Malcolm X
Publié le 23/05/2020
Extrait du document
Homme politique noir américain. Fils d'un prédicateur baptiste, emprisonné pour attaque à main armée de 1944 à 1950, il se rallia aux idées d'Elijah Muhammed et il devint le chef de la tendance extrémiste des Black Muslims. Refusant toute intégration raciale, il combattit la campagne de Martin Luther King en faveur de l'égalité des droits civiques et appela les Noirs américains à se libérer par tous les moyens, même violents, avec l'aide des musulmans d'Afrique et d'Asie. En 1964, il rompit avec Elijah Muhammed et fut assassiné par des Black Muslims au cours d'un meeting qu'il tenait à Harlem.
Malcolm X
I) Presentation
Malcolm X was born on May 19 th
, 1925 in Omaha, Nebraska and he was
assassinated on February 21 st
, 1965 in Harlem, New York.
He was born Malcolm Little, and he take the name of El-Hajj Malek El-Shabazz
after his pilgrimage in Mecca.
He was a Muslim preacher African American, a speaker and a human rights
Malcom X was one of the most popular members of Nation of Islam, a racist
association in USA, which claims the black supremacy.
For his admirers, he was an involved defender for the rights of African
Americans and a fighter against segregation and racism.
His fight was
parallel to that of the Martin Luther King, this fight allowed an international
awareness on the condition of the African Americans and a favourable
evolution of this condition.
His detractors accused him to having preached racism against white people.
They blamed him because he advocated black supremacy and violence
against the white community.
Malcolm X thought that the white man was the common enemy.
He stirred up
hate against White people and he called to the violence against them.
advocated the black supremacy, in reaction to the murders and the violence
of the Ku Klux Klan, the racist organization which advocated supremacy of
the Protestants since the half of 19th century.
II) Childhood
Malcolm X was born Malcolm Little, in 1925.
X isn’t his name but a nickname which he gave itself when he joined Nation
of Islam in 1952.
Little is the white master’s name who has his ancestor as slave.
So he
refused this name, and prefer to take the letter X as name, to indicate that
he didn’t know his real name, the name of his African ancestors.
It was
maybe also to to remind that the black slaves were marked with a cross.
His father died in 1931: he was hit in the head and put on tramway rails,
probably by members of the Ku Klux Klan.
III) Nation of Islam
Growing up, Malcolm committed several thefts and attacks.
He was arrested
and incarcerated in 1946.
It’s during his jail stay that he crosses paths with
Nation of Islam.
He is converted to the Islam and, on his release from prison
in 1952, he becomes an activist of this racist organization.
Then, he communicates the beliefs of Nation of Islam, themselves racists.
particular, the black people would be superior to the white people, and the
Whites would be the product of an experimentation led by a black scientist..
Liens utiles
- Malcolm Lowry
- Édith ou Mathilde1080-1118Petite-fille d'Edmond Ironside et fille de Malcolm III d'Écosse, Édith quitta l'Écosse à lamort de son père et sollicita la protection de son oncle Edgar Atheling (1094).
- Malcolm Lowry (1909-1957)
- Malcolm X
- Malcolm X