Publié le 02/12/2021
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Greek The spokesperson of the rulingdeity of a shrine. The oracle answered people's questionsabout the future or the past. These utteranceswere regarded as profoundly wise and authoritative,since they were supposed to come from the gods.The answers of the oracles were often obscure,ambiguous, and misleading, yet kings and peasantsalike eagerly sought their advice. Priests, who werepaid for their services, tended the shrine. It was intheir interests to make sure that the words of theoracle were vague. In this way, the priests would notbe blamed for disastrous events that occurred fromfollowing the advice of the oracles.There were many oracles in ancient Greece. Themost famous was the oracle at Delphi, who spokethe words of the god Apollo through the mouth of Python. The oracle at Dodona spoke the words ofZeus.Other oracles include those of Artemis at Colchis,Asclepius at Epidaurus, Heracles at Athens, Aresin Thrace, Athene at Mycenae, Pan in Arcadia, andAphrodite at Paphos, in Crete.
Liens utiles
- L'abbé SieyèsL'oracle de la Révolution.
- oracle.
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- Louis-Gabriel de Bonald:L'oracle des ultras.