Maltese (dog).
Publié le 06/12/2021
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Maltese (dog).
Maltese (dog), breed of extremely small toy spaniel that originated on the island of Malta reputedly more than 2800 years ago. Numerous pictorial representations of
the Maltese occur in Greek ceramic art; the dog is mentioned in the writings of many Roman poets and historians; and it was particularly popular in England during
Elizabethan times. The Maltese weighs about 1 to 3 kg (about 3 to 7 lb). It has a coat of long, silky hair, pure white in color, which hangs evenly down each side from a
parting that extends along the center of the back from the nose to the root of the tail. Other characteristics of the animal are a slightly round skull; a black nose;
drooping ears generously covered with long hair; very dark, alert-looking eyes; short, straight legs; and a graceful, well-feathered tail. The dog is intelligent and an
extremely affectionate pet.
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Maltese (dog).
Maltese (dog), breed of extremely small toy spaniel that originated on the island of Malta reputedly more than 2800 years ago. Numerous pictorial representations of
the Maltese occur in Greek ceramic art; the dog is mentioned in the writings of many Roman poets and historians; and it was particularly popular in England during
Elizabethan times. The Maltese weighs about 1 to 3 kg (about 3 to 7 lb). It has a coat of long, silky hair, pure white in color, which hangs evenly down each side from a
parting that extends along the center of the back from the nose to the root of the tail. Other characteristics of the animal are a slightly round skull; a black nose;
drooping ears generously covered with long hair; very dark, alert-looking eyes; short, straight legs; and a graceful, well-feathered tail. The dog is intelligent and an
extremely affectionate pet.
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.