
L'idée de progrès : expression écrite (Anglais)

Publié le 22/05/2021

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Ci-dessous un extrait traitant le sujet : L'idée de progrès : expression écrite (Anglais). Ce document contient 1001 mots soit 2 pages. Pour le télécharger en entier, envoyez-nous un de vos documents grâce à notre système gratuit d’échange de ressources numériques. Cette aide totalement rédigée en format PDF sera utile aux lycéens ou étudiants ayant un devoir à réaliser ou une leçon à approfondir en: Fiches de révision.

« 1 / 2 l : L'idée de progrès : : expression écrite Le sujet d'expression écrite proposé dans cette fiche est un exercice d'argumentation personnelle lié à la notion de progrès .

Il s'agit de répondre en prenant position de façon nuancée et en s'appuyant sur des exemples précis pour illustrer son propos .

How do you feel about the rise of intelligent machines? Discuss and illustrate your point using exarnples .

$ 1.

Guidelines (pistes) • The rise of intelligent machines has a clear impact on our everyday lite.

Take the exarnple of cornputers .

Who doesn't switch on his or her computer or ta blet first thing in the rnorning? Frorn our grand-parents' generation to ours the leap that intelligent machines have ta ken is sirnply arnazing! • Sorne people had irnagined intelligent machines way before last century.

We can find exarnples of machines that were able to execute hurnan orders in rnythology.

Vulcan made golden robots and a rnetallic machine to serve his purposes .

ln Eastern Europe, the literary tradition of the Golem , a brainless figure made of stone and clay and designed to serve men is still inspiring rnany filrn-rnakers today.

The idea of intelligent machines has aroused our imagination, for sure, and our fears, as well.

What if these machines were used against us? This is the very topic of 2, an anirnated rnovie directed by Tirn Burton where B.R.A .I.N., a machine is created in the narne of progress but starts exterrninating all forrns of lite on earth, controlled as it is by a ruthless dictator.

• Nowadays, we have a great experience of intelligent machines in terrns of communication .

Yet, intelligent rnachinery is to be found in rnany other dornains.

ln rnedicine , for exarnple, transplants are perforrned with the help of intelligent machines, an undisputable breakthrough.

ln art, more and more installations rnake use of technology and intelligent rnachinery .

British artist Jeremy Lutes , for exarnple, has becorne farnous with his Lily Pound , a large scale immersive installation that rnixed cerarnics with the rnost innovative electronics. 2 / 2. »


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