
My superheroin

Publié le 22/05/2020

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Ci-dessous un extrait traitant le sujet : My superheroin Ce document contient 285 mots soit 1 pages. Pour le télécharger en entier, envoyez-nous un de vos documents grâce à notre système gratuit d’échange de ressources numériques. Cette aide totalement rédigée en format pdf sera utile aux lycéens ou étudiants ayant un devoir à réaliser ou une leçon à approfondir en Langues.

« Wednesday, April 21. New York. Dear Mrs.

Janett, Having worked for Marvel Comics for 5 years, I decided to resign in order to begin a new life.

Indeed, these years spent in this company didn't allow myself to feel better and to develop my skills.

That's why I'm addressing in you to help me to enjoy myself in the field of the comics and especially the superheroes.

I am 27 and I live in New York.

My name is Peter S.

Parker Smith. I think that by publishing my creations in your online encyclopedia, you will bring me to a new beginning. I created a superhero who deserves to be famous and I think you can help me. Let me introduce my hero: First, her name is Stacy Eagle-Eye.

Well-known for her unique beauty, Stacy Eagle-Eye, born under the name of Gwen Stacy Vandecamp in Manhattan, she's very agile, clever but sometimes cruel.

My superhero has got a psychic weapon : her power is that she is a mind reader.

She is able to enter in the thoughts of anyone and can modify them .

She has got too a power of hypnosis thanks to her mesmerizing eyes. Physically, she is very slim, long blond-hair and she has a beautiful smile.

Her beauty allows her to manipulate anyone.

She wears a dark suit like Catwoman because actually Stacy Eagle-eye is her little sister.

My heroin is hypocrit because she pretends that she is with her sister but actually she plays both sides of the coin: she works with The Pinguin . I would be glad to supply further details about my heroin . Hoping you enjoyed her .. »