
My ideal school

Publié le 25/05/2022

Extrait du document

« My ideal school In my ideal school there will be a cafeteria, football field, classrooms, a covered room to play sport and a swimming pool. The students will started 8: 00 pm and they will finish 13: 00 am. And the break period she will started 10: 00 pm and she will finished 10: 15 pm The subjects that should be is a English, French, SVT, chemical physics, mathematical because this subject is very important in the life. The punishements that will be is the extra homework because I think de detention has not interest but the extra homework teach you many things. The rule my school is the phones are only in break, there will be no uniform, no harassment. There will be the rest room for the students, the showers for students. The class will mixed, the maximum number of students in the class is 30 per class A name for my school is Rafael NADAL because this player is my favourite player and I think that Rafael NADAL is a good example for the children because he want to show children that even if. »


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