
Notion anglais

Publié le 23/05/2020

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Ci-dessous un extrait traitant le sujet : Notion anglais Ce document contient 1828 mots soit 4 pages. Pour le télécharger en entier, envoyez-nous un de vos documents grâce à notre système gratuit d’échange de ressources numériques. Cette aide totalement rédigée en format pdf sera utile aux lycéens ou étudiants ayant un devoir à réaliser ou une leçon à approfondir en Langues.

« The idea of progress implies the idea of well-being and the improvement of men's life.

It is present in different sectors such as medicine, technology or science.

During our century, numerous innovations have appeared, especially in science.

Indeed, science makes progress every day and new healing methods are created.

Among scientist progress, there are PGD and the surrogacy which use genes to cure people or to create babies.

We will answer the question : ''To what extent will genetics progress change our life ?''.

First, I will talk about PGD and then, I will present the surrogacy.

Firstly, I will talk about PGD.

PGD, pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, allows to avoid having a sick baby with the study of genes.

It also allows to cure a person who is sick.

To do that, doctors pick out an embryo which could cure the patient and then, the cord blood cells are transplanted into his bone marrow.

That is why Anna, in the movie ''My sister's keeper'', was created.

Since she was young, his body has been a reserve to her sister who has a leukemia.

So, she doesn't have the control of her body.

Furthermore, as we can reed in the text ''Design your baby'', PGD could be dangerous.

Indeed, it could become a way of making a designer baby.

Parents could choose the color of their baby's eyes, his skin, or his intelligence.

So, we could create perfects babies. So, PGD is a great progress because it allows to cure or to save people, but it could be dangerous if people abuse its utility. Secondly, I will present the surrogacy.

The surrogacy is (a subject of many debates).

In a recording, we can listen that some people are for the surrogacy because it allows to have a baby when a parent is infertile, or when a couple is homosexual or when a woman who has no husband wants a baby.

But, some people are against because many children in the world are waiting to be adopted.

Moreover, they think it's a way to exploit povrety because, in general, women become surrogate mothers because they don't have any job and they are poor.

This is the case of Sarita in the text ''A booming business''.

Sarita lives in India.

Her husband gets a paltry.

She wanted to have more money so she became a surrogate.

But, she was confronted to a problem : here country considers his act as an infidelity so she could become ostracized, rejected from society.

So, the surrogacy is a useful progress because it allows to give a baby to people who can't have one.

However, the surrogate's life can be difficult if she isn't accepted by her family or by the society. To conclude, genetics progress can change our life in two ways.

They can be beneficial because they can cure people or enlarge families by giving them a child.

But, it threatens the natural course of life and the integration of surrogate women.

Therefore, it must be used with responsability.

To conclude, genetics progress can change our life in two ways.

They can be beneficial because they can cure people or enlarge families by giving them a child.

But, it threatens the natural course of life and the integration of surrogate women.

Therefore, it must be used with responsability.. »


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