
Los Angeles exposé

Publié le 28/05/2024

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« LOS ANGELES 1A This town is very famous and interesting.

There are a lot of legendary places as the Hollywood sign or the walk of fame.

I chose it because i really like movie.

To see how to realise it.

Futhermore i like the basketball team « the Lakers » and the football team « LA Galaxy » for the sport level. 1B The future site of Los Angeles is discovered by portuguese explorer Joao Rodrigues Cabrilho to sixteen century.

Los Angeles town is created in seventeen eighty one as pueblo town in spain.

When California is with Mexico in eighteen twenty two, the town became mexican.

In eighteen forty eight, the United States took the California.

The name of Los Angeles was given by the spanish gouvenor of California, under the name El Pueblo de la Reina de Los Angeles ( «The town of Angels Queen ») 2 Los Angeles have a flag with a 3 colors green,gold and red and this blazon is in the middle of flag.

This 3 colors represented olives tree, oranges tree and vineyard.

It remember the Spanish and Mexico flag.

Before this two contry had one part of United States.

The flag was create by Roy E.

SIlent and E S Jones in nineteen thirty one for the fiftieth of the town.

The Los Angeles blazon date of nineteen o five for represented the Los Angeles town.

In the top the blazon you can read the name of the town and in the bottom you can read the years of the foundation town.

Around the brown circle there are grape, olives and orange because this three ingredients represent the main agriculture of California. In the center of the circle there is a shield cut in 4 parts : In the top left-hand : there is the American blazon In the top right-hand : there is the California flag In the bottom left-hand : there are the coat of arms of Mexico, the aigle represent the Mexican domination from eighteen twenty two to eighteen forty six In the bottom right -hand :there are the coat of arms of spain of the Castille and Léon they represent the spanish domination from fifteen forty two to eighteen twenty one. 3 Los Angeles is located in the south of California on the pacific coast, she has tree million nine hundred seventy nine thousand and fifty seventy six in twenty ninteen.

It is a second town the most populat after New York.

This dimmension is one thousand three hundred two.

Many people call Los Angeles by the initals L.A.

Los Angeles is led by Eric Garcetti since twenty thirteen.

The Los Angeles climat is Mediterranean. 4A Los Angeles is famous in the world.

In nineteen thirthy two and in nineteen eighty four L.A received the Olympic games.

In twenty twenty eight, the city will receive the Olympic Games. L.A is famous for the movies, it’s a symbol.

You can visit theUniversal Studio.

On the hill the mont Lee you can see the Hollywood sign with the big letters L.A is famous too for the music.

It’s one of world capital of music and more for Rock n roll. Le Walk of fame is famous too. You can visit the Disneyland Park.

It’s the only amusement park cerated and saw by Walt Disney himself.

There are other Disneyland park in United States but the best is the park of L.A.

It’s the original park. The district of Beverly Hills is the place the richest and the best protected. Many stars people live in Beverly Hills 4B For the sport L.A has a lot of hight level team in several sports as the basketball and the Baseball For the basketball there are the teams the lakers and the clippers For the baseball there the teams the Dodgers and the Angels There is the American football as The Chargers and the rams. for the football club there is the L.A Galaxy. BASKETBALL BASEBALL FOOTBALL AMERICAN FOOTBALL 1a J ai choisi cette villes car elle est tres connu et interessante.... »


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