

Publié le 02/12/2021

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Neptune (Neptunus) Roman Originally, aRoman god of freshwater. Neptune became associatedwith the Greek sea god Poseidon early inRoman history.Unlike the people of Greece, the people ofRome were not seafarers, so Neptune played only asmall role in their lives. He did, however, keep manyof his freshwater characteristics as he took on thestories of Poseidon, who inhabited the saltwater seasaround Greece. The Romans celebrated the festivalof the Neptunalia on July 23, the height of summer,when freshwater often was scarce. They would makesacrifices to Neptune in hopes of easing those watershortages.A sanctuary to Neptune stood between the Aventineand Palatine hills in Rome on the spot where astream once flowed.Neptune, like Poseidon, is often portrayed carryinga trident and riding a dolphin.The eighth planet in the solar system was namedNeptune after its discovery in 1846.

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