) Personally when I first saw the film I was kind of disappointed because I had always had this vision of the american dream.

I always thought that America was the perfect country and that there was no issue in their land. But when I saw the amount of problems that they have to face everyday my opinion completely changed about American people. However, I still have the feeling that this film is a sign of hope for the United States and that the American system can still change.

I think that Michael Moore’s film can have a positive effect on the structure of the country. It can bring some ideas to make the country work efficiently and it can also help people feel better and even further change the system. However, where I am less confident and hopeful about potential improvements, is that the film was made in 2015 and so far none of these positive ideas have really been implemented to improve life in the United States. I think that if things haven't changed yet, it's because America has a hard time accepting ideas that can help them that don't come directly from their own country.

Americans think that they are the best in the world and do not want to accept that other countries' systems can benefit them. 2.

Avant d’avoir vu le film, de quoi pensiez-vous que le film traiterait? Vos impressions sur le titre, est-ce qu’il est approprié ou trompeur ? (Before you saw the film, what did you think it would be about? Was the film’s title.

WHERE TO INVADE NEXT, appropriate or misleading ) At first glance, the title may seem misleading.

When I heard the title of the film, I expected that we would watch a film in which a targeted country was wondering where their next place would be to invade.

Actually, I thought that the film was going to explain a war between several countries.

I did absolutely not think that I would discover a positive adventure for the United States.

In fact, just by seeing the title of the film, it's hard to imagine what's going to happen. Before watching the film, based on the title "Where to Invade Next," we can think that the film is about a military invasion or conquest of other countries.

However, the film's actual content is quite different from this belief. After watching the film, we realize that the title is appropriate for the film. The film is about an invasion but a peaceful one.

Even though normally an invasion is represented by weapons, wars and vilolence. 3.

Pourquoi Michael Moore s’est basé sur le système d'autre pays plutôt que d’améliorer le sien ? Why do you think Moore chose to place focus on the way other countries were handling various issues, rather than reflecting on current U.S.

management of the same issues? Were you aware of any of the policies addressed in the film? How aware are you of how the U.S.

manages the issues mentioned in the film? Speaking personally, I think Michael Moore knew that his country was falling and that serious social dysfunctions are building up.

According to him, all good European ideas were actually invented by the Americans.

We copied them, they just forgot about them.

The Americans think that America is the best country and that it is enough to bring back the ideas of other countries that belonged to them before to improve their system. Michael Moore made the film "Where to Invade Next" to explore different social and political practices in other countries and to show how these practices could benefit the United States.

He chose this approach to provoke thought about the current system in the United States and to encourage social transformation. It is important to note that Michael doesn’t suggest that America should adopt all systems and practices from other countries but he wishes to show how other countries have solved some issues, so that the United States can learn from them to improve its own system. He believes that his film can help people think differently about social and political issues and inspire positive change in American society. 4.

Choisir l’un des pays et les problèmes dont Michael Moore traite dans le film et comparer ce système avec le nôtre et pourquoi le système fonctionne si bien là-bas ? (Choose one of the countries and issues Moore addresses in the film as listed on the previous page.

Discuss how this issue is managed where you live.

Why do you think the system works so well there? Would it work well where you live?) I chose France.

In comparison with America, France offers healthy and balanced food, while America offers meals in which it is not possible to distinguish which foods constitute them. The French are used to eating on porcelain plates and cutlery.

The French system is much better organized and table time is as important as class hours, students have 1 hour to eat while Americans have less.

In Belgium, the canteens offer us quite appetizing meals and… But in Belgium, we also have I chose Finland.

In comparision 5.

The Holocaust is a major issue that Germans are forced to face.

Do you believe it is important to address the darkness of the past in order to move on? Or is it better for a nation to fully embrace the present and ignore the past wrongdoings? For example, discuss the Black Lives Matter campaign in the U.S.

and America's attitude towards its past practice of slavery. (L'Holocauste est un problème majeur auquel les Allemands sont contraints de faire face.

Pensez-vous qu'il est important d'aborder la noirceur du passé pour aller de l'avant ? Ou est-il préférable pour une nation d'embrasser pleinement le présent et d'ignorer les méfaits du passé ? Par exemple, discutez de la campagne Black Lives Matter aux États-Unis et de l'attitude de l'Amérique vis-à-vis de son passé esclavagiste.) I think that the past should help people not to commit the same mistakes again as the ones made in the past.

Therefore, people should be aware that what happened is a dark period.... »


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